Op concluded due to the departure of the former DDF!
Here it is:
Operation: Northern Take-back
Area of Operation: The Halliday Building, and the Buildings near it.
Allies helping: SAC (Steel Army Corps)
Take the Halliday Building.
Get a Genny and Transmitter. (1 main, 5 subs, 6 total for max. efficiency)
Take the surrounding buildings starting at the west side going east.
- Once a building has been taken, supply the Genny and Transmitter.
This Op will last 'til we take them and supply.
Visual Intel:
Notes: We'll be working with the Steel Army Corps on this one. Simple orders: take a building and hold it. Move on to secondary buildings. The hard part is holding the position. taking it shouldnt be too hard. Good luck men!
Debrief: We accomplished 3/4 of the objectives, but now it was almost no use, save to frustrate a couple of zeds by wasting an extra 5 AP to stand. Great work on the meat of the mission, and our mobile phone mast is back in human hands.