Factory 4,37

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Factory 4,37
Ruined for some time, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 18:30, 8 February 2025 (UTC)
a factory

Dunell Hills [4,37]

Godsland Street School the McGarth Building the Dury Building (NT)
Arbuthnot Park a factory Molesworth Road
Horn Walk Brendan General Hospital Penny Crescent

Basic Info:

  • Factories have no internal descriptions.
  • Factories can be barricaded normally.

Bremmer Manufacturing

Bremmer Manufacturing, in its hayday.

Bremmer Manufacturing, one of several factories that produced Malton Police Department's 10mm pistol. The BM-10 was the standard issue firearm for all Malton security personnel whether they were police, military, or private security for NecroTech. Exceedingly popular for its power, the only drawback with the weapon was its difficult to handle, gas venting mechanism which causes about a 35% miss rate in even the most skilled hands. At the Onset of the outbreak, the factories foreman (now calling himself Cicero) shut down the factories major production line and remained behind in the factory once most of the workers had been evacuated. Ever the optimist, Cicero attempts to keep the factory clean and ready to go back into production one day. Barricades are kept at Heavy.

Current Status

You are inside a factory. The machinery has been ruined, with dark oil pooling on the concrete floor. The doors to the street have been left wide open.

Somebody has spraypainted Wa* auf #** onto a wall. The graffiti has been obscured by smears of gore.

There are two other zombies here, one of them from your horde.

There are two dead bodies here.

You are standing outside a factory, a tall white-stone building surrounded by lawns. The building's doors have been left wide open, and you can see that the interior of the building has been ruined.

There are two other zombies here, one of them from your horde.

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