About Alpha Squad
Alpha Squad is the DHPD's first attack squad. We design simultaneous attacks on mass amounts of zeds, be it ferals or mobs. In other words, we're a heavy strike team. Members of Alpha Squad will get into position two or three blocks from the reported sector before engaging as a group at the command of our squad leader, or anyone with the balls to call the shots. Any individual can kill a zed, but zeds really feel the pinch when they don't have groups of their own likeness backing them up against survivors.
When we're not bagging zeds or liberating suburbs (which is what we do most, by the way), we often find ourselves baking donuts and taking care of the stills that fuel our organization as a whole. Sorry, but we're not going to tell you where they are.
We are also specially trained in gorilla warfare. Not guerrilla warfare, mind you.
Membership to Alpha Squad is closed until running squads is viable