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The following are radio transmissions from the EBS that relate to Escape.

May 4

  1. 25.92 MHz: "This is an Emergency Broadcast System alert." (15 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "Yes, an actual, honest-to-God alert. Listen up." (14 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "It has become quite clear in the last five years that Malton" (13 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "Will never be de-quarantined." (13 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "Having come to terms with this fact, the EBS is now" (13 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "endorsing a planned break-out attempt." (12 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "On June 1, we're going to Owlsleybank and crowd up to" (12 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "the Border at Ellicott Place RR. It is believed that the" (11 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "server strain caused by so many users in such a small place" (11 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "will force Kevan to address our request. This has worked in" (10 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "the past, when the zombies went On Strike in 2005." (9 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "Those interested should see the page for Escape on the wiki." (9 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "Link:" (8 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "Yesterday, Escape numbered 15. Today it numbers 22." (7 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "We are growing in strength. We will prevail." (7 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "Zombies are welcome. We are certain that the border guards" (4 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "will not let the undead out, but an RP is being prepared for" (4 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "your convenience. Rotters are SOL, but if you're a Rotter" (4 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "then you've probably decided you like Malton just like this." (3 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "Persons with access to radio transmitters are urged to" (3 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "rebroadcast this information on other bands. Tell listeners" (2 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "to tune receivers to 25.92 and check the wiki." (2 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "Again:" (1 minute ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "I am Captain Video. More info tomorrow." (58 seconds ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "End Escape transmission." (27 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 01:14, 5 May 2010 (BST)

May 5

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings! This is Captain Video with another Escape update." (2 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "Our grassroots movement to escape Malton is" (2 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "growing faster than ever, and our numbers have soared." (2 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "We have more than doubled in 24 hours," (2 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "from 22 to 49. Although this is excellent news, it's time" (2 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "for a few reminders to play nice with the rest of Malton." (2 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "It has been mentioned that a proven way to attract attention" (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "is to pool groups of people in one place - this was a" (2 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "tactic used in On Strike in 2005. However, I would like to" (2 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "reiterate a point made on the Escape wiki page: it is best" (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "NOT to put excessive strain on the servers. When time comes" (2 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "- that is, June 1 - please don't EVERYBODY cram into the RR" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "station. Although I do not yet know how many people Escape" (2 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "will rally, I'd like to set a provisional suggestion of just" (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "50 people in each building, starting" (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "with Ellicott Place RR and working outward. Also, we ask" (2 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "that only NT personnell use the NecroTech building," (2 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "which will be maintained for the aid of reviving the undead" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "who wish to leave. AGAIN: DON'T STACK TOO MANY PEOPLE IN" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "BUILDINGS. Plenty of room for everyone. No need to crowd and" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "mess up Kevan's servers." (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "Thanks are due to those individuals who have advertised our" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "cause on the radio. Those without access to a radio are" (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "welcome to spraypaint informative grafitti on available flat" (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "surfaces. Please don't spray over other people's useful" (2 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "markings - ie, 'This is an EP, don't cade.' The same sense" (2 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "of decorum that persuades us to attempt an exodus should" (2 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "also guide us in acting civilly with those who wish to stay." (2 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "Finally, I would like to broadcast the official Escape open" (2 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "letter to Kevan, which is posted on our wiki page:" (2 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "'It's been five years now. The quarantine is never coming" (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "down. No new skills will ever be added because both sides" (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "are afraid of imbalance. Malton is in terminal gridlock." (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "We are the players who respect the game too much to simply" (2 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "log out and let our characters get killed." (2 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "We want an escape - a real escape." (2 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "An ending. We leave its form in your hands.'" (2 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "I would like all who listen to know that Escape is not an" (2 hours and 1 minute ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "attempt to 'break' the game, nor is it a mockery." (2 hours and 1 minute ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "We are simply those who want an ending for the story." (exactly 2 hours ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "Yours in escape, I am Captain Video." (exactly 2 hours ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "End EBS Escape transmission." (exactly 2 hours ago)

-Captain Video 01:23, 6 May 2010 (BST)

May 6

  1. 25.92 MHz: "This is Lucifer210, and I support Escape" (16 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "Check out" (16 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  3. 26.43 MHz: "My name is Dan Soul and i support escape." (14 hours and 26 minutes ago)
  4. 26.43 MHz: "If wish to support them to support them too" (14 hours and 24 minutes ago)
  5. 26.43 MHz: "search the wiki. Spread the word owsleybank june 1st" (14 hours and 23 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "Overnight, Escape's numbers have swelled to 79. Escape is" (18 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "now ranked 7th among all groups. Once again, credit is due" (17 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "to those who inform others about our cause. However, the" (16 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "downside of putting lots of people together in a small space" (16 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "Is crowding. This is not an immediate problem, as our break-" (15 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "out is not scheduled until June, but it's best to get some" (15 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "standards established ahead of time. The first is, not un-" (14 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "reasonably, that you don't kill other Escapees. Although we" (13 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "welcome reformed PKers, anyone who attempts to kill in the" (13 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "Escape queue will be placed on a DNR list at our designated" (13 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "RP. Also, killing somebody in a crowded room makes you look" (13 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "like a moron. As this is just the thing we're trying to get" (12 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "away from, expect to be shanked next time you're in the" (12 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "Escape zone by some level six guy who's sick of your antics." (11 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "Again, this is just to set up ground rules. The RP point for" (10 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "the undead who wish to leave is expected to be activated" (10 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "within the next few days, and after that those who wish to" (9 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "be revived may come in for a quick shot. Again, staying in" (9 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "the Owsleybank area is not required; you're entirely welcome" (8 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "to leave and come back on June 1." (7 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "In tonight's final piece of business, someone has now" (7 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "attempted to contact Kevan and ask him about Escape on" (6 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "Kevan's user-talk page at the wiki. It is worth noting that" (6 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "that particular user does not appear to affiliate himself" (5 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "with Escape, and is asking out of curiosity. Since Escape is" (5 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "a movement for the curious, and possibly frustrated, I would" (4 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "like to suggest that anyone with Escape who finds him or her" (4 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "-self in an audience with Kevan treat him with the respect" (3 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "due the creator of something as ingenius as Urban Dead." (3 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "Oh, I see I've left the 'o' out of 'ingenious.' Drat." (2 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "Escape is, above all, a march for freedom." (1 minute ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "It is not a mob, nor is it a horde. We have come to ask for" (1 minute ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "something. If we are granted our request, we must be" (1 minute ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "gracious. If we are denied, we must be respectful." (1 minute ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "It is now May 6. Show patience. Keep the faith." (38 seconds ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "I am Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (19 seconds ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "End EBS Escape transmission." (7 seconds ago)

May 7

  1. 25.92 MHz: "This is an EBS Escape transmission. Stand by for news." (14 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "We here at what are more or less 'headquarters,'" (14 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "even though Escape has no individual head, have good news." (14 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "Overnight, Escape's numbers have swelled to 79. Escape is" (14 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "now ranked 7th among all groups. Once again, credit is due" (14 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "to those who inform others about our cause. However, the" (14 hours and 15 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "downside of putting lots of people together in a small space" (14 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "Is crowding. This is not an immediate problem, as our break-" (14 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "out is not scheduled until June, but it's best to get some" (14 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "standards established ahead of time. The first is, not un-" (14 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "reasonably, that you don't kill other Escapees. Although we" (14 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "welcome reformed PKers, anyone who attempts to kill in the" (14 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "Escape queue will be placed on a DNR list at our designated" (14 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "RP. Also, killing somebody in a crowded room makes you look" (14 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "like a moron. As this is just the thing we're trying to get" (14 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "Pedantic." (14 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "away from, expect to be shanked next time you're in the" (14 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "Escape zone by some level six guy who's sick of your antics." (14 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "Again, this is just to set up ground rules. The RP point for" (14 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "the undead who wish to leave is expected to be activated" (14 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "within the next few days, and after that those who wish to" (14 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "be revived may come in for a quick shot. Again, staying in" (14 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "the Owsleybank area is not required; you're entirely welcome" (14 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "to leave and come back on June 1." (14 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "In tonight's final piece of business, someone has now" (14 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "attempted to contact Kevan and ask him about Escape on" (14 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "Kevan's user-talk page at the wiki. It is worth noting that" (14 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "that particular user does not appear to affiliate himself" (14 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "with Escape, and is asking out of curiosity. Since Escape is" (14 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "a movement for the curious, and possibly frustrated, I would" (14 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "like to suggest that anyone with Escape who finds him or her" (14 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "-self in an audience with Kevan treat him with the respect" (14 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "due the creator of something as ingenius as Urban Dead." (14 hours and 1 minute ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "Oh, I see I've left the 'o' out of 'ingenious.' Drat." (14 hours and 1 minute ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "Escape is, above all, a march for freedom." (exactly 14 hours ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "It is not a mob, nor is it a horde. We have come to ask for" (exactly 14 hours ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "something. If we are granted our request, we must be" (13 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "gracious. If we are denied, we must be respectful." (13 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "It is now May 6. Show patience. Keep the faith." (13 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "I am Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (13 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "End EBS Escape transmission." (13 hours and 58 minutes ago)

May 8

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Good evening Escape members. Short broadcast tonight because" (3 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "I'm exhausted. We now number 98 people, and are the 6th most" (3 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "...powerful?... group on the group score chart. I'm not sure" (2 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "what it's suposed to represent. We're #6, anyway. Keep up" (2 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "the ad campaign. The RP for participating zombies is expect-" (1 minute ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "ed to become active in the next few days. G'night." (1 minute ago)

-Captain Video 05:07, 8 May 2010 (BST)

May 9

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings Escapees! This is Captain Video with today's repor" (30 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "There was supposed to be a T on the end of that, but I ran" (30 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "out of room. Swell. Our numbers now stand at 106, as we" (29 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "continue to grow at a slower pace. My alt, George Zip, made" (28 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "it to the railway station for the first time in person today" (28 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "A large crowd of people has already gathered in Ellicott." (27 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "Although you don't have to stay there constantly until June" (26 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "first, you're more than welcome to." (25 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "As the Escape mechanism continues to operate smoothly," (25 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "It's time to designate an RP for the undead who wish to" (24 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "participate. Since there's always the possibility of rotters" (23 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "getting in line and clogging up the system, we'll start with" (23 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "2 RPs and add more if necessary." (21 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "Our designated RPs are Thirlby Walk and the Sendall Monument" (21 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "That second one has a nice ring to it. 'Send all.'" (20 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "Nobody HAS to revive the undead; but if you're looking to" (20 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "kill time, feel free." (19 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "I'd like to take a moment to consider how the outflow of" (19 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "survivors may benefit the game for those who remain. As you" (19 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "have probably noticed, the living/dead balance in Malton is" (19 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "at a historic imbalance. Having some of the living leave may" (17 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "level things out a bit for those who stay." (17 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "Also, as someone keeps broadcasting on this frequency," (16 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "Soylet Green is indeed people. However, as this is Malton," (16 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "a city filled with hungry zombies, I can't imagine anybody" (15 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "minds all that much. We're eating five-year-old Halloween" (15 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "candy. Those who find Soylent Green appealing at this point" (14 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "can hardly be blamed. Speaking of the living, there has been" (13 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "some talk about what, exactly, will happen to us on June 1." (12 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "Some believe that we will simply vanish from the game, and" (12 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "links to us in the contacts lists of others will simply say" (11 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "we've Escaped. Others believe we will be transported, by" (11 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "train, to Monroeville (which has two survivors right now)." (10 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "Me? I don't know. Part of the fun is finding out, after all." (9 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "For those of you who are part of Escape but don't wish to" (8 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "spend the whole month in Owsleybank: I'll be doing an Escape" (8 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "call-out near the end of this month." (5 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "I'll start on May 25 and give a call for those in the" (4 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "suburbs farthest from Owsleybank - Dulston, Penny Heights," (3 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "etc. - and work my way inward. It doesn't take five days t" (3 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "to get there, but you may want to pick out some nice clothes" (2 minutes ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "In tonight's final point, I'd like to thank Escapees for" (2 minutes ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "keeping the building headcount at 50. I'm talking with" (1 minute ago)
  44. 25.92 MHz: "someone who knows more about the game than I do to see if we" (1 minute ago)
  45. 25.92 MHz: "might be able to bring that number up without screwing up" (1 minute ago)
  46. 25.92 MHz: "the servers. Updates as they occur." (47 seconds ago)
  47. 25.92 MHz: "I'm just about out of AP, so I'll be signing off now." (32 seconds ago)
  48. 25.92 MHz: "As always, I am the once and future Captain Video," (16 seconds ago)
  49. 25.92 MHz: "and I remain yours in Escape." (7 seconds ago)

May 10

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Welcome to tonight" (14 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "*ahem* Welcome to tonight's Escape broadcast. I have more" (13 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "good news for fans of Escape." (13 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "First, we now count 142 among our ranks. We are now the most" (13 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "populous group in Malton, and ranked second only to the RRF" (12 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "in terms of total group power. Second, I have good news for" (12 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "any rotters with buyer's remorse: the Woodborne Building, an" (11 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "NT next to the Escape node of Ellicott RR station, is a rot" (11 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "revive center, something I didn't know before. Although" (10 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "service cannot be guaranteed, you are nevertheless welcome" (10 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "to come down and try your luck. The cades get knocked down" (10 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "pretty regularly. However, any rotters standing at the RPs" (9 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "designated yesterday will still be killed to keep the line" (9 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "moving. Nothing personal." (8 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "In a further piece of good news for those who are already" (7 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "involved in our cause, I'm pleased to announce that I've" (6 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "spoken with the computer-savvy folks with the DSS (a fine" (6 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "group) and their educated guess is that, because any mass of" (5 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "people numbering 50 or more is simply listed as 'a group of" (5 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "people,' having a large number of individuals in one place" (5 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "In an unrelated note, as a rotter, I would like to thank the" (4 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "is, in their opinion, considered unlikely. Therefore, you" (3 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "are all more than welcome to crowd into the railway station," (2 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "provided that you don't mind being with people who haven't" (2 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "had a shower in five years." (2 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "My friend Roomer 101 just jumped in and broadcast an incom-" (2 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "plete message about thanking the Woodborne folks for rot" (1 minute ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "revives. He accidentally typed the other half into the" (1 minute ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: " 'speak' box. Don't you hate it when you do that?" (1 minute ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "In summary: rotters are now welcome but mustn't use the" (1 minute ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "regular RPs, and you can all be in the same building." (45 seconds ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "Roomer says 'facepalm.' G'night folks." (23 seconds ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I'm still yours in Escape." (10 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 02:10, 10 May 2010 (BST)

May 11

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Welcome to tonight's official Escape broadcast." (22 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "As our first order of business, I am now proud to say that" (22 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "we now count 173 among our ranks after another overnight" (21 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "surge. We have now overtaken the Ridleybank Resistance Front" (21 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "to become the most powerful group in Malton." (20 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "At least in terms of people times experience. As you all no" (19 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "doubt know, our mission is far different from that of either" (19 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "survivor or undead groups. Now, as our ranks continue to" (18 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "swell with the frustrated, the disaffected and the bored, we" (18 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "are moving onward with our gloroius mission of escape. The" (18 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "rest of tonight's transmission will pertain to details of" (17 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "this goal." (17 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "First, I'd like to reiterate my statements of last night:" (17 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "Rotters are now formally welcomed into Escape, as the Wood-" (17 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "borne Building in Owsleybank, home of our chosen escape" (16 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "locale of Ellicott Place RR, is an active rot revive center." (16 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "Rotters are now welcomed with a hearty graaaah." (15 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "Second, it is now believed that the system's building load" (15 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "capacity has been strengthened, and there is no reason to" (14 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "thank that too many people can be in one building at the" (14 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "same time. You can all crowd into Ellicott if you want." (14 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "Also, we're keeping logs of these radio broadcasts on the" (13 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "wiki, if you're interested in reading previous installments." (12 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "See 'Escape/Radio' for stuff going back to May 4 or so." (12 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "Once again, thanks to those who advertise our cause on other" (9 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "radio frequencies and for those who mention it in grafitti." (9 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "'graffiti,' I think is how you spell it. Oh bother." (9 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "In any case, keep up the good fight." (8 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "For the final component of tonight's transmission, I'd like" (8 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "share an interesting observation that's been floating around" (7 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "See, nobody really knows what will happen on June 1. It is" (7 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "possible that we'll simply vanish from the game. But another" (7 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "possibility that's been floated is that we'll be transported" (6 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "to one of the other quarantine zones. Again, this is strict-" (6 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "ly hypothetical, but they DO have railways too. Those of you" (5 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "who feel like taking extra precautions should stock up on" (4 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "NecroTech gear, which doesn't exist in either of the other" (2 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "two cities we may end up in. Again, the likelihood of all" (2 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "this is based on how much attention Kevan pays to Escape," (1 minute ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "and how much of a sense of humor he has." (1 minute ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "Speaking of which, I have to murder Mr. Alpha here, who has" (1 minute ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "finally figured out that everyone in this building is a spy." (52 seconds ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (22 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 02:33, 11 May 2010 (BST)

May 12

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings! This is Captain Video with tonight's escape" (23 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "dispatch. It's running a few hours late because of... uh..." (22 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "Sunspots." (22 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "Yeah." (22 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "What was I talking about?" (20 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "Sorry, the blood stains on the wall are really distracting." (20 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "One of the many, MANY spies we have here killed Alpha again" (19 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "last night. That guy must have lost an oil drum'" (19 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "s worth of blood in the last week. Here. Have a Band-Aid." (19 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "In Malton, life is a bitch and then you die. And then you" (18 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "return from the dead and undeath is a bitch. That's really" (18 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "why Escape was created. Our business is getting out." (18 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "Business is good." (17 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "Escape now numbers 206. If you're just joining us here on" (17 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "the Emergency Broadcast System, Escape is a group of people" (17 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "who will all gather in one place - Ellicott Place RR station" (16 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "in Owsleybank - on June 1. We're hoping to get the attention" (16 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "of Kevan, UD's creator, so he will let us out. Where?" (15 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "We don't know. Perhaps we'll vanish from the game. Perhaps" (15 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "we'll be transported to another quarantine zone." (14 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "In any case, we are those who just want a way out of Malton" (14 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "that doesn't involve logging out and letting our characters" (14 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "end up dead." (14 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "That's why tonight I'm starting a new segment," (13 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "Things I Won't Miss About Malton" (12 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "Tonight's installment: 'Who came up with the names for these" (12 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "suburbs?' I mean yes, I was Kevan, but that was rhetorical." (11 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "All the suburbs in Malton are required," (10 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "apparantly by city statute, to end in one of the following" (10 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "suffixes: ton, town, ville, bank, hills, heights, wood," (9 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "village or side. The exceptions are the two Arkhams and" (7 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "Havercroft and Edgecomb." (6 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "So that's 96 suburbs sharing a handful of suffixes. Again," (4 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "there's nothing necessarily wrong with that, it just makes" (4 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "it hard to remember where you are. Additionally, many of" (4 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "these names are hard to spell, which is just wonderful when" (4 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "you're trying to look them up in the wiki so you can find a" (3 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "free running path that will get you to a hospital before you" (3 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "bleed out. I suppose you could just copy the name of the" (2 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "suburb from the UD page and paste it into the wiki," (2 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "but I'm not that coordinated." (2 minutes ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "That's tonight's rant. Join me tomorrow when I ask why the" (1 minute ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "hell Malton has no gas stations." (1 minute ago)
  44. 25.92 MHz: "Escape grows stronger with each passing day." (59 seconds ago)
  45. 25.92 MHz: "Hang in there. As Red Green used to say," (40 seconds ago)
  46. 25.92 MHz: "'Remember, I'm pullin' for ya. We're all in this together.'" (23 seconds ago)
  47. 25.92 MHz: "This is Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (6 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 04:40, 12 May 2010 (BST)

May 13

  1. 25.92 MHz: *crash* *static* *silence* (21 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "We don't need no education." (19 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "We don't need no thought control." (19 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "No dark sarcasm, in the classroom..." (19 hours and 35 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone!" (19 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "KOS: Rolfe Steiner in Club Bragge, East Becktown (22, 34)" (17 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "Welcome to tonight's unofficial Escape broadcast." (6 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "I have seen the other side, folks. I saw it in my dreams." (6 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: " What lies beyond Malton is more beautiful than could ever b" (6 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "Well, after 5 years of being condemned to this hellish city" (6 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "Many will fall, but the border will be breached, and..." (6 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "...the fallen will rise up once more." (6 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "attention members of escape the creedy Guerrilla Raiders are" (6 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "In my vision I saw this, and I saw beyond the border." (6 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "Endless, rolling fields of brick. Clear skies." (6 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "This land is inhabited by creatures resembling mushrooms..." (6 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "...With eyes. If they touch you you will die, so jump..." (6 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "as i was saying the creedy Guerrilla Raiders" (6 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "...On their heads to kill them. Also there are floating..." (6 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "...Blocks, if you hit your head on them you can find..." (6 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "...Magic mushrooms to make you bigger." (6 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "kill any creedy Guerrilla Raider on sight they are hostial" (6 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "I also saw an italian man wearing blue dungarees and a..." (6 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "...Red hat with the letter m on it. Great things await us." (6 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "This isn't Captain Video, and I remain yours in escape." (6 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "Remember, children, the undetonated atom bomb in the center" (6 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "of town is a god- Be sure to treat it as such!" (6 hours and 14 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "The man in me will do nearly any task" (5 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "As for compensation, there's a little he will ask" (5 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "Take a zombie like you" (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "To get through to the man in me." (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "Rotters are raging all around my door" (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "I think to myself I might not take it anymore" (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "Take a zombie like your kind" (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "To find the man in me." (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "But, oh what a horrible feeling" (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "Just to know that you are near" (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "It sets my heart a-reeling" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "From my toes up to my ears." (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "The man in me will hide sometimes" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "to keep from being seen" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "But that's just because he doesn't want" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "to turn into some zombie" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  44. 25.92 MHz: "Take a zombie like you" (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  45. 25.92 MHz: "To get through to the man in me." (5 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  46. 25.92 MHz: "FYI: Bob Dylan is holed up in the sewers beneath the city." (5 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  47. 25.92 MHz: "Donations of canned peaches and weed can be donated at..." (5 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  48. 25.92 MHz: "the Coram Building in Luskinwood." (5 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  49. 25.92 MHz: "thought provoking peanuts" (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)
  50. 25.92 MHz: "This is Captain Video, running late again because of" (13 minutes ago)
  51. 25.92 MHz: "the sunspots or whatever. I have no idea what those other" (12 minutes ago)
  52. 25.92 MHz: "guys were talking about, but that kingdom with the stuff you" (12 minutes ago)
  53. 25.92 MHz: "stomp on to kill it sounds kind of cool. That doesn't work" (12 minutes ago)
  54. 25.92 MHz: "here. Oh no. And being bit in the ankles hurts something" (11 minutes ago)
  55. 25.92 MHz: "fierce. Today, Escape numbers 216 people, meaning we" (10 minutes ago)
  56. 25.92 MHz: "continue to add about twenty people per day or so. While we" (10 minutes ago)
  57. 25.92 MHz: "have no way of knowing if this number will remain stable, in" (9 minutes ago)
  58. 25.92 MHz: "a hypothetical situation where it does, we would have about" (8 minutes ago)
  59. 25.92 MHz: "600 people when we march to Owsleybank on June 1." (7 minutes ago)
  60. 25.92 MHz: "That's going to be the subject of tonight's update tip: I" (7 minutes ago)
  61. 25.92 MHz: "was asked yesterday what time on June 1 we were supposed to" (7 minutes ago)
  62. 25.92 MHz: "assemble. Although a formidable cohort of people is" (6 minutes ago)
  63. 25.92 MHz: "stationed at Ellicott Place RR now, actually being there for" (6 minutes ago)
  64. 25.92 MHz: "our jailbreak isn't necessary until June 1. However, June 1" (6 minutes ago)
  65. 25.92 MHz: "should be thought of as the deadline itself. Try to be there" (5 minutes ago)
  66. 25.92 MHz: "by the time June 1 happens at the international date line." (5 minutes ago)
  67. 25.92 MHz: "Simply put, be there sometime May 31 FOR June 1." (4 minutes ago)
  68. 25.92 MHz: "That way we look more coordinated than we actually are." (4 minutes ago)
  69. 25.92 MHz: "For tonight's installment of Things I Won't Miss About Malto" (3 minutes ago)
  70. 25.92 MHz: "oh, hold on. PKer in the house. Just a minute." (3 minutes ago)
  71. 25.92 MHz: "Oh man, now I got blood all over my notes. Eww." (1 minute ago)
  72. 25.92 MHz: "Well, I won'" (1 minute ago)
  73. 25.92 MHz: "t miss that about Malton. G'night folks." (55 seconds ago)
  74. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I need to go wash these clothes." (14 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 03:46, 13 May 2010 (BST)

May 14

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings Escapees. This is Captain Video with tonight's" (18 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "update. Escape now numbers 235 people, althought it's now" (17 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "listed as ESCAPE, in ALL CAPS, on the game status page. Odd." (17 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "Once again, I'd like to remind those in Owsleybank not to" (17 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "cade the Woodborne building, which is being left open for" (16 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "rot revives and people who need access to the bathrooms." (16 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "All people are eating at this point is beer, wine and Hallo-" (15 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "ween candy from 2005. Forgive them if they're in a hurry." (15 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "We'd also like to remind you that if we end up being" (14 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "transported to another quarantine zone, bring needles. Lots." (13 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "Since we still have a couple of weeks before breakout, you" (13 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "might want to say goodbye to your friends, in case you don't" (12 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "see them again. In fact, in lieu of tonight's installment of" (11 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "Things I Won't Miss About Malton, I'd like to sing you a" (11 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "song that's very special to me." (11 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "There are places I'll remember..." (10 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "All my life, though some have changed..." (10 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "Some are ruined, some are caded..." (10 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "Some are gone, and some remain..." (9 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "All these places had their bloodstains.." (8 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "From lovers and friends, I still can recall..." (8 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "Some are dead and some are BARHAH..." (8 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "In my life, I've rezzed them all ..." (8 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "But of all these friends and harmanz," (7 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "There is no one compares with you..." (7 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "And these memories lose their meaning..." (7 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "When I think of death as something new..." (6 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "Though I know I'll never lose infection..." (6 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "From the people and zeds that went before..." (5 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "Does anybody have a health kit?" (5 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "I've got 3 HP, I'm on the floor..." (5 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "Oh, I know I'll never lose infection..," (4 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "The zeds are tearing down the door..." (3 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "I know I'll soon get up, and join them..." (3 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "In my *cough* life, I've loved you... more..." (3 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "..." (3 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINZ!" (2 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "Ahem. I'm Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (1 minute ago)

May 15

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings Escapees. This is Captain Video with tonight's" (13 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "thing. Once again, running late because of sunspots. Ahem." (13 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "Escape now numbers 259. We are twice as large as the second-" (13 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "largest group. One in every 71 Maltonians is a member of our" (12 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "cause. Even now, bags are being packed for the unknwn" (11 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "journey ahead. The Escape Zone in Owsleybank is buzzing with" (11 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "activity as people gird their loins and revive the undead." (10 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "Over 150 people were in the railway station at this time" (9 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "yesterday, presumably so that they could be at the head of" (9 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "the mob that will attack the concrete wall built in the" (9 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "railway tunnel some five long years ago. The ressurection of" (8 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "the rotters continues at Woodborne, where the vigilant keep" (8 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "the doors open at risk to their personal safety so that" (8 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "those who wish to be alive again have that second change." (7 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "Relay broadcasts are going out across the shortwave radio" (7 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "bands, and glyphs are going up in spraypaint across the dead" (6 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "walls of Malton. People speak to themselves in hushed voices" (6 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "of the changes in the outside world, of how Tony Blair and" (5 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "George W. Bush are no longer in power, of something called" (5 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "the 'iPhone,' and of how the world markets apparantly fell" (4 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "to pieces some years ago. The people of the outside world do" (4 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "not think of Malton, yet in Malton, how can we not think of" (4 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "the outside world, with its electrical grid and its running" (3 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "cars and wireless Internet. And television. Oh yes. We are" (3 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "going to watch so much Brady Bunch when we get out of here." (2 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "And maybe we'll see if they ever got that hatch open on Lost" (2 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "Will we make it? Who can say. And yet if we do NOT try then" (2 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "we are only guaranteeing our failure." (1 minute ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "We must take it open ourselves to challenge the way things" (1 minute ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "are. That's the only way to live in a place like Malton." (1 minute ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "Quite frankly, that's the only way to live anywhere." (1 minute ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (33 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 03:28, 15 May 2010 (BST)

May 16

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Qevax lbhe Binygvar. Thank you." (21 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "On to news. Sunspot activity is low today, but tonight's" (20 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "broadcast will be somewhat truncated because I'm feeling" (20 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "kind of ill. Not the 'hunger for human flesh' ill, just kind" (19 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "of sick-ish. The kind where you get weird dreams. Really" (19 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "weird dreams. The kind that make normal dreams seem boring." (18 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "It's like, Wow, all this stuff was in my head already and I" (18 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "just never thought to put it together this way. It's really" (18 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "neat. Totally worth the coughing." (17 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "In the news tonight: Escape now stands at 273 people, living" (17 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "or otherwise. We're still listed in ALL CAPS on the game's" (15 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "groups board. I think one guy typed it in as all caps and" (15 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "that's why it's doing that. Bully for you, all-caps guy." (15 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "The revolution will not be lower-case." (14 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "For today's installment of Things I Won't Miss About Malton," (13 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "I'd like to nominate the smell. Malton just smells... off. I" (12 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "hadn't noticed that until my nose stopped up, but there's" (12 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "really nothing to miss about a city that smells like death." (11 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "Unless you're into that thing. I'm not here to judge." (10 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "With that in mind, it's worth mentioning that Malton is a" (10 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "very literal place, made so by a governmental style best" (9 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "described as hardline anarchy. Even now, in today's relative" (9 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "bubble of peace, this is still a city who's ruling class is" (8 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "undead. In the darkest days - for the living - it seemed" (8 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "as though the dead would sweep upon us and finally make the" (8 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "city all their own. The dead can only be revived by the act" (7 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "of revivification, performed by the living." (7 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "The living can kill themselves comparatively easily. Should" (6 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "we all be pulled down into the abyss of undeath, there is no" (6 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "getting out. One has to wonder what would become of Malton," (6 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "were the influx of new living to stop. Would the forces hold" (5 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "in balance? Or would the grip of the dead tighten until" (5 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "those of us who had to draw breath no longer could?" (5 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "Life is temporary. Death is permanent." (4 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "If those of us who wish to leave - and take our living, warm" (4 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "bodies with us - actually escape, would the ratio shift give" (3 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "a new advantage to the undead? Who's to say?" (3 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "One in every 69 Maltonians is now a member of Escape." (2 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "Just something to think about. Sleep tight, breathers." (1 minute ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "They're stronger than we are - but we might just be smarter." (1 minute ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (52 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 00:19, 16 May 2010 (BST)

May 17

  1. 25.92 MHz: "If you've been here too long, and this city wears down on" (15 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "you, go to:" (15 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "Eveing, Escape-heads. This is Captain Video." (19 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "Stand by for news." (18 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "First, a correction in regards to last night's broadcast." (18 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "It began with a cryptic string of jumbled characters. We" (18 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "apologize for that; the jumbled characters should have been" (17 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "preceeded by an alert for you to get out your decoder rings." (17 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "In fact, please do so now." (17 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "Tonight's secret message is: Qevax lbhe Binygvar." (17 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "Thank you." (16 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "Escape now numbers 294. Our breakout is now only" (15 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "a little over two weeks from tomorrow." (15 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "As always, coordination is critical for this kind of under-" (15 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "taking, so I'd like to remind you to keep your radios tuned" (14 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "to this frequency, and to check the radio logs at" (14 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "Escape/Radio if you miss a day. All this stuff is there." (14 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "A recent concern is the fact that communication in the" (13 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "heavily crowded Ellicott Place RR is becoming difficult," (13 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "since you can only talk to the 50 people closest to you." (12 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "A couple of people have suggested that there be a designated" (10 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "PA frequency for people in Ellicott who want to talk to" (10 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "other people in Ellicott. Therefore, an official frequency" (8 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "has been selection, and those with more than one portable" (8 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "radio unit are advised to turn the second one to this new" (8 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "frequency: 28.34. It's already been added to the wiki's" (8 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "radio page. Once again, that's 28.34, for anyone wishing to" (7 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "contact Ellicott RR, or anyone inside Ellicott wishing to" (7 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "walk to anyone else inside Ellicott." (6 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "Radios can be found in police departments and fire stations." (5 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "They can also be found in malls, but Owsleybank isn't very" (5 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "close to any malls. Once again, 28.34 is the new PA freq.;" (4 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "official broadcasts will still be made here, on 25.92." (4 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "I encourage everyone to continue alerting the people of" (3 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "Malton to the existance of Escape through paint and radio;" (2 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "I feel that we will continue to grow as the appointed hour" (2 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "draws near. We have overcome much in our shared trials in" (1 minute ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "this bloody place (bloody in both the medical and British" (1 minute ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "senses), but we can only prevail through persistant optomism" (47 seconds ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "as we look beyond the Border to the world beyond." (31 seconds ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (19 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 01:40, 17 May 2010 (BST)


May 18's broadcast was truncated, and the Captain called out dead on the 19th.

May 20

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings, Members of Escape. This is Captain Video." (24 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "I'm sorry I wasn't with you. as I spent most of yesterday" (24 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "dead." (22 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "According to the current stats, Malton has 18465 active" (21 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "people, and Escape has 355 members. One in every 52" (21 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "Maltonians is one of us." (20 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "Join us." (20 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "Join... us..." (20 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "I believe the parameters of our goal have been laid out" (20 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "quite thoroughly over the last two weeks. We are Escape. We" (19 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "are breaking out. And, with less than two weeks left, it's" (19 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "time to close ranks and start preparing yourselves for what" (19 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "happens now. First, our success in recruitment has not gone" (18 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "unnoticed. There are those who will fall upon the living and" (18 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "would kill us all. Of course, since we've already died so" (18 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "many times, it can hardly be expected to be surprising." (17 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "That is, after all, what is frustrating. You can live, you" (17 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "can kill, and you can die. The novelty of the fact that you" (16 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "can get back up again later wore off a long time ago for a" (16 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "lot of us. For God's sake, there's a dead guy on the floor" (16 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "right here. We're using him as a doorstop. The shock of the" (15 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "walking dead can only last so long. I refuse to just put up" (14 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "with this forever. It's ridiculous." (14 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "There has been talk of what we should do if we aren't simply" (13 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "spirited away on June 1. There's a mass-suicide suggestion" (13 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "going around, but it just doesn't appeal to me. The whole" (12 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "point of this, I'd like to think, is that we can stand up" (12 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "and fight back against the parameters of the game. Not that" (11 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "I have the right, let alone the ability, to stop you from" (11 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "killing yourselves - or, let's be frank, each other - but" (10 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "what we're reaching for here is something bigger. On June 1," (10 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "we are going to stand up to Kevan, the undead and the PKers" (9 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "and say: 'I'd like to see the exit, please.'" (9 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "This is something new. This is something Kevan never planned" (7 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "for and nobody ever tried to pull off before. I'm not" (7 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "keeping a graph, but as best as I can tell the growth of" (6 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "Escape is actually accelerating. And, time-wise, we're only" (5 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "a little more than halfway there. Together, through our" (4 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "mutual goal of pushing the limits, we have done something" (4 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "monumental. Now, it's time to do something legendary." (4 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "I am Captain Video. Sunspots or no sunspots, zombies or no" (3 minutes ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "zombies and border or no border, I'm determined to do some-" (3 minutes ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "thing that wasn't meant to be done." (2 minutes ago)
  44. 25.92 MHz: "And that makes me yours in Escape." (2 minutes ago)

-Captain Video 04:09, 20 May 2010 (BST)

May 21

The EBS was offline this night, and the broadcast was done by CV alt George Zip. Transcription of this recording is credited to Pinkgothic. Thanks!

  1. George Zip broadcast "Good evening Escapees. This is George Zip. I'm one of" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  2. George Zip broadcast "Captain Video's alts, and I'll be doing the broadcast today" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  3. George Zip broadcast "on the intra-Ellicott frequency because the transmitter in" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  4. George Zip broadcast "the Coram building got wrecked and Captain Video spent all" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  5. George Zip broadcast "his AP looking for a new one in Ackland Mall," from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  6. George Zip broadcast "which is overrun with zombies. Anyone doubting my authen-" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  7. George Zip broadcast "ticity is welcome to question User:CaptainVideo on the wiki;" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  8. George Zip broadcast "he'll affirm that I'm him, and vice-versa. This is somewhat" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  9. George Zip broadcast "appropriate, as yesterday I was asked whether or not zerging" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 7 minutes ago)
  10. George Zip broadcast "is allowed in Escape. The answer is no. I, for instance, am" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  11. George Zip broadcast "actually a member of DSS Red Zone support, makers of the" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  12. George Zip broadcast "famous DSS Satphone, available wherever fine telecom gear is" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 6 minutes ago)
  13. George Zip broadcast "sold. *I* didn't come up with that, Sophie Ames did, but" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  14. George Zip broadcast "what I'm trying to say is that I'm just here on loan to see" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  15. George Zip broadcast "what it's like here in the RR. Captain Video will actually" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  16. George Zip broadcast "come down on June 1; I'll be leaving shortly before then." from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  17. George Zip broadcast "So don't sign up more than one char for Escape. We shouldn't" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  18. George Zip broadcast "artificially inflate our numbers to intimidate people. We" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  19. George Zip broadcast "should GENUINELY inflate our numbers through recruitment to" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  20. George Zip broadcast "intimidate people. For instance, we are now more than twice" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  21. George Zip broadcast "as powerful as the next group on the list. I'm low on AP, so" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 1 minute ago)
  22. George Zip broadcast "this is it for now. Somebody please paste all this onto the" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (23 hours and 1 minute ago)
  23. George Zip broadcast "Escape/Radio page, since I can't. I'm George Zip, and I re--" from here, on 28.34 MHz. (22 hours and 59 minutes ago)

-Captain Video 04:07, 22 May 2010 (BST)

May 22

  1. 25.92 MHz: "This is an EBS Escape transmission. I am Captain Video." (10 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "Stand by for news. Escape now stands at 398 members. Two" (9 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "more and we'll have 400. That number doesn't stand for any-" (9 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "thing special; I'm just proud I know how to add. After dying" (8 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "so many times you never know what parts of your brain will" (8 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "stay dead. An awkward choice for Escape members stands ahead" (6 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "if we aren't all raptured away on June 1. Do we just go back" (6 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "to normal, or do we kill ourselves in the mass suicide thing" (5 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "I'm not advocating that we all jump out of Woodborne if this" (5 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "doesn't pan out, but there is a certain dark appeal to it." (5 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "We all know Malton will never be de-quarantined, and maybe" (4 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "dying now is better than just giving up later on. I don't" (4 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "know, honestly. I really don't know where the soul of this" (4 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "game is anymore. Everybody knows that Urban Dead isn't what" (3 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "it once was. The dead - the dead dead - outnumber both the" (3 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "undead and the living to such an extent that only 1 in 95" (2 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "characters in the history of Malton is still active. The" (1 minute ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "other 94 just gave up. It's understandable. Although I don't" (1 minute ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "like closing on negative thoughts, this is something we" (1 minute ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "should all consider. What does Malton mean to YOU?" (22 seconds ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (6 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 04:07, 22 May 2010 (BST)

May 23

Transmission lost due to error.

May 24

  1. 25.92 MHz: "hello surivors i am cake and fearing our supplys go down ill" (23 minutes ago) ...and again.
  2. 25.92 MHz: "bring the update on events first of all 300 pepole have" (21 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "managed to fit in to a 1x1 building i am proud of the non" (21 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "pkers in the building second our group numbers are 415 or so" (20 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "and finaly the mob is geting somewhat close" (19 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "about 4 suberbs diganaly away from owlysbank" (18 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "also the june 2 thing is not advised if we cant get out" (18 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "as humans well get out as zombies" (17 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "This has been your future dj cake over the next week music" (16 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "will be played on the broadcast system as a last minitut" (16 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "thing untill the 28th this is cake for escape" (15 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "That was Malton Duke, everyone. Big hand for that guy." (10 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "This is Captain Video. I did have a broadcast yesterday, but" (8 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "I ran the whole thing on the wrong freq. Sorry about that. I" (8 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "had discussed the group No Escape, and I admit tha, though" (8 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "being eaten sounds unpleasant, I like the idea of a big" (7 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "event here in Malton after so long." (7 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "Tonight's the series finale of LOST, so I'll be signing out" (7 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "soon to watch, but i wanted to share some numbers with you." (6 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "In the history of Malton, 1,743,346 accounts have been made." (5 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "Of those, 18, 928 are active, or one in every 92. 38% are" (4 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "undead, and 62% are alive. Escape has 439 members, meaning" (4 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "that 1 in every 43 Maltonians is a member of Escape." (3 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "Quite frankly, I don't know what's going to happen on June 1" (2 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "but hell, it's going to be interesting. In addition to the" (2 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "proposed suicide solution if we don't get spirited away," (1 minute ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "No Escape has sworn to try and eat us. Quality entertainment" (1 minute ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "for all. Don't forget that I'll start giving planned evac" (54 seconds ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "notices for everyone soon, based on how far away your suburb" (37 seconds ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "is from Owsleybank. Just another week to go now." (16 seconds ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "I'm Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (10 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 23:26, 23 May 2010 (BST)

May 25

  1. 25.92 MHz: "code red the mob has entered owlys bank get reddy for the" (3 hours and 19 minutes ago) ...and again.
  2. 25.92 MHz: "mob massicre to start but since there are 300 pepole in one" (3 hours and 19 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "building we may be the frist pepole to survive the mobs" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "raid so get everything to ehb and lets ride out the storm" (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "its sad news guys we are not going to make it till june1" (3 hours and 13 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "zombies from the mob the rrf Extinction and noescape" (3 hours and 12 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "are all going to rush 1 building if it gets ruined i am" (3 hours and 11 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "back to where i came from we are going to lose so lets go" (3 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "out by showing everyone how long we can hold this shall be" (3 hours and 10 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "the most epic sege in the history of urban dead god speed to" (3 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "you all this is every one at the ebs wishing you luck" (3 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings, Escapees. This is Captain Video. The series" (14 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "finale of LOST was awesome, and if you disagree you are dead" (14 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "inside. Of course, you may be dead inside anyway. This is" (14 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "Malton, after all. Unfortunately, we only have enough power" (13 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "to run either the radio transmitter thing or the TV set we" (13 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "found, so we're all missing the season finale of CSI:Miami" (13 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "for this. Yeeeeeeaaaaaaah! Won't get fooled again!" (12 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "Ahem. Things in Owsleybank have taken an interesting turn," (12 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "as the dead have stormed Woodborne and will probably eat all" (12 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "the scientists there. Speaking of medical professionals, I" (11 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "am here in Coram with no fewer than three people who claim" (11 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "to be doctors. I'm not really sure they all are, honestly." (10 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "I'm watching you, Dr. Walrus. Don't you arf at me." (10 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "There are now 445 members of Escape. We are three times" (9 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "larger than the second-biggest group. This is more than I" (8 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "could ever have hoped for. The time of action is near." (8 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "The dead - No Escape and their spiritual kin - are massing a" (7 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "gainst us. We must not falter. There are well over 300 alive" (7 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "in Ellicott RR, and frankly I think we can do this. We must" (6 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "stand up to them - to them and the PKers and the GKers and" (6 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "the zergs and even to Kevan himself. For the first time in" (5 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "five years, we have no idea what's going to happen. This is" (5 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "what the Emergency Broadcast System was for, anyway." (5 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "We know the dead will never give up - but if we believe in" (4 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "hope, and in truly beating the game, we cannot stay." (4 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "This is my last rally broadcast. Tomorrow I'll start giving" (3 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "evacuation directions for people in other parts of Malton" (3 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "who want to get to Owsleybank by the first. We may simply" (2 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "vanish, but if we are instead transported to another" (2 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "quarantine zone then we should start stocking up on things" (1 minute ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "we may need. It never hurts to be prepared. Sleep tonight." (1 minute ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "Marching orders tomorrow." (1 minute ago)
  44. 25.92 MHz: "I am Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (54 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 04:47, 25 May 2010 (BST)

May 26

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Escapees of Ellicott - real-time communication is needed to" (8 hours and 43 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "help repel zombie strikes and co-ordinate responses" (8 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "Please use to save AP/IP" (8 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "and give us that real-time edge over the hordes of undead" (8 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "From now until June 1st" (8 hours and 40 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "Calling Captain Video, Doctor Video, General Video, please" (7 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "report to CORAM at earliest convenience for non-emergency" (7 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "Briefing on new updates to the Escape case. Over and out" (7 hours and 33 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "As for everyone else, be sure to follow us in our new REAL" (7 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "TIME CHAT! Keep up to date with Escape events" (7 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "at" (7 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "That's right," (7 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "And now, back to Honey, I ate the kids!" (7 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "Brought to you by Escape!" (7 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "Also, Lady Grah Grah's new hit single, Tele-MRRRRH" (7 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "This has been an Emergency Broadcast, from ArexStadrin." (7 hours and 31 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "Attention all Escape members! This is an urgent emergency" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "Broadcast. The Ellicott station has temporarily fallen into" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "zombie hands. If you can hear this message, fight as long as" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "you can, then move 7S, to Haddock Row" (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "Take down as many zeds as you can, and drain their AP" (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "Also, get into this chat - to" (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "keep up to date with the situation, and recieve counterattac" (3 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "attack information. Please spread the word as to this chat." (3 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "This has been ArexStadrin, hopefully yours in escape." (3 hours and 16 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "damm you evil damm you all to hell" (3 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "guys i think we lost all escape members abandon all hope f" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "from the looks of things we wont survive the hour so this is" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "it stay tooned till we pick a new spot or rail station one" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "way or another we will leave by summers end commene operatio" (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "lemming" (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "hold up i underestimated the zombies we will live dont go" (2 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "for lemmings but lets send these zombies packing out" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "we may have enough power to move the zombies back outside" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "of the suberb" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "This is Captain Video. Stand by for news." (30 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "Escape now numbers 452, up only seven from yesterday." (30 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "It would appear that market saturation may have taken effect" (29 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "and everyone who's interested has already joined. This is" (29 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "good, as today the exodus begins. When I call your suburb," (29 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "please pack your things and head towards Owsleybank:" (28 minutes ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "Chancelwood. Earletown. Rhodenbank. Dulston." (27 minutes ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "Pashenton. Rolt Heights. Pescodside." (26 minutes ago)
  44. 25.92 MHz: "Gibsonton. Dunningwood. Paynterton." (26 minutes ago)
  45. 25.92 MHz: "Pardon me, I'm being called aside." (25 minutes ago)
  46. 25.92 MHz: "I'll be right back." (20 minutes ago)
  47. 25.92 MHz: "Hi. Video again. Back after a delay with breaking news:" (15 minutes ago)
  48. 25.92 MHz: "Ellicott RR is under seige from the undead, who have gotten" (15 minutes ago)
  49. 25.92 MHz: "inside but are now presently being held at bay. Those with" (15 minutes ago)
  50. 25.92 MHz: "characters in the area may wish to check on their health and" (14 minutes ago)
  51. 25.92 MHz: "well-being." (14 minutes ago)
  52. 25.92 MHz: "Now then. I would also like to inform all listeners of our" (11 minutes ago)
  53. 25.92 MHz: "new real-time forum:" (11 minutes ago)
  54. 25.92 MHz: "Anyway, back to the exodus: the suburbs I just named are in" (7 minutes ago)
  55. 25.92 MHz: "the far NE, so you'll have a day or two to get your gear." (7 minutes ago)
  56. 25.92 MHz: "The battle for Ellicott appears to be in more or less real" (7 minutes ago)
  57. 25.92 MHz: "time. The living are encouraged to check in when available." (6 minutes ago)
  58. 25.92 MHz: "The seige is believed to have started sometime last night." (6 minutes ago)
  59. 25.92 MHz: "Now for the SE: Move if you hear your suburb called." (5 minutes ago)
  60. 25.92 MHz: "Houldenbank. Osmondville. Penny Heights." (5 minutes ago)
  61. 25.92 MHz: "Scarletwood. Pennville. Fryerbank." (4 minutes ago)
  62. 25.92 MHz: "Hollomstown Danversbank. Whittenside. Miltown." (3 minutes ago)
  63. 25.92 MHz: "People in those suburbs should gather everything then need" (3 minutes ago)
  64. 25.92 MHz: "and mobilize. Owsleybank is now essentially a war zone and" (2 minutes ago)
  65. 25.92 MHz: "facilities in that area may not be available." (1 minute ago)
  66. 25.92 MHz: "Get as much as you can carry and then move. We need you." (1 minute ago)
  67. 25.92 MHz: "This is the beginning of the end." (17 seconds ago)
  68. 25.92 MHz: "I am Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (6 seconds ago)

May 27

  1. 28.34 MHz: "ALERT! This is an emergency EBS transmission for all ESCAPE" (10 minutes ago)
  2. 28.34 MHz: "members. We are planning a strategic retreat before" (10 minutes ago)
  3. 28.34 MHz: "surging back on Monday. Will each of the following categorie" (9 minutes ago)
  4. 28.34 MHz: "do the following: Everyone in any part of Malton head to" (9 minutes ago)
  5. 28.34 MHz: "Owsleybank and take up fortified positions in any non-ruined" (8 minutes ago)
  6. 28.34 MHz: "building you can find. Everyone alive who is already IN" (8 minutes ago)
  7. 28.34 MHz: "Owsleyabank is urged to hold your ground. Do NOT attempt to" (8 minutes ago)
  8. 28.34 MHz: "recover ruined buildings at this time. If possible, restock." (7 minutes ago)
  9. 28.34 MHz: "Everyone in Escape who is dead in Owsleybank is urged to" (7 minutes ago)
  10. 28.34 MHz: "stand and move west to the cemetary to the south of the" (6 minutes ago)
  11. 28.34 MHz: "Coram building in Lukinswood. Rotters cannot be helped here;" (6 minutes ago)
  12. 28.34 MHz: "please stay and fight the non-escape undead in Owsleybank." (6 minutes ago)
  13. 28.34 MHz: "No Escape, the RRF and the MOB have made a mistake." (5 minutes ago)
  14. 28.34 MHz: "They assumed our desire to escape was a manifestation of" (5 minutes ago)
  15. 28.34 MHz: "weakness. It is not. We fight, and fight for freedom." (4 minutes ago)
  16. 28.34 MHz: "I am Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (4 minutes ago)

May 28

  1. 25.92 MHz: "This is Captain Video. I am low on AP; this will be short." (3 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "All Escape members head to Ows. and get safe. Bring needles," (2 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "faks and guns. If you have a genny, transmitter of fuel," (2 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "bring it, but don't search for any more. Find a building -" (1 minute ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "any building - get the EHB and wait. All who are injured,get" (1 minute ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "inside and get healed. All who are dead, go to Lukinswood" (56 seconds ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "cemetary so. of Coram for heals. Video out." (44 seconds ago)

-Captain Video 02:48, 29 May 2010 (BST)

May 29

This was the final day of official Escape communication through the EBS.

  1. 25.92 MHz: "Greetings, this is DocHarmanz with a message to the Escape" (5 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  2. 25.92 MHz: "movement. First off, I would like to put a disclaimer that I" (5 hours and 59 minutes ago)
  3. 25.92 MHz: "am not associated with CORAM or Escape and my views are my" (5 hours and 58 minutes ago)
  4. 25.92 MHz: "own. Simply put, we are quarantined for a reason. No one" (5 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  5. 25.92 MHz: "knows how things are outside, but the presence of the" (5 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  6. 25.92 MHz: "military shows us that there is at least SOME civilization," (5 hours and 57 minutes ago)
  7. 25.92 MHz: "In fact, it is even possible that we are the only area" (5 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  8. 25.92 MHz: "Plagued by this infection. If so, do you really want to" (5 hours and 56 minutes ago)
  9. 25.92 MHz: "cause ruin to the rest of the world?" (5 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  10. 25.92 MHz: "We are, all of us, infected by this disease." (5 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  11. 25.92 MHz: "Sure you feel fine now, but there is a difference between" (5 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  12. 25.92 MHz: "the ACTIVE and PASSIVE variations of the infection. The" (5 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  13. 25.92 MHz: "ACTIVE variation hurts when you move, but can be cured" (5 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  14. 25.92 MHz: "by the supplies found in a common FAK. The PASSIVE" (5 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  15. 25.92 MHz: "variation on the other hand, has no observable symptoms" (5 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  16. 25.92 MHz: "until you die, where it then causes your undeath. This" (5 hours and 54 minutes ago)
  17. 25.92 MHz: "explains why you become a zombie when killed by a" (5 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  18. 25.92 MHz: "human, because we ALL carry the PASSIVE infection." (5 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  19. 25.92 MHz: "Unlike an the ACTIVE variation, caused by zombie bites," (5 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  20. 25.92 MHz: "the dormant PASSIVE variation has no known cure," (5 hours and 53 minutes ago)
  21. 25.92 MHz: "meaning that if you manage to escape Malton, you" (5 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  22. 25.92 MHz: "are knowingly carrying a PASSIVE infection with you." (5 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  23. 25.92 MHz: "By doing so, should you encounter any form of civilization" (5 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  24. 25.92 MHz: "you will become the cause of another outbreak. Are the" (5 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  25. 25.92 MHz: "members of the Escape so selfish as to be the catalyst" (5 hours and 52 minutes ago)
  26. 25.92 MHz: "to another outbreak, because of your selfish desire to" (5 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  27. 25.92 MHz: "escape from this one? This has been a message from" (5 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  28. 25.92 MHz: "the Mad Doctor, DocHarmanz urging you not to" (5 hours and 51 minutes ago)
  29. 25.92 MHz: "endanger everyone else by breaking quarantine. Thank you." (5 hours and 50 minutes ago)
  30. 25.92 MHz: "This is the EBS." (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
  31. 25.92 MHz: "We have now had confirmation that Escape has failed, with" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  32. 25.92 MHz: "hundreds of zombies in and out of the buildings." (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
  33. 25.92 MHz: "We are sorry if you got yout hopes up, but you should of" (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  34. 25.92 MHz: "known that a rally like this would have been a zombie" (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  35. 25.92 MHz: "attractor." (3 hours and 3 minutes ago)
  36. 25.92 MHz: "EBS out." (3 hours and 2 minutes ago)
  37. 25.92 MHz: "I say shame on you fellows who would cast aside the" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  38. 25.92 MHz: "last and best hope for any of us to leave the confines of" (2 hours and 9 minutes ago)
  39. 25.92 MHz: "this hellhole, we still have two days to go, the zombie tide" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  40. 25.92 MHz: "is far from invincible, I say to all citizens of Malton," (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  41. 25.92 MHz: "Fight back! Give no quarter to the undead scourge and take" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  42. 25.92 MHz: "back what is rightfully ours!" (2 hours and 8 minutes ago)
  43. 25.92 MHz: "CORAM CORAM CORAM" (1 hour and 58 minutes ago)
  44. 25.92 MHz: "Okay...*reading* place mouth to mic, press red" (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  45. 25.92 MHz: "button and speak clearly- Wait, why can I hear" (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  46. 25.92 MHz: "myself... oh god my coffee's on the button..." (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  47. 25.92 MHz: "sorry everybody, my bad" (1 hour and 3 minutes ago)
  48. 25.92 MHz: "This is Captain Video. As Escape enters the final stage of" (15 minutes ago)
  49. 25.92 MHz: "its mission, I must now issue final marching orders." (14 minutes ago)
  50. 25.92 MHz: "Though I will remain active in Escape through June 1, this" (12 minutes ago)
  51. 25.92 MHz: "will be my final EBS broadcast. If you have only one radio," (12 minutes ago)
  52. 25.92 MHz: "please retune it to 28.34, the Escape channel. If you have" (12 minutes ago)
  53. 25.92 MHz: "two, discard this one and use the inventory space for ammo," (10 minutes ago)
  54. 25.92 MHz: "faks or needles. This is the final rallying call. We are" (10 minutes ago)
  55. 25.92 MHz: "going. Bring anything that will help you stop the undead." (8 minutes ago)
  56. 25.92 MHz: "Move. Move now, and move fast. Get to," (7 minutes ago)
  57. 25.92 MHz: "where things are being coordinated. Don't say anything too" (7 minutes ago)
  58. 25.92 MHz: "specific. The undead are listening." (6 minutes ago)
  59. 25.92 MHz: "Be cunning. Be coordinated. The end goal is the recovery of" (5 minutes ago)
  60. 25.92 MHz: "Ellicott Railway Station. All other variables must be met as" (4 minutes ago)
  61. 25.92 MHz: "facillitating actions to that end. We must be there, and we" (4 minutes ago)
  62. 25.92 MHz: "must hold. If Kevan doesn't do anything - a sad thought that" (3 minutes ago)
  63. 25.92 MHz: "has always been a possibility - then you can all do as you" (3 minutes ago)
  64. 25.92 MHz: "see fit. There are many who wish to recruit from the ranks" (2 minutes ago)
  65. 25.92 MHz: "of Escape. One way or another, this ends by the 2nd." (2 minutes ago)
  66. 25.92 MHz: "For the last time on this frequency, but always in spirit," (1 minute ago)
  67. 25.92 MHz: "I am Captain Video, and I remain yours in Escape." (1 minute ago)