Abraham General Hospital
Abraham General Hospital VHB, lit. Legs Akimbo (talk) 09:59, 10 March 2025 (UTC)
Abraham General Hospital
Raines Hills [69, 10]
Basic Info:
- Abraham General Hospital is currently recruiting Nurses, to aid survivors ***
This hospital is adjacent to the entry point at St Paschal's Church. Useful locations near this hospital include the Orders Crescent Police Department [67,10], a revive point in the cemetery, and the nearest NecroTech building in the Haslock Building in Chancelwood [69,5]. There is another NecroTech building a similar distance to the east, at the Lance Building [76,12].
This is one of the two hospitals in the suburb of Raines Hills. The other is St. Henry's Hospital [62, 11]
In addition, there is a splendid resource for stuffed animals in the Peete Museum next door.
Managed for some time now by the Abraham General Hospital Staff, nominally led by Prof Q A Wagstaff and Dr Goodchild, and their cast of thousands. Recently, the Hospital has acquired a large collection of cuddly stuffed animals from the museum next door. It's also had a still installed in Ward 3, so if you're in need of a dry Martini it's an excellent place to stop over. Olives and crackers are always welcome gifts.
Cemetery is excellent place for Revives, constantly monitored.
This hospital is protected by Sheriff DJ RED ALERT so we're in a permanent no-nonsense attitude and badass-style law enforcement.
Barricade Policy
This building has an entry point at St Paschal's Church, 1 block South, which should be kept VSB at all times. Abraham General is normally somewhere between Heavily Barricaded or higher. Exceptions to this may be the attack of an organized group of zombies in which case the building will be Very Heavily to Extremely Heavily Barricaded. Refrain to change the barricades unless imminent attack of hordes. As well, you may change the Hospital status using the designated template in the top of this page.
Tagging this building yields no XP.
Malton Department of Emergency Management Information
Raines Hills is in District Two of the Northeast Division of the Department of Emergency Management.