IHM Kill Team
This is the new homepage for the I Hump Men (IHM) Kill Team. This team is dedicated to the elimination of the 200+ I Hump Men Zergs throughout Malton. This fugitive is known for his spamming of the word "Peni$" on broadcast channel 28.01.
As of this date 19 zergs have been eradicated, the last one being I Hump Men 185. Although this zerger has not been seen for a few months, the team is constantly on watch.
Modus Operandi: Usually a Level 1 character, very little XP. Starts his spamming as a Radio broadcast.
Team Members include:
IHM Kill Team Leader [1]
Ann Jerome [2]
Anarchist's Cookbook [3]
Arlo n Janis [4]
CorpsmanUp [5]
Cyrano de Bergerac I [6]
Jonny Gage [7]
Kehala [8]
Karel Kolchak [9]
Leonard Smalls II [10] "Lone Biker of the Apocalypse" but has helped team.
Nancy Curll MD [11]
Nota Zed [12]
Ultimate Evil [13]