Divum Viridis/Sharpe Library

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Divum Viridis: Sharpe Library Reclamation
DV Logo.jpg
Sharpe Library Reclamation
Participants: SgtBop, Auoris, Officer Mo, Maxule, Newbie "A", and Newbie "C"
Mission: Death of inhabitants and acquisition by Divum Viridis forces.
Target: Sharpe Library
Time: 0:00 GMT, August 15th
Why: The Sharpe Family, the illustrious seed that has given us Officer Mo, have owned the library since it was built. Pesky survivors have taken it as their own, let's bring it back to who it rightfully belongs to.
Aftermath: Partying, with rum provided by SgtBop and wine by Maxule. All night long...
Results: People died, members partied, L33tmaster died shortly after, and its been learned that L33tmaster isn't good at taking screenshot :(