Meet your city!
What can we say about Gulsonside that hasn't already been said about better cities in a more convincing way?
Basic Information
- Malton's 43rd suburb - Not in location but in admittance to the Malton Union. Never one to leap before they look Gulsonside citizens wanted to make sure Malton would be good for their future.
- Ranks 29st in Education (We done gooder this year, but next year will be harder! Next year we learn to color INSIDE the lines.)
- 53rd in Income (Ranking down from last year after that counterfeiting ring broke up - look for us to rise in 5 - 10 years. Sooner with good behavior!)
- 32nd in Mimes (although we would have been 31st if our mime hadn't said, "Whew, so glad to be out of that darn box!")
- Our population consists of mostly alive young urban professionals on the go.
- Our ammo of choice is armor piercing.
- Our city bird is the nuthatch.
- Our coin of choice is heads
- Our best sport is Thumb Wrestling
- Our cops all have mustaches
- Our kids all drink beer
And these are our good points!
Visit Gulsonside! It's a great place to raise a mediocre family and maybe not get mugged.
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