Cricca Nostra

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Cricca Nostra
Abbreviation: CN
Group Numbers:
Leadership: Shuki Arduenna
Goals: Pimp hats and concrete boots for all
Recruitment Policy: Open
Contact: Contact on the talk page

The Cricca Nostra are the ultimate mafia cliche.

Their headquarters are the Mycock Building in Mockridge Heights. Would you like to come inside Mycock?

Any are welcome to take refuge there and any help with preserving the nearby resource buildings is much appreciated.

Our policy is to be EHB whenever possible with entry point at the hospital or club.


The name of this group comes from of course parodying the mafia name Cosa Nostra (which roughly means 'Our Way') using the word Cricca which amongst other things may mean 'clique'.

Cricca Nostra's current members all knew each other previously from a message board, hence the use of the 'clique' term. Plus the name's pretty damn catchy too.


  • Truth.
  • Justice.
  • Internets.
  • We are pro-survivor and operate a RP at Dollen Alley, [41, 62]. For revives you can simply wait there, or alternatively post a request on our talk page. The place is checked whenever realistically possible (usually once per day unless the suburb is under heavy attack). Rotters will be shot on sight.
  • While operating this revive point is our main goal, secondary to this is protection of the nearby hospitals for those who may be infected.
  • Increasing our numbers. Even if you're totally new to the game we'll give you a hand.
  • Unlike a lot of groups we don't take this game too seriously. Never forget the importance of fun.


Memberlist and Hierarchy

Shuki Arduenna

Had the misfortune to be holidaying in Malton with her daughter at the time of the outbreak. Unfortunately with the ability to deal with the day-to-day crisis of avoiding being eaten alive came a slight loss of sanity, as evidenced by her new fixation with top hats.

Sandro Declandras

Used to sell exotic pottery from a small shop in Tapton, currently beats up zombies with a large axe. Dislikes wearing shirts.

Fred Nico

Having previously possessed the worst job in the world (entertaining children at parties) it would appear that currently he's quite enjoying himself.


A young, clueless kid who hasn't quite got the hang of trying not to die yet.


A bright, handsome but unlucky kind of guy who has clear intention to CURE the plague.