Prophet of The Queen-The Red right hand of barhah
Captain Grisum started his life in Malton as a young officer in the military. He was sent in along with a platoon of troops in an attempt to isolate and destroy the undead during the early outbreaks.
During a night of defending the only NT building with his small group the S-Mart Alliance he was attacked by the Queen Z. All attempts to cure himself of his new infection failed. Now armed with his military skills and an undying hunger for human flesh Captain Grisum began hunting down survivors. His small group of survivor comrades were transformed into the Infected Swarm.
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Angel of death-Wrath of The Queen
Vachon was one of the first Infected. His mental instability was evident even before he was given the gift of unlife, He is now the perfect killing machine no remorse, no fear, no questioning, just killing, but as some have seen he is derviving much pleasure from the pain and fear he is causing.
Quote: As you suffer know that it is me causing it...
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Darth Cheney (Retired)
The Dark Lord. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. The Shadow President. These threatening, and all too true nicknames have been applied to Darth Cheney over the past six years. Obsessed with secrecy and domination, Cheney is a bully. Cheney’s ruthless and determined consolidation of power in the executive branch had further burnished the Dark Lord aura.
Yes, Cheney has been scary for a long time, had done many evil things, and his iron-jawed, gravel-voiced, unflinching assertion of lies had protected him and his policies. He was surprised when he was impeached from office and sent to Fort Leavenworth upon his conviction for his multitude of crimes while in office.
It was there in lockdown in Kansas, that the evil mind of Darth Cheney plotted his revenge. Using only the following items; toothpaste from China, a box of commissary raisins, and his own spittle, the imprisoned Sith Lord created the zombie virus that first infected the good folk of Malton. During the subsequent confusion, Darth Cheney escaped from Supermax and joined the zombie hordes roaming free and eating the entrails of their weak and mortal victims.
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Misery-Bringer of Pain and Suffering
Rjkk was once your average geeky 18 year old but when the Outbreak came he was transformed into a killing machine. He is followed everywhere by his faithful one-eyed zombified kitten that he found in a McZeds parking lot after killing its inhabitants. The Sheep (survivors) of Malton have good reason to fear this one and his allies.
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Always covered in fresh blood and eternally hungry. Bellshaw roams the streets of Malton with focused purpose. To kill. He was once the owner of Club Cocker but now he the only live music he enjoys is the sounds of screaming survivors and tearing flesh.
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Sir Isaac Newton
To your surprise you see before you the father of modern-day physics. His skin is pale green, and he is wearing clothes typical of 17th Century England. You notice he is carrying a copy of the Principia as he lurches at your brain.
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While at a heavy metal concert all hell broke lose. Zombies came staggering in and started to attack people including me. I tried to fight off the undead but the chains on my pants were what did me in. While a zombie I wandered alone killing anyone who got into My path.
Quote: I am the shadow at the end of the hallway...
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Grave Crawler
This once happy and friendly person who once lived to see the smiles of the children when he entered the room. One day while at a party doing silly magic tricks he was bitten by a little girl, he brushed it off, but that night he started running a fever and started coughing up blood, by the morning he was dead. Grave Crawler arose after the death of Pogo the Clown and adorned his once happy clothes and went to see and hear the screams from all the little boys and girls, He wanted to see their smiles again from the inside.
Quote: A Clown can get away with murder!
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Roderick Badlesmere
Roderick Badlesmere would appear to be an unlikely candidate for inclusion to such a bloody group as Infected Swarm. Rumors surround the former Kinch Heights Police auxiliary officer. Some say he was a striker on the Malton United Football Club. Others say he was a rich playboy who enjoyed dabbling in police work. Whatever the truth, during the outbreak, Officer Badlesmere reported for duty in Kinch Heights, to protect the helpless citizens. He bravely faced feral zombies until he was without any ammunition. Roderick reportedly became trapped outside in the streets and died due to the local civilian negligence. Angered at his undeath, he arose as a soldier of vengeance whose sole purpose is to destroy those who cower indoors behind filing cabinets and office chairs.
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Who is Rudy Ghouliani? Why he’s the formerly human current mayor of Dulston. He stood tall during the outbreak of zombie flu that afflicted the fair city. Ghouliani’s tough, no nonsense approach to security has provided great and glorious leadership as Mayor during this latest photo opportunity, erh ah… terrible tragedy.
Rudy claims he is responsible for the keeping the quarantine in place, even though his critics say he has no authority over the military forces that encircle the city. Ghouliani angrily retorted that these distortions are just partisan attacks started by jealous ex-wives who spuriously make claims that he is also a zombie. “Outrageous!” Ghouliani responded to reporters, “These lies will not stand! Now, excuse me while I belch up Malton Elite's spare ribs…BURB.”UD Profile
This thing can't even claim to be a real Zombie. Pigmata is the result of an ill conceived experiment gone wrong. Patched together from random zombie parts this thing can barely walk but, it has the hunger of an entire horde burning in it's rotten belly.
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I am a creature of solitude!!! I have been this way since I was 5 yrs. old. I was involved in a car accident that terribly deformed me and people have made fun of me every since. When the outbreak happened I was home on top on the St.Barbara Church. I managed to fight off and evade the zombies for about 2 weeks. They finally got me when I went looking for food. I was outside the Whitlock Building when I was killed. I was yelling for help but the people inside were just watching and laughed as the zombies attacked. When I stood up a zombie the image of them laughing and the memory of the torment of people over the years was all I could think about. Now all I do is think about revenge and for some reason the Whitlock Building is most on my mind. I'm going to eat them all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Carl the Carion
As Malton is scurrying about in panic during the initial outbreaks of walking dead Carl was calm, cool, and collected in a bodybag. Carl stepping out to collect his morning paper had unintentionally stepped in front of a speeding ice cream truck. The undead children following this truck paused on Carl feasting on nearly all of his flesh. At this point in the city's infection emergency systems were still somewhat functional so Carl was collected and put in a bodybag. On the way to the morgue the truck carrying Carl swerved trying to avoid one of the first large gatherings of zombies. Now Carl sits trapped in bodybag in the rear of a wrecked ambulance. He sat undead and rotting until freed by a pack of now feral family pets looking to scavenge on rotting flesh.
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grandpa gavins
I remember when I was just a young zombie. We didn't have claws back in my day. Nosiree, we had only our teeth to chew through those barricades. In my day, the humans didn't use cheap plastic and flimsy press wood to make those barricades. Nope, those things were made of solid oak and galvanized steel. You young zombies have it so easy. Yup, you young zombies don't even know how easy you've got it, why during the Great Depression I went without human flesh for 26 months!
Oskar Matzerath
Carrying a battered little drum. This zombie is the size of a three year old child but, has a strange maturity in it's clouded eyes. It's moan sounds more like a high shriek that threatens any unbroken glass near it.Oskar plays a rhythm which is more complex and sensual than the march step of the rally. Despite his disruption of the activities of the Nazi party, the power of his music remains ambiguous.
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Tragen eine zerschlagene kleine Trommel. Dieser Zombie ist die Größe von einem drei Jahre alten Kind aber hat eine fremde Reife darin hat umwölkt Augen. Es ist Stöhnenklänge mehr wie ein hoher Schrei, der irgendein ungebrochenes Glas nah es bedroht. Oskar spielt einen Rhythmus der ist mehr Komplex und sinnlich als März der Schritt von der Erholung. Trotz seiner Unterbrechung von den Tätigkeiten von der Nazistischen Partei die Kraft von seine Musiküberreste zweideutig.
"Meine kleine Trommel wird Ihren forcoming Tod signalisieren!"

The zombie pop sensation, hit Malton and went triple platinum in less than a week. Since her debut album "More Than a Zombie to Me" hit the malls she has been busy touring clubs, malls, hospitals, and every other place imaginable since her career took off. Hannah wishes to share her talents with all of her human fans, not just her zombie faithful. Rumors of a romantic link to Flyte, leader of DITPS, are untrue gushes Hannah. She says they are just enemies, nothing more and her fans shouldn't listen such tripe coming from the likes of such jealous critics like Tfox or Dante Noctis.
Korwyn Blaze
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A former body modifaction artist and carny proformer. He bearly looked human before he was taken, Now that he feels no pain he has gone to completely off the deep end, by inserting metal plates in his face and chest. Now all he wants to do is mods on the living the pain they feel is his greatest joy.
This once holy man of the cloth now only worships the Queen Z, as fate would have it he was hearing confessions on the day of the outbreaks, which shook his faith, but he kept on thinking that god was only testing him and he needed to go out and help save those that were left to prove his faith. He was trying to help people when he came across a man that was beaten and bloody, he took him to the church and started to patch him up when the man asked him if he thought god was near as he started to answer the man pulled out a pistol and shot him in the face. When he arose everything was clear, god could not save him but this man Vachon Blaze did, now the only way to save the people of Malton is to eat them.
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Santiago DeJesus
I am chaos realized, evil incarnate, the Scourge of Dulston. Hundreds have tried to kill me. Your persistence is futile. I rise again.
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Yea, loath is the core of mine being
Wicked's rest mine reprieve.
There shall be no solace for Man.
Thine bone cracked, thine marrow sucked.
Look upon thine slayer, and beware.
Midnight Jasmine
Midnight Jasmine is still strikingly beautiful in undeath. Her thick black hair falls to the middle of her back. She has full crimson lips. Her sharp violet specked eyes have a lustful glare and remain alert for new victims.
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Little is known about Michael the zombie or the human he once was. But, once during an attack on a factory. He was combat revived. He immediately killed the reviver and ran returning re-zombified only minutes later. He slaughtered all of the inhabitants of the building and disappeared. The now zombified inhabitants spread to the 4 corners of malton killing everyone they saw, humans and zombies alike. Eventually two of them were captured and revived by necrotech employees. The other 2 disappeared without a trace. The revived were asked what happened. One spoke about a human surrounded by shadows with red glowing eyes. The other only repeated the words "Famine, Pestilence, War and Death" over and over again. They decided to end his misery. Michael reappeared in the north east corner of malton and joined the infected swarm. He is determined to cause panic and misery wherever he goes.
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Nulla facilisi. Praesent mattis, nisi eget elementum rhoncus, metusnulla porttitor pede, sit amet varius nulla dolor vitae sapien. Duisfacilisis elit eget dolor. Cras orci augue, auctor eget, mollisfeugiat, commodo ac, sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibusorci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer nisl libero,malesuada nec, vestibulum sit amet, consectetuer non, neque. Praesentadipiscing nibh nec ligula. Cras lobortis, elit in fermentum nonummy,purus eros porttitor quam, nec gravida purus odio eu mauris. Morbiscelerisque interdum nibh. Aliquam eleifend augue vitae risus.Suspendisse potenti. Proin posuere. Proin risus. Proin semper magnanon urna. Sed sed lorem. Aliquam quis velit id nisl hendreritvolutpat. Praesent libero. Vivamus dictum purus non nibh. Duisultrices volutpat purus. Nullam cursus, elit eget tempor suscipit,eros neque tristique urna, a egestas lectus velit nec risus.UD Profile
The seemingly endless cycles of life and death was excruciating as hell can ever strive to be. Now his mind is scrambled in eternal darkness, thanks to a delightful equilibrium of hate and insanity.
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Elayne Zominator
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Sunshine Baby
Born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she grew up in high society with no cares about anyone or anything, she is in a world of her own and she is the center of that world. Sunshine even in death understands that she is still better than everyone else and that the Mall is rightfully her's and that these breathers need to quit touching her stuff.
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Marcel Pain
A dreary eyed zombie looks up at you. It's still wearing the smock of a fine artist but now the only color on his brush is red.
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Papa Jaunty
He's limping at you in his torn pair of black Converse All Stars, and a dusty old top hat barely holding on to his head. This former Voodoo priest from New Orleans looks at you with very hungry eyes and a bottle of tobasco in his hand.
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Arkham Trance
Innumerable holes through its body, the zombie still has incredible speed and power.
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Iki llyou
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Rotty McBrain
The smell coming from the top of his head is the most foul odor you have smelled as you start to throw up he bites into you.
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Thats right we have spies throughout any area we are in conflict with. Many of these unnamed humans are members of the very groups you rely upon for your safety. In return for useful information said individuals are guaranteed to be unharmed by our horde. Do you have a spy in your building? How could you ever know?
Hel's Daughters
These voracious ladies have been The Infected Swarm's closest allies. Anytime there is death and destruction we find Hel's Daughters right beside us working in concert to bring barhah to the frightened sheep of Dulston. It has been rumored that some of The Swarm's horde have what amounts to walking dead crushes on several members of the Daughters, but proof that Zeds can feel emotion has yet to be seen.
The Undeadites are the newest addition to our list of allied groups. They played a key role in the breaching and ransacking of Treweeke Mall. Our continued cooperation can spell nothing but death and hardship for any survivors in our collective sights.
Militant Order of Barhah
The Militant Order of Barhah is an aggressive, highly co-ordinated zombie group. They are proud Barhah Fundamentalists whose mission is to bring sweet, shambling unlife to all breathing beings, so that they can know the joy of True Barhah.
Our friends from the South West are always a welcome sight, for with them come nothing but Chaos.
What can we say, they are a horde.