First Candyland Anniversary Party

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A few days ago the well known Von Luthius said this in the streets of Malton:

"GUYS! QSG! RRF GC! If you do not know who my alts are, let me introduce you to some very brief history: I am The Illustrious Ram Rock Ed First, The Master Gingerbread Man. On The 16th February 2005, The Gingerbread Men, consisting of 46 permenant and casual members barricaded Ridleybank, to EHB in a record of 10 minutes straight, after announcing to the RRF our imminent arrival. Our goal was to survive. We succeeded, and 16 days later turned Gingerbraaains from boredom and repetitive barricading/reviving. We also renamed the entire suburb as The Candyland (see the GBM wiki entry for a history there though it's a bit dated and needs updating for all the facts to be right). And thus the operation became known as The Candyland Operation.

Anyways, Malton Tours Inc. along with many other fantastically awesome and likeminded groups including the Gingerbread men are currently celebrating The 1st Anniversary of MTI's creation in this city, and I've decided along with the remaining Gingers that we need to follow suit and recreate the Candyland experience in a party celebrating Ridleybank, Candyland and the rich history that has developed there.

Thus, on The 16th of February, it is my plan to send The remaining members of The Gingerbread men, and all their best friends and groups we've met ingame into Ridleybank/Candyland, more then likely to The Secret HQ of the Gingerbread Men and spend as long as possible just partying away there. RRF most welcome to attend, GBM & Friends won't attack you if you don't attack us and enjoy the fun for a while (then well, you're gonna eat us cause we're made of gingerbread, but yay tasty fun!). No promises about any non-Gingerbread Men though, and no promises saying people won't try and recreate The Candyland Siege and rebarricade the entire suburb again.

What I would like to do is simple: Get the word out to as many groups as possible that on the 16th February, 2007, The Gingerbread Men will be hosting a 1st Year Anniversary of The Candyland Operation in The Secret HQ of The Gingerbread men inside of The Candyland - Ridleybank. Any body or zombie (cause The GBM have a pet zombie these days!) is welcome to attend in cordial fun and excitment. QSG, Malton Ranbgers, whoever else you know, please get the word out, because it will be great to see people inside having fun as we did 1 year ago, and simply survivng in the land of flowing candy and Barhah! Any comments you have, please post them up here, as this is the best means of communication I have nowadays outside of a restricted forum scene that is not mainstream at all. RRF members, your thoughts would be great especially. Best thing is, we of the GBM are honouring our age old accord with the RRF to actually tell them where and when we'll be, and this time, I WILL be inside the Secret HQ of the GBM, even if no one else decides to stay there and to spread out so come party!"


On The 9th of February, 2007, until the 15th of February, 2007, The Gingerbread men shall be holding "The 2nd Annual Gingerbread Men Zombie Fishbake" at The Malton City Zoo, this time hosted by the Malton City Zookeepers who didn't exist at the time of the last Fishbake.

NB: I'm pretty sure The 9th of Febrauary is the date, the 16th is right, but confirmation would be nice.

Following this:

On the 16th February, 2007, A Year to the Day, The Gingerbread Men will be hosting a 1st Year Anniversary of The Candyland Operation in The Secret HQ of The Gingerbread Men inside of The Candyland - Ridleybank. This is aimed to last for 16 days or more, the time we Survived before voluntarily turning zombie and into Gingerbraaains last year. This event shall consist of a Party with Friends and people from across Malton and any zombie visitors who decide to turn up! It opens the way for a revival of The Candyland Operations, but at the same time keeps us all in one place simply having a party and doing what we do best with the people we know and love!

Thus Far, Malton Tours Inc; The Malton Zookeepers; Quartly Study Group and elements of the RRF Gore Corps have been exposed to this information, as well as Night Ravers who can view this stuff here.

Ram Rock Ed First, Master Gingerbread Man.

The Gingerbread Men
Gingerbread MenThe GingerbraaainsMalton MikeCandyland
First Candyland Anniversary PartyCandyland Barricade Run