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This is my writtem journal. If you are reading this, it mean I am probably dead somewhere. Maybe gone for good. Things are hard in this town. With the gradual dissapearance of a large zombie hivemind, the town is undergoing reconstruction once again.

My former team had disbanded and now I work with the Fortress. Things are complicated, but these guys know what to do. I am nazdreg. When the outbreak began, it appears I was a early casualty. A few years after the outbreak, my corpse awoke and I was reborn as a zombie, free from any human emotion.

When I was revived at Ackland, bits and pieces of my former existence reapeared. Fragment of my former self. I am not as human as the other survivors. I am nothing than a walking corpse given life once again. My "real" self is gone for good.

My new name is a weird choice. I can't remember who I was, yet I remembered that I was a Warhammer 40 000 fan. Weird, uh? Nazdreg is a codename of some sort.

May 2007

May 22 (Day 1)

The occupation of the Blackmore Building continue. The local hivemind, called the "Resistance Front" by some, did not show up as expected. I am suspicious, but I have decided to leave Blackmore and join the Fortress.

I have been assigned to boot camp! How dare they put ME into bootcamp? The drill sergeant is a bit rough, but he's probably a better tactician then Blane. Lots of fresh face around here, many are unexperienced soldier, probably freshly dropped by the millitary.

They are hiding in a small school. I suppose they have avoid showing where they are. Smart tactic. I cleared a necrotech of zombie infestation. I suppose the rookie are not used to do that.

May 23 (Day 2)

More necrotech cleaning. So boring, no new face. Its day two and its already routine. Im sure some of the lil 'baby soldiers don't know how to use a gun.

I explored the school. It brings me some weird flashback for my life, before my first transformation into a zombie. I don't really remember much of my "human life" before the outbreak. It feels strange to know that I used to be somebody else. When I wasn't "Nazdreg".

Somebody more...human.

May 24 (Day 3)

I was ordered to guard a necrotech building all by myself. The power is down, and this old building is somewhat cold. At least I have a furcoat to keep me warm.

I installed my camping tent inside an old data room. The power is out, so I can't read what was on the computer. Anyway, I doubt that Necrotech forgot to erase any important data. The data disc that contains truth about this outbreak have been destroyed, I am sure of it. I just need to find the mysterious Zulu Lab to confirm this.

There are noise outside, I can hear them. I know what they want...*Blood covers some words* much. Bastard took a bite out of me. I can thank the Drill Sergeant. He repelled the zombie and helped me escape. The guys is exhausted, he need a rest. We need to retake the NT again tomorrow.

May 25 (Day 4)

Some guy took care of the zombie in the NT, but my Drill Sergeant says im too stressed. Maybe im not meant for this?