Grandfield Alley School

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Grandfield Alley School
VSB, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 03:57, 26 January 2025 (UTC)
Grandfield Alley School

Spracklingbank [84, 33]

Hecks Library Millett Walk Fire Station the Coss Building
Rennie Auto Repair Grandfield Alley School Fackerell Auto Repair
Shelley Road Ritchie Plaza Cowdry Walk

Basic Info:

  • Among the internal descriptions found in Schools:
    • "Half-finished work is scattered across the floor."
  • This building can be barricaded normally
Center of Learning Center Of Learning
This location qualifies as a Center of Learning & is considered a neutral zone for all the supporters of this policy. According to the policy, libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy.

Grandfield Alley School


A school dedicated to mechanical, and automotive repair, Grandfield is named after a famed mechanic. Long associated with the repair shops located to either side it fell quickly into disrepair after the infection began.


Barricade Policy

keep at VSB so as not to hinder the work once underway.

Current Status

Ransacked.--Elizabeth Bickell 03:48, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

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Sep,21, 2007 currently ransacked, but a concerned citizen has gotten the itch to repair it.