First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry

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First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry
FANNY Group Logo
Abbreviation: FANNY
Group Numbers: Varies
Leadership: Feminine Collective
Goals: Provide professional yet sexy medical assistance to survivors in need
Recruitment Policy: closed
Contact: (forum inactive)

As of Sept 2014, FANNY is on indefinite hiatus

Are you desperate for the tender care of a real nurse? Are you a feminine medic or reviver who needs more purpose in life? Then call on the First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry - hello, nurse!

Our Mission

FANNY is a flying medical unit providing public first aid and revive services. Members revive at local Revive Points in the area wher are active. You may also post on (forum inactive) to request aid directly for individual or larger-scale assistance. Aversion therapy is available to dedicated zombies, to train them to avoid attacking survivors. Please note that individual FANNY members have full discretion in deciding who to assist; among other considerations, we reserve the right to refuse treatment to anyone exhibiting less than courteous behavior.

Client Testimonials:

"Thank you, Raharu, I didn’t know there were horse-riding, parachuting, assault-rifle-wielding nurses running around the world doing good works; and now I do." -- Eugene Skinner 25 Mar

"Waking up dead on the street makes a man feel unloved and unappreciated. It's no wonder that so many zombies are cranky. When I was revived by a wonderfully beautiful nurse however, it just made my day. Thanks FANNY!" Oddlots Domon 5 Jan 2007

FANNY: A Brief History

The First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry, or FANNY, is an open group specializing in medical support. Originally known as the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, or FANY, it began as an all-women’s mounted medical unit affiliated with the Territorial Army. FANY was deployed in the early days of the Malton outbreak, but quickly became separated when it came under attack and members' horses were eaten. The few surviving members reformed the unit as the First Aid Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry. FANNY provides skilled and sexy first aid and revival services to humans in need.

How do I join FANNY?

In recognition of the special circumstances, FANNY has relaxed its recruitment standards. Recruits must still, however, meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Recruits must be, if not actually female, then at least feminine; this must be reflected in your profile.
  • First Aid training or Lab Experience
  • Non-PKers only and no pedophiles (i.e., no sexualized minor characters or flirting with minors)

In addition, acquisition of the following skills should be prioritized:

To join, please see any of us in game and say hello. If your profile and outlook are compatible, we'll be pleased to add you to our ranks.

Important Notice

FANNY has acquired a griefer/PKer (the Abe Brown zerg) who has created several clones of our members. The following are NOT members of, or associated with, FANNY in any manner.

Or any other character with FANNY (or a derivative thereof) as the Group Name created after 26 July 2013.

FANNY launches partner group MANNY!

When your inventory is full of syringes and you just got your nails done, sometimes you need a man around to clear those pesky zombies and erect barricades. Gentlemen, would you like this person to be you? Are you all man, but eager to obey the commands of sexy nurses? Then join the Men's Auxiliary Nursing & Necrotech Yeomanry - come on over, big boy!


Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
FANNY supports the No Random Revive Policy
know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 28.21 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: In Your Sweetest Dreams

Banana.gif No More Bananas
Just say no to RP rape.
Ignore.jpg Ignore List
Hear no evil.