Abrahall Auto Repair

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Abrahall Auto Repair
EHB, lit.
AndyMatthews (talk) 04:34, 4 January 2025 (UTC)
Abrahall Auto Repair

Shearbank [54,27]

Chalderwood Way wasteland The Thorne Arms
Borrer Street Police Dept Abrahall Auto Repair Male Way
Sage Avenue The Eford Motel The Nisbet Building

Basic Info:

  • Auto Repair shops have no internal descriptions.
  • Auto Repair shops can be barricaded normally.


Abrahall Auto Repair (54,27) is one of two Auto Repair Shops in southern Shearbank, and the main source of fuel cans for the suburb. It is neighbor to Borrer Street Police Dept, the Nisbet Building (NT), and revive point Male Way, making it a popular gathering place for survivors.


Prior to the zombie crisis, Abrahall Auto Repair was the biggest garage for car modification in Malton, and one of the biggest dealers in imported aftermarket parts as well. It was also known as a popular hang out spot for many Asian street racers and car enthusiasts. Some may find it strange that it was operated in the vicinity of nearby Borrer Street Police Dept. The rumor has it that many high rank officers from Borrer Street Police Dept were on Abrahall’s payroll, they were in fact protecting Abrahall. Although this was never verified, cops from the precinct did seem to have much more expensive taste than their colleagues.

Barricade Policy

According to the Shearbank Barricade Plan, Abrahall Auto Repair should be kept Extremely Heavily Barricaded (EHB) at all times. Thus preventing survivors from entering this building directly if not using the Free Running Skill.

Nearest entry points are:

St. Athanasius's Church (56,28)

Meaker Lane Fire Station (52,26)


Tagging this building yields no XP.

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