Ackland Mall Security Logo Competition/Art
Ackland Mall Security Art Comp
post your artwork here, sign your posts so we know who to give credit to. enjoy
--Officer Mead Sheaffer 19:51, 28 September 2010 (BST)
Looking classy Nuerotoxic2213 11:36, 29 September 2010 (BST)
- Polished it a bit.--Officer Mead Sheaffer 18:20, 30 September 2010 (BST)
withdrawn due to nuero flaking like the bum he is. --Penguinpyro 22:45, 9 October 2010 (BST)
pyro...........that is in the least..........hilarious!...Nuerotoxic2213 12:09, 11 October 2010 (BST)
- Nuero, I've cleaned it up a little, so it's presentable enough to use as an ad :P. If you need further minor alterations, I'd be happy to do so. --Penguinpyro 00:18, 12 October 2010 (BST)
Entry from Mis
Minimalist and striking. A thing of beauty. Now where all my white wimmin at. 01:16, 12 October 2010 (BST)
Entry from Redeye
There are still elements I am not happy with, but it is time for bed! ƦedeyeϧyϮ MDK | NW 01:25, 14 October 2010 (BST)
OK I changed stuff, I have replaced the old image with the new (to view the old one delete v1.1 from the filename). The image is presented here as jpeg to stay under the 50kb limit. Saved as PNG24 it looks much better ands shows off the transparency on the banner at the bottom, however filesize is 160kb. Im done now, no more tweaking. ƦedeyeϧyϮ MDK | NW 23:46, 15 October 2010 (BST)
Red Hawk
Roughly the same size as most in-game ads. I can re-size it up a bit if the text is too small. ~ Red Hawk One Talk | space for lease 07:33, 14 October 2010 (BST)
Axe Hack's Entry
Nothing too fancy. Just pure simplicity. Of course, I could do better graffiti then this if you want... --Axe Hack Talk 00:42, 15 October 2010 (BST)