G'Day all.. This is the Survivor Diary of one of Malton's most eccentric characters.. Me ^.^ second of course to Sirens, the psychotic spokes person of Red Rum. Creator of the Behind Brooke Hills wiki page, this one isn't so much an informing page, more so something one can read if they're bored, a wiki freak, or just want something comical to read.. Well, enjoy and feel free to make a comment on the Discussion page, if I interact with you in game I'll make mention of you..
Mother of God. What a time to start a diary, in the aftermath of my groups suburb. It was a grusome, long haul in which at one point we were forced into a confined space of four buildings. But did we retreat? Bollocks! We faught back against the 'livingly changelled' and forced them into the single quarter of South West Brooke Hills. It shouldn't be too long before the whole 'burb is back in Survivor hands.
And just before you start reading my entries I think you all should know that this in fact is based 100% on the truth, the half truth and nothing like the truth ^.^
- 24th June
Woke up at half six, am. What the fuck is with that? Can't an honest(ish) guy get some decent shut eye? If the bags under my eyes get any worse I'll resemble Vince Vaughn or Susan Surrandon. Anyway, there are few better starts to one's day than blowing the head off a Zombie, mindlessly swaying in the wind outside. The moment his corpse hit the floor, a mobile phone rang, the ring tone being that nutty 'Ride of the Valkries', it was coming from his jacket pocket. Out of curiosity, I picked up the phone yet almost instantly threw it aside. It was a Vodaphone product.. It's not that I despise Vodaphone or anything. I'm sure they sell reasonably well working products at reasonable prices, it's their slogan I don't like; "Join the worlds largest mobile community"... Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the gypsies. I don't have anything against travelling people for the record, after all, we know you all need clothes pegs... >.< After a few brews down my local, the Crabbe Arms, I took a disoriented walk (that of a pisshead) down to Twitt Row Police Department where I handed out another three headshots. Total of four today, nothing to be ashamed of. Rounded off the night back at Grandon Place Police Station, collapsing in my room, or should I say the re-decorated cell I call my room, a bottle of Tequilla falling out of my hand as it slid off the metal contraption they're passing off as a bed nowadays. --Chopper 00:50, 25 June 2006 (BST)
- 25th June
Was woken up yesterday by the commotion of people rallying their weapons together, as the Necro Tech building next to us was under attack. Pshh, why didn't they do anything about it? After the five or ten minutes it took me to sit up from my slumber pit I decided if you want something done right you've got to do it youself. So, with my six shooter and my 4'10" shotgun, not to mention my hangover, I lept across the rooftop, kicked in the air ventillation grid and made my way into the building. After a heafty landing as I clattered to the floor, I looked up to find DrBanzai being chased by a Zombie, vaguely noticing that the Zombie had a nametag on his white yet blood splatterd lab jacket. It said Ludwig. Ludwig?? Ludwig!?! The Germans are invading again! Ah', but then again, you can't blame them. Britain is the only sexually attractive country in the world, that's why the Germans wanted her so much, I mean... Two World Wars and one World Cup! Waay! Anyway, with a banging headache I cleared out the building of Zombies one by one and restored the barricades, one man army! Ahh', it wasn't so much the day that shit me up though, more so my dream last night... I drempt that Sven Goran Eriksson came up to me and said "You're playing against Portugal", I didn't know why or how he'd come to this conclusion, but he just kept saying "You're playing son, I've talked to all the players and they're all gonna pass to you". Match day came and myself and the players were sat in the dressing room, but as soon as Sven left, they all turned around and individually said to me "You're shit, seriously man, you suck and we're not gonna pass to you". Confused as ever I darted into the bathroom to splash water over my face, in an attempt to wake myself up. But to my surprise when I looked in the mirror, I was Peter Crouch!! >.< Now wouldn't that dream freak you out? Haha. Tuned in my Radio frequency to match that of one being emmitted from outside Malton, where some die hard fans had created a pirate station to broadcast the football to us. Cummon England!! Don't underestimate us Portugal! --Chopper 12:09, 26 June 2006 (BST)
- 26 June
Complete bollocks.. After writing out a rather large entry for the day I threw up all over the page (Closed the window >.<), the effects of infection can be devastating, so if anyone reading this has a First Aid Kit? Due to being pretty much immobilised, I've simply had to wait for death to creep up on me at some point in the night. No shannanigans or comical gestures of any way today.
- 27 June
Revitalised and ready to break some Zombie skulls. Things have heated up a wee bit, there being a small Zombie presence now in North West Brooke Hills, so I ventured out to find some stragglers. After deciding to move east I came acros a library with a single Zed outside, toyed with him for a while then finished him off with my axe, good ole' hack and slash. I noticed in the window of the library a sign saying "A third off all titles"... So I bought 'The Lion, the Witch' >.< Took a brief look around inside and came across a book written by Christopher Reeve, I say written, he dictated it. After taking a quick ganders, reading it's back, I noticed a quote that said "Since the accident, Chris has never looked back." Cummon!! I mean, that's just rubbing salt into the wounds isn't it? Hehe. One more thing that I've never quite understood. You know those waiver type things that appear before some films, the one's that say 'This film is completly ficticious along with all the characters that appear in it. Anything or anyone that may seem to resemble a real person or event is completly coincidental.' Well... Do they really need to say that before Lord Of The Rings? I mean, who's really thinking to themselves "Wow, what a great documentary! I wouldn't mind going on holiday to New Zealand, no wait... I don't want it interrupted by Sarumon and his Orc army!" Fucking egits. I shortly afterward left the library to find headquarters under attack, so leaping into action, all guns blazing, I took my tally of the day up to four. There's an eerie wind passing by, Feeding Groans can be heard, we're soon to come under attack. Hopefully not in our sleep 'eh?
- 28 June
- 29 June
And there was me saying hopefully we wouldn't be attacked in our sleep! Have rather obviously been revived since, but I can't help but be impressed with the Eastonwood Ferals for their raid on Grandon Place Police Station, our HQ. They were swift in their actions and mercilessly mauled five of our members, including myself. Oh', but lives were not in vein, I set a new personal record of five headshots as I marched, a one man army, straight to Eastonwood's Ellicot Building (A known safehouse of the Eastonwood Ferals) and laid down three Zombies to rest! The other two were both on low Hp when I found them, inside Grandon but swaying mindlessly. I may not have equalled the damage the EF caused, but I sure hit back hard. Plans on counter attacks and defense procedures will be spread to the members of the Sun, but only once I have made it back home from my Eastonwood safehouse (Which isn't to be mentioned for my own security >.<). As it came to that time of the night were my eyelids became heavy, I couldn't help but crave a luscious woman to have my wicked way with, maybe it was the thought of death being so close but I ended up thinking back to this wonderful woman I met on the internet. She was beautiful, stunning rather, wonderful personality, smart, the works really. Of course it turned out to be a twelve year old, handicapped boy... I'll be honest, the sex was disapointing! Hahahaha, ok, I may have crossed a boundary there. That was a little low, but you should all know that everything I've said on this page has been in the spirit of shits and giggles. --Chopper 11:24, 29 June 2006 (BST)
- 2 July
That's it. The second that this Zombie apocalyptic situation has died down I'm personally declaring it 'Hunting Season' on Christiano Ronaldo. Anybody who brings me his head will be rewarded handsomely. Portugese cunt!! When I heard on the radio that Ronaldo had assisted through persuading the refferee to send Rooney off, something in my head clicked and with God as my witness, I swear I'll break the fairy in half! Due to a rather capricious mood at the moment these are the last words for the night..
- 3 July
I've just about come to terms with Englands knockout in the World Cup, still wearing my 'S.T.A.R.S Hooligans Jersey' with pride. Non the less, I suppose my mood was given a boost when my woman got in touch with me for the first time in almost two months, which of course started to bring back the memories. Ah', we were good together but like any couple we had our ups and downs. One time we were simply sitting in with some friends, you know, just a casual night, beers and splffs being handed 'round. When after several questions I was asked I realised; when a guy says he is spoken for, that is quite literally what he means!! >.< Another time my girlfriend sat me down and she said to me, 'Mark, we're at a cross roads in our life. Down one road is happiness, commitment, trust and eventually marrige. Down the other road, well, the other road is a dead end, it doesn't lead anywhere... So I said "That's not a cross roads, it's a T -Junction!" I hope you're laughing, she went fucking mental!! Anyway, cleared out Swallow Lane and Spence Row PD's of Zombies earlier, having ran out of ammunition right at the end of killing my fourth Zed of the day, I decided to bring my trusty Fire Zxe into play, taking its head clean off in one swift blow. Put a smile on my blood splattered face, quite enjoyed getting physical for once in a while... Bold text