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Unlike other groups, FedCom's members do not receive regular automatic promotions based upon their character's level.

To be promoted in the group, you must remain active in both the forums and the game, and show some initiative.
It is up to YOU to convince the command-level staff that you are the right person for a promotion.

Command Level

Commanders can admit new members, administer the forums, and manage group policies.

Marshal of the Army.png Marshal of the Army
Field Marshal.png Field Marshal
Marshal.png Marshal

General Level

Generals can recommend promotions, manage diplomatic relations, and formulate tactical operations.

General.png General
Major General.png Major General
Lieutenant General.png Lieutenant General

Officer Level

Officers work behind the scenes to help coordinate the group and keep things running smoothly.

Colonel.png Colonel
Lieutenant Colonel.png Lieutenant Colonel
Major.png Major
Captain.png Captain
Lieutenant.png Lieutenant

Enlisted Level

The bulk of FedCom's forces, and the source of all operational power behind the group.

Master Sergeant.png Master Sergeant
Staff Sergeant.png Staff Sergeant
Sergeant.png Sergeant
Corporal.png Corporal
Private.png Private

Cadet Level

All members below level 5, or who have been with the group for less than a week.

Recruit.png Recruit

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