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Starting Occupation: Private
Group Membership: Honourary Member of the DHPD for Heroism.
Goals: Keep my Dual Pistols, find more wine, and stay alive.
Username: Carfan7
More details: Urban Dead profile

The front cover has been ripped off, some entries have been smudged with bloodly fingerprints. The journal also smells of wine.

Carfan7 Banner 2.0.JPG

May, 15/05

Today's my birthday. I spent most of the time of the mor in my new a artment drinking wi e and sle p ng. Ski ped tra n ng today, too d pr s ed.

May, 20/05

Stupid C pta n put me on extr s. Had to clean the toi ets wi h a to thbrush. Oh well...When I got home, my babies in my gun safe ch ered me up. I so despr etly lonely...

May, 25/05

One of my bab es got ja med today. It was the second one, its like its trying to get attention from me since I upgraded the spring on my first baby. I don't have any money for that new spring! When will it understand that?

May, 30/05

I finally fixed my second baby. I'm so happy, I drank the whole bottle of wine in my fridge.

June, 5/05

Bought more wine today at the mall. 5 bottles. Stupid Captain demoted me to Private. Could've bought 20 bottles with my old pay.

June, 10/05

I shot a 93 at the range today with my babies! I was so happy I spent my last 20 bucks on the spring my second baby wanted so much. Crap. I needed that money for 5 more bottles of wine...Oh well, at least my baby's happy.

June, 20/05

I feel like a proud Canadian today, they designed a new rifle for the Canadian Military! It's called the C7A1, its was modified from the M16 and fires faster and holds more rounds! Yeah, eh?!

Copy of C7A1.jpg

June, 25/05

Finally fired the C7A1 today. I has great accuracy, but it just doesn't feel right firing it. If I have to go on a mission I wouldn't use it. I'd use my babies. My babies are better then that new piece of "technology", they're WAY better then it. WAY better.

June, 30/05

D mn aptain. upid a d d mb. W 't let me use y bab es. B st rd. I'm pi ed o f I dr k 5 wh e bott es of w e. Stu d b ch!!! I'll kill him...

J ly, 2/ 5

G t is ued a m ssion to ay. A city ca led Malton. The s up d Captain bri fed us va uely, but just enough so we can understand our ob ec ives. We were giv n codenam s for s me r ason. Mi e is "Carfan7..." I won er why we h ve code ames... He sa d that s e kind of me tal il ness had been rele sed in the air due to unknown circumstances, and that the illness h d caused so e p ople to be vio ent. We we e a so to d to sho t any ci lians that th eate ed other civil an's or our safety. Damn, I'm s excited. T is is go ng o be my first mission and my babies' first, too. Stupid Ca tain said I can't br g my babies...Well I'm go na sneak them into the mi sion. I bet th y're ex ited too.

J ly, 3/05

T iS w Ole mIS ion HaS b eN a DiSA TEr! Me T L I lNe S mY asS!!! THe Pe pLE aRe CanNi\ Bals!!! theyRe LIke Wi d aN MalS! BuL\Ets a e Li e Toys!! ThYETR Don't |EV en Hutr thEM, O H MY GOD OH M YGOD!!!!!!!!!!

July, 5/05

Ok, I'm calmer now, so I can write clearer now. So, what happened we were flying to the city and we saw just what kind of disaster we were heading off to. We saw overturned cars, burned down buildings and....them. The cannibals... One of the other privates was panicked and...jumped off the helicopter. When he landed the rifle he was carrying misfired and the stray round hit the pilot. The helicopter crashed, and killed 24 of our 28 man squad. The 2 of the survivors teamed up and headed north and the other one wandered southwest, leaving me alone. Soon they came... I had lost my rifle in the confusion. So I dug into my hip holsters and tried taking out my babies. I almost cried. One of my babies were gone!!!!!! They started to EAT the dead squad members. I shot one of them and it just stood there. It stood there like nothing happened. I was so scared I ran off east until I was tired and reached an old nightclub. Club Randell. I've stayed here for a few hours now. I need some wine.

July, 10/05

They opened doors!!!! I'm so scared I couldn't even come close to hitting it! I just kissed my baby and ran. I don't even know where I am!!! I'm some kind of warehouse. Thank god it was a canned tuna factory. I ate and took a couple of cans, then ran off north to a auto repair. I'm glad it was barricaded. It shows sign of recent activity. Oh well at least I'm alone with my baby now...

July, 15/05

I finally learned thir weakness. Just like in the movies, we have to try to shoot them in the head. I went outside during the couple days to shoot a few of them. I'm still scared so my aiming hasn't gotten any better. I spent most of the time when I'm in buildings learning to make a proper barricade. I'm finally confident that my barricades will work. I finally found some bottles of water. I also found a bottle of wine. I have to conserve it though, it's my only supply of alcohol...

July, 20/05

My aiming has come back! I'm so happy with my baby! Every day I try to find my second baby, and today I finally found it! The holster was tossed about 3 blocks northwest and hidden under a piece of debris. I'm sure, I'll found a use for it.

July, 25/05

I found a pub today. I looted out 10 bottles of 1943 vintage wine and found a shotgun. I definitely have a use for the wine, but for the shotgun...I'm not so sure. The shotgun has a round chambered, but that's it. I'm kind of disappointed that the shotgun can only hold 2 rounds though.


July, 30/05

2 of them brust into the pub last night when I was sleeping. I wasted all my pistol rounds on them, but I only killed one of them. I ran to a nearby factory and barricaded it. I saw a few people along the way, but they were...strange. I like being a loner best so I'm better off alone, with my wine and my babies.

August, 10/05

I've been practising with my shotgun and I'm pretty confident I can hit something with it, too. By the way I'm starting to run out of wine. I only have 5 bottles left. I love the silence in this old empty factory.

August, 20/05

I've been working out quite a bit over the last week. I made myself some dumbells with an old pole, 2 weights and some old welding equipment. I killed about 6 or 7 of th m over the last few days, too.

August, 25/05

I've moved on to another auto repair shop because someone had managed to get into my haven. I'm kind of sad. I had gotten comfortable in that empty factory. Before I left I took a few cans of peaches (enough to last me a few days) and a couple of bottles of water. Well at least I'm alone with my wine and babies again.

October, 1/05

I found a can of spray paint a few days ago, and I painted a few pictures with it. I'm pretty good!!

October, 10/05

I got WAY better with my shotgun. I headshoted one! I'm out of ammo now though. I snuck into a fire station the other day, and grabbed a fire ax. I ran back to the auto repair soon after.

October, 23/05

DAMN!! I dropped my journal the day after the last entry. That explains why I didn't have any entries until now. Anyway, I finally found my journal and I'm glad I can write here again. I've finally decided to go to a nearby mall. I'm thinking of residing here for a while.

October, 26/05

I've moved on to the Goodford Road Police Dept. I have healed a couple of people, but I have mostly kept to myself. My babies are doing ok, although I think my first baby needs some oil after killing 2 the other day. I'm outta wine. Maybe I should go cold turkey for a while...something tells me I'm not going to drink for a while.

O tob r. 27/05

I've moved on to t e church I or ginally wanted to go to, but what I disc vered was there was too much people so, I have moved on further. I've made my way to an old abandoned junkyard and I'm glad to be alone again. I've found a bottle of wine, but after doing so I was too tired, so here I am. My babies are doing fine although, I haven't found the oil my baby needs. I'm doing pretty good so far; I have at least 21 pistol clips, enough to feed my babies' big appetite. Here's what I have in my issued mini rucksack:

  - Fire Ax     - Cell Phone     -Spray Can     -Wire Cutters     -Fuel Can     -Pen     -5 Bottles of water     -3 Cans of Tuna      
  -Duct Tape     - Shotgun     - 1 Shotgun Shell     - 19 Spare Pistol Clips     -My "dumbell"     -This Notebook     
  -4 Cans of Peaches     -Screwdriver

Other things I have are My 2 babies (BOTH FULLY LOADED) in my left and, right holsters along with my 2 readily accessible pistol clips. And, I'm also wearing my flak jacket.

Wait... I just found a note, I've taped it here:


Wow...So Necrotech did cause all this. And I thought th t was on y a rumo r. Reading this note tells me that Jack was a nice person, forced to do terrible things. Well...I hope this Jack Smith died a peaceful death: R.I.P. JACK SMITH  ????-2005

Octob r. 28/05

The juckyard is pretty quiet. Yesterday night someone came in, interupting my workout. He stared at me then turned away any headed to the other side of the junkyard. Right now, I'm trying to secure a hospital. It's right next to the junkyard so, I just climb to the top of the north fence and jump into the second floor of he building. Today another person came in, I'm not really worried about them, but if they do anything stupid, I'm going to shoot them both....

This is my second entry of the day; Turns out, these guys are pretty cool. I'm thinking of going southeast. This place is infested. I found a weird newspaper clipping in the hospital today. I've taped it here:


The bottom of the clipping is cut off and the sides are burnt for some reason. Another weird thing is that the name Jack Smith is highlighted. Hey, isn't that the person of the note I found? It says here that he was a local wildlife scientist. Was this a cover for his real identity as a Necrotech employee? Why was the identity of Necrotech scientists so hush, hush? I'm going the St Joachim's Hospital to check out the morgue for any evidence to answer my questions. Maybe there, I will find a list of the murder victims...

October. 29/05

Boring day so far. Nothing interesting today. Not moving to the hospital just yet; it's too dangerous. I'm running out of rations, water and ammo. I have to make a supplie run soon, probably to the nearby police department next to St Joachim's Hospital.

This is my second entry of the day; They are starting to win...The barricade look weak and I don't think they can hold up much longer. I am too tired after today and am too tired to fight, let alone build a barricade... The are 3 people with me now. The other 2 aren't much of a help. One of the survivors and me are moving on to the hospital in the morning...if we can make it through the night. MAY GOD HELP US ALL.

Oct b r. 30/05

OUCH! D mn it, da n it...When I w ke up this m ng I saw one st nding right in front of me, and ano r one standi g n t to one of the sur ivors. I s ot the ne rest one in the st ach th n stu id thi g at cked me! I got b t 3 ti es once in the neck and 2 times in the leg. I manag d to run to a Necro ech bui ding. Damn I hate Ne rotech. I stitched up 2 wo nds, but one of the b tes a e st ll bleeding. Damn it....

This is my second entry of the day; Ouch...there's white stuff around my unstitch wounds. I think they might be infected. It hurts everytime I move it. I hope I don't die.

October 31/05

My infection got healed today. Other than that nothing else interesting happened. Today's halloween. Kinda ironic when you think about it...

November 1/05

Moved on to a fire station. Saw a mob of 77 on the way... I didn't even try to shoot them. I found one of those revival syringes the survivors were talking about today. I'm almost out of ammo. I guess I'll have to conserve it. I only have 5 pistol clips left and no shotgun shells.

Novem er 2/05

I ch cked outside t ay for any of them...There were 10 out ide. I kil ed 2, but one of them scratched me. I'm in a po ice station loca ed in Wray Heights. I'm not sure which one though. I checked the hospital today, no evi ence except for a ripped apart morgue list.

I've taped it here:

Morgue List.jpg

Any ay one of the su vivors from the junky rd met up wi h me....I th ght he was dead. I'm tot lly out of ammo now. I didn't have anytime to sear h due to the number of them around the ar a. I think my bab es are sad. I'm not very sure. Here's an inv ntory upd te:

  - Fire Ax     - Cell Phone     -Spray Can     -Wire Cutters     -Fuel Can     -Pen     -3 Bottles of water     -1 Cans of Tuna      
  -Duct Tape     - Shotgun     -My "dumbell"     -This Notebook     -2 Cans of Peaches     -Screwdriver  -Syringe

I n ed wine....

November 3/05

I finally have enough energy to search the police station today. I found a few shotgun shells and a few pistol clips. I also found some police emergency rations in a supply closet hidden behind a box of papers. I got some water for a tap, which suprisingly still could supply water. I took 10 canteens that could hold 1 litre of water in each. I filled them up, so now I have more water.

This is my second entry of the day: I've just found a radio console. I heard a voice, but it was quiet and destorted. I responded back. Nobody has replied so far. The transmitter says it the signal was broadcasted from Dunell Hills Police Department. That's my new destination. Maybe someone there can help me. And maybe, just maybe, there might be some evidence on the way to the police dept. And if you're out there; god speed and good luck, Kamikaze.....

This is my third entry of the day: I've just received a message from the radio. The man called himself Scrollhaven. He said that one of their safehouses are north of the museum. Which museum it is, is the question now. I'll find out somehow.

November 4/05

I've started my journey to Dunell Hills. I grabbed a portable raidio before I left just in case Scrollhaven contacted me again. I shot a couple on the way, but there wasn't anything really interesting. I'm hiding in a mall right now. I'm sure I'll get there soon.

November 6/05

I've made it to a cinema after a huge fight with the zombies of Ackland Mall. The fight was not that big, but still made a difference. I'm only one town away from Dunell Hills. I radioed in to Scrollhave yesterday and today. Still no response. I hope they're OK...

November 7/05

They've finally radio back. My crappy radio is finally going to get replaced. I'm moving over to Dunell Hills later, but I'm not sure when though.

This is probably my last ever entry: Alas, I have tried to move on to Dunell Hills despite my fatigue. Big mistake. I lose all feeling in my legs and I think I'm going to faint any second. I have radioed to Scrollhaven for help. I hope he comes to help me soon. I'm going to die for sure this (entry ends)

Ripped off Maple Leaf.jpg

  • At the bottom of the page, in a different handwriting*

Well, fancy of all people, me finding this. I'm dropping the journal where I found it, I went and fought at Caiger Mall, I'm still there if your interested in looking me up, survive mate. --Kamikaze Fozzie

Decemb r 16/05

Crap....I finally found my journal, thanks to Albino Sue. Long story short, I survived what had happened to me and I have been working for the Dunell Hills Police Dept. Many things have been happening here, including an invasion and the cell phones working again. Kamikaze wrote something on the previous page. I can't go to the mall right now. An invasion is under way, so I have to stay here. I'm glad I have my journal back, and my babies are okay in my holsters fully loaded with the safety off like always....

This is my second entry of the day; I got hooked up with 25 bottles of wine by the DHPD! Thanks guys! (Wine is stained all over the right side of the page)

December 17/05

Wow, I have been in this sh t hole for a long time. I haven't died once either. I just learned this; if you get killed by one of the 'em, revival syringes can bring you back.... Anyways, the invasion's got worse. To my knowledge, all the police stations in town have been taken over. There are also about 44 at the revival point. I would help them, but I'm so far away! I don't know what to do! I can, try to librate Broadbelt Grove Police Dept, Go to the Dury Building and try to kill all of 'em and grab revival syringes at the same time, or defend the moblie phone mast...What should I do??

December 18/05

I've decided to defend the mobile phone mast. The damn generator got knocked down. When I got there, there were 2. I used my babies to shoot them and I killed one. I dumped the body and barricaded the place a little bit. I couldn't do much because I'm so tired... I'm out of ammo now, and I got to use this gay fire ax. I think my babies are sad. Hopefully I find more ammo soon. 10 9 8 7 days till Christmas.

December 22/05

I found 8 shotgun shells, but no pistol clips... Oh well, I guess my babies will have to wait. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 more days till Christmas.

December 23/05

I found 4 pistol clips today. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 more days till Christmas.

December 24/05

Killed one in the museum. Strangly, the barricades were at strongly. Oh well. Found 3 pistol clips and 4 shotgun shells. Today's Christmas Eve. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 more days till Christmas.

December 25/05

(There's nothing written here, except for "Christmas" in what appears to be red pen.... Wait. The ink is really dark red. Maybe it isn't red pen....)

December 27/05

(A bloody handprint is here.)

Decem er 29/05

(This page is blank.)

January 1/06

Today is the New Year. I have been in this sh thole for half a year now. I can't escape from this hell, so I have decided to settle down. All my supplies are set down and I occassionally get out of my safe house to grab rations, ammo, a bottle of wine or two. I want out of this sh thole... Maybe one day...

January 3/06

(A "C" is scribbled here).

January 6/06

I've been made the leader of public liaison for the DHPD today. Well, at least I got one promotion for getting sent to this sh thole...

January 7/06

(Much of the writing has been smudged with blue spraypaint) W \t to a l t of bu ldi gs to sp ry ai t st ff. N t ing e se i ter sti g t d ay.

January 13/06

Friday the 13th today. I haven't had any misfortures; which I'm glad for. Hope it stays that way.

January 19/06

Some of the survivors have told me that the computers had been linked up to some kind of network or something. I'm not good with technology that much, but I managed to get to the startup screen for the network and another survivor did the rest. I made myself a syringe to test the computer. Damn computer still can't go on the internet though. Would be nice to email the MP's and tell them to help in this stupid outbreak.

February 4/06

(This entry has been burned off.)

February 12/06

I established the Phone Mast Defence Squad yesterday. I retired as the Publice relations Officer as well. Damn generator's almost out of gas again...

February 18/06

I found a CD player today. I jammed my radio batteries in there and guess what? It works! I haven't heard music in soooo long. This thing's pretty bulky so I'm keeping it in the Phone Mast. It's nice going to sleep listening to music... I hooked it up to the generator, so it should be fine.

This is my second entry of the day; I was patrolling around the phone mast. I see a green shape over in the distance and I decide to check what it was... It was the body of one of the soldiers in my helicopter. He had been the leader of the operation to Malton. I checked his body over, and grabbed his rifle. The C7A1 was broken, the firing pin was cracked in half and the feeding pin had been tampered with... The firing pin crack looked like it was intentional. Had the army sent us all to die like this? How did his body come so far from the crash site? This is strange. I looked at all his equipment; grenades were all missing the pin and were all duds; his backup pistol had no rounds in it, his canteen was filled with a bitter smelling liquid, and his flashlight bulb was burnt out. I didn't worry about him rising as on of 'em anyways, he looked pretty dead without his legs and left arm. I grabbed his dog tags. If I ever get out of this sh thole I can show the army that he's dead for sure. He had died from a smashed skull, probably from the helicopter crash. But how did his body get all the way over here?!

Dog Tags.jpg

February 25/06

Found a C7A1. The barrel was missing, and the firing pin had been cracked in half. Interesting...

March 17/06

One of our best recruits quit today. He was gunned down because he was injured. I can't believe it. I'm thinking of following his lead and quiting as well, I can also have some free time to find evidence of my platoon... Maybe. I'll think about it.

M \r\h 2//06

(Blood is scattered all over this entry only legible part is the following:) gun ed d wn by ano ther sur ivor. I wo 't be o e of them...(Writing is suddenly interupted.)