Jolly Brigadoons

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Jolly Brigadoons
Abbreviation: We'll not suffer ter be abbreviated, aye!
Group Numbers: One, by garrr!
Leadership: Captain Crooks
Goals: Keepin' a weather eye out fer Calvert Mall, the radio tower, and any folks in-between. We aim's ter do a bit o' lootin' too, o' course, partly to aid others, but mostly because lootin' is what Brigadoons do best, aye!
Recruitment Policy: I be lookin' fer a hearty crew, full o' vinegar and bully beef, ter help keep the suburb o' Gatecombeton from bein' eaten....aye
Contact: Captain Crooks, at Calvert Mall, by the light of the next full moon. O' course, ye could also leave me a message on me talk' that'd be just as good, aye.

Who be the Jolly Brigadoons?

The heartiest band o' brigands, ne'er-do-wells, cut-throats, skull-duggerers, rogues, footpads, thieves, highwaymen and outright mendicants ter ever band together fer a common cause - keepin' the suburb o' Gatecombeton safe!

Join us if ye will, and help keep our suburb runnin'! (as opposed to, ye know, 'shufflin')

Who be we lookin' fer?

We be in need o' stout hearted individuals, with skills ter aid the crew.

We be needin' a surgeon, ter heal up the lads.

We be needin' a carpenter, ter help shore up the barricades, aye.

We be needin' scurvy cut-throats, ter help with the knife-work.

If ye thinks ye has what it takes ter be a member o' this rough and ready crew, keep a weather eye out fer the Captain at Calvert Mall...

The Great and Bold History o' the Jolly Brigadoons

August 28th, 2007 Gatcombeton be lost ter me fer now, I be goin' on a long journey ter help the RTMT take back the malls o' Malton. Hopefully, one day me path will take me back ter me beloved Calvert Mall, with enough strong lads behind me ter retake the suburb! Good luck, aye, and fare ye well!

July 15th, 2007 Rumour 'as it that the lads from Extinction were responsible fer ransacking the north east corner o' Calvert Mall last night. The Cap'n did 'is best ter shore up the barricades, but the generators be down, and tharrr be few enough survivors around ter help defend the place. The situation looks grim, but battle has come and the Brigadoons will see the fight through, aye!

July 12th, 2007 A sad scene today at Brigadoons HQ - the whole area be wrecked, with the radio tower down and HQ itself breached and left wide open. I don't know how many brave souls were taken, nor how many zombies it took ter do this terrible deed - tharr be little signs o' un-life around between HQ and Calvert Mall. We needs ter re-arm, return and rebuild, by garr! I be lookin' fer a generator ter bring the radio tower back to life...

July 5th, 2007 Some bad business up at Lamport Walk Police Station - zombies 'ave taken down the barricades and dragged a poor soul into the street! I did me best ter heal him up and rebuild the barricades - I hopes ter do more tomorrow, aye!

June 30th, 2007 - The Captain be hearin' rumours o' tharrr bein' a zombie horde comin' ter Calvert Mall. The Brigadoons be standin' by, ready fer action!

June 28th, 2007 - Brigadoons HQ is expanded ter incorporate another buildin'. The Brigadoons have been occupied with riddin' the Gatcombeton radio tower area o' zombies fer several days now.

June 23rd, 2007 - Cap'n Crooks returns ter HQ with the barricade skill, 10 pistol-clips and two loaded shotguns and blasts the remaining zombie ter oblivion, aye! The corpse is dumped, Brigadoons HQ is properly barricaded, and a new era in Gatcombeton history be about ter begin!

June 20th, 2007 - In the early morn, Brigadoons HQ was easily breached by two zombies on account of there being no barricades whatsoever to defend the place, arrr. Cap'n Crooks battled heartily, but was unable ter defeat the vicious zombies, and were forced ter abandon ship and run for the mall.

June 19th, 2007 - Brigadoons HQ were established in South West Gatcombeton. There be much carousing, aye!