Carpark 6,86
a carpark
Foulkes Village [6, 86]
Basic Info:
Carpark 6,86
A windswept carpark full of burnt-out joyridden wrecks.
This carpark was used by the Laurence Building's workforce, and abused by Elsworth Square School's students. The massed ranks of Vauxhall Vectras, Ford Mondeos and Fiat Kas were routinely hotwired and joyridden across the Village's grimmer estates before being dumped right back in the spaces where they were found - a curious element of politeness in the Elsworth students' mentality, although the fact that most of the cars were then either tagged or torched somewhat diminished the owners' gratitude.
The outbreak did little to change the bleak nature of this area. Teenaged zombies in hoodies and parkas can sometimes be found mindlessly checking the doors of the wrecked cars abandoned here, as if harking back to their former lives.
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