Defenders of the Gummer Bank
Defender of the Gummer Bank | |
Abbreviation: | DGB |
Group Numbers: | 12 according to the game stats |
Leadership: | Mr Banana666 |
Goals: | Defending the gummer bank and having a laugh |
Recruitment Policy: | Meh |
Contact: | Just go in the bank and speak because the wiki isn't checked often |
Defender of the Gummer Bank
A friendly group based in the Gummer Bank (Houldenbank) of Houldenbank.
![]() |
Short-wave Radio Info |
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 27.88 MHz |
So what do we do?
The group has one main objective... and it's pretty obvious considering the name. We defend the Gummer Bank. The other objective is to "Gatorize" every building in Houldenbank, by this we mean place a stuffed Alligator in every building. All worship the benevolent stuffed 'gator!! (unless you know, you don't want to)
If you help defend the Gummer we like you, scratch that any helpful people are liked and welcome at the Gummer.
We hate Gk'ers especially if they are griefers and PK'ers. Full stop.
Barricading policy for the bank is EHB+2 when zeds are feisty. Otherwise we follow barricade plans.
If you are taking shelter in the Gummer bank then all we expect is a little courtesy and some help with Sieges and PK/GK'ers.
All are welcome.
News bit
(recent events at top, consistent format blah blah blah)
- March 21rd 2012-- Boredom strikes as the leather guy on 28.28 just won't stop talking bollocks. Now surfing the air waves to find something amusing... Time to sit back and relax while awaiting the obligatory Zombie / GK / PK attack... Yawn...
- February 3rd 2010-- After recovering from new years celebrations and helping in the clean up of Houldenbank the defenders are bank to doing what they do best, which'll get back to you
- December 11th 2009-- Huh, probably should of mentioned that the war ended last month sometime, and we are now back in Houldenbank clearing up after one hell of a zombie party
- September 10th 2009-- Crocmas approaches fast, how will the cultists celebrate without their temple standing?
- August 21st 2009-- Some broadcasts have went out on 27.88, to the amusement of whoever was listening
- August 18th 2009-- The siege upon skarin continues after the cultists held it for a few days, their radio broadcasts interest us, so soon one of us will have our own frequency up!
- March 30th 2009-- The defenders would like to apologise for anyone unaffiliated with the cult getting hurt in our war upon them--Nhrn 23:21, 30 March 2009 (BST)
- March 20th 2009-- Looks like the truce lasted about a minute and a half, war it shall be again until the defenders are victorious! The croc cult will be smashed to pieces and then those pieces will be smashed etc etc. - wanko
- March 18th 2009-- The war has ended in glorious victory and soon we shall return to our home Hail the Gummer! Hail the Defender!
- February 24th 2009-- The war continues with much Graaagh and smashing of croc stuff. Fun.
- February 4th 2009 -- The war between The Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile and the defenders escalates with the defenders leaving their home for the first time since they moved in to the gummer and heading north to croc land.
- February 1st 2009 -- One of the defenders thinks that their wiki needs more organisation, stuff happens --Nhrn 11:09, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
- January 17th 2009 -- War has been declared upon us after the gruesome murder of the beloved Mr Banana666
- In between dates -- I don't know what happened ask someone else
- June 6th 2008 -- The defenders realise that people they know have actually survived in malton and gather