Journal:Pvt Calton
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Pvt Calton | ||||||||||
Mission Logs - Private Turner Calton
P.M.A.C Tactical Operations Agent - Current Assignment - Malton
***transmission begins***
Pvt Calton - Log 1
"This is Private Calton to any P.M.A.C personal listening, reports begins. Time is 1130 hours, 09/11/05, 13 days after insertion.
As you are aware, our bird was disabled by weapons fire at 0220 hours while approaching the LZ in Riddely Bank. From what I hear, that was probably for the best. We became separated after the forced landing, but were able to reform the I.I.T. in Dartside. Since then we have been attempting to locate a more permanent O.C.P. There appears to be a large number of Wakers heading in our direction, Private Red confirmed this when he was able to reach our temporary O.C.P. The situation is deteriorating rapidly, the outbreak is much larger then anticipated. Many of the Survivors appear to be actively taking advantage of the situation to inflict further suffering on their fellows in the face of the threat of the Wakers. Thankfully others are willing to assist each other, we have made contact with a few scattered military units assigned from various N.A.T.O forces operating in the area. We are currently initiating O.S.P. before proceeding with the mission. Logging request for Necrotech trained operatives to be assigned asap.
Private Calton, Signing Off."
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Pvt Calton - Log 2
"Private Calton Transmitting to P.M.A.C. R.C.P. Time is 1145 hours, 10/11/05, 14 days after insertion.
At 1300 hours on 09/11/05 Private McKenzie and Officer Freeman investigated the nearby St Jeremy's Hospital to conduct S.A.R.M operations to replenish Medical supplies. At 1500 hours I conducted a patrol sweep to the S.A.R.M. location, leaving Dr White at the temporay O.C.P. No R.As located in the immediate vicinity of the S.A.R.M.; provided sit-rep to Private McKenzie and Officer Freeman, and returned to temporary O.C.P. Private McKenzie and Officer Freeman returned from S.A.R.M. at around 0200 hours 10/11/05 after successful O.S.P duties. I went out on another C.P. and encountered a R.A. engaging a survivor several blocks to the south. Damn but those things take a lot to put down! I was able to disable the R.A. after significant ammunition expenditure, will perform O.S.P duty later after I've rested.
Private Calton, Signing Off."
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Pvt Calton - Log 3
"Private Calton Transmitting to P.M.A.C. R.C.P. Time is 1145 hours, 11/11/05, 15 days after insertion.
It was quiet today, Private McKenzie and JSO Freeman conducted some small patrols around the immediate vicinity, all was clear. I went over to the nearby hospital to check on the Doc at 14.00 hours, her S.A.R.M is proceeding well. We anticipate that we should soon be able to move on to locate a more permanent O.C.P, as our current location has proved vulnerable. At 1512 hours a Waker managed to breach the barricades, perhaps we were being lax, but the attack came without warning. It is possible that someone helped breach the barricades from the inside, we shall have to be more vigilent. Luckily the R.A was disabled before too much damage was done and the body cleared from the building. Other survivors in the O.C.P repaired the barricades.
Private Calton, Signing Off."
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Pvt Calton - Log 4
"This is Private Calton to any P.M.A.C personal listening, reports begins. Time is 2230 hours, 12/11/05, 16 days after insertion.
At 2000 hours I conducted a short patrol sweep of the nearby area, and encountered M.O White. She had been slightly injured after the safe house that she'd been conducting her S.A.R.Ms from had been barricaded closed in her absence, so I provided an escort back to our O.C.P. However, M.O White insisted on checking a nearby building for any injured survivors, which I agreed would be a good idea. I proceeded back to the O.C.P, and will attempt to locate some more ammunition. If M.O hs not rejoined us presently, I will return to her location and provide backup. There are several dead bodies nearby, and I'm concerned for the safety of the area if we don't have any personnel with NecroTech training.
Private Calton, Signing Off."
***transmission ends*** ***transmission begins***
Pvt Calton - Log 4 additional
"Located the survivor that initiated hostilities against me during day 12 after insertion, he has been terminated as a threat to the other survivors by J.S.O Freeman and myself. It is with regret that we performed this duty, as his death merely adds to the number of potential wakers in the vicinity, but will hopefully send a message that activities such as his won't be tolerated
Private Calton, Signing Off."
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Pvt Calton - Log 5
"Private Calton to P.M.A.C R.C.P, reports begins. Time is 1138 hours, 14/11/05, 18 days after insertion.
J.S.O Freeman and myself conducted sweeps of the surrounding area, I took a northerly route and encountered other survivors and two Wakers a few blocks north. I was able to despatch the first waker despite the body armour it still wore, and wounded the other, I expect that the other survivors in the area took down the R.A in short order. Low on ammunition I returned to the temporary O.C.P for resupply. J.S.O Freeman had not returned by the time of this transmission. Will attempt to raise him on the comms at 1230 hours, but I'm not concerned with his absence, he can handle himself and I'm sure will return soon.
Private Calton, Signing Off."
***transmission ends***
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Pvt Calton - Log 6
"This is Private Calton calling any P.M.A.C personal in the area, reports begins. Time is 1400 hours, 15/11/05, 19 days after insertion.
J.S.O Freeman's body was located outside the temporary O.C.P at 1000 hours. I had grown increasingly concerned about about our inability to contact or locate Freeman, at 1000 hours I left the temporary O.C.P on patrol, and found the body of J.S.O Freeman immediately outside. It appears that he attempted to return after an attack to receives medical attention. I suspect that he was still alive after the attack, as evidenced by the sign hung around his neck, and written in what appears to be his own blood. Whilst inspecting the dormant corpse, I noticed movement a block away, and was able to disable a brute of a Waker before it noticed us. I returned to the temporary O.C.P and hope to find someone capable of reviving Liam.
Private Calton, Signing Off."
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Pvt Calton - Log 7
"This is Private Calton to any P.M.A.C personal listening, reports begins. Time is 1005 hours, 16/11/05, 20 days after insertion.
At 1930 hours on the 15/11/05, I went outside to check on J.S.O Freeman, his corpse is still outside, just sitting there. He appears to be aware of what is going on, and points to the sign around his neck forlornly. Obviously his sense of duty is well ingrained, as he has yet to make a threatening action to any of those using the Safehouse. I attempted to drive off a waker from around a nearby PD, it may even have been the one I saw earlier. This Waker was more active and alert then previously, and was able to land a few blows on me. Feeling weak, I returned to the temporary O.C.P to recuperate, and alert others to the threat, I believe some may have dealt with the threat. Certainly, when I awoke, I had received medical assistance.
At 0915 hours today I left the O.C.P to check again on Freeman, and any other Wakers. Freeman was still there, but no-sign of anything else nearby. I remain concerned about the number of corpses in the area, it may soon be time to move on.
Private Calton, Signing Off."
***transmission ends***
***transmission begins***
Pvt Calton - Log ???
"This is Private Calton to any P.M.A..., reports begins. Time is 1. hours, ....06, ....after insertion.
Is this thing even worki... Christ, things have gone to shi... The Wakers are le...rning fast. It's getting harder to st... safe. We've had to rel...cate, one moment everythi... ...ine, the next the, Bars... ...ngst us. It took a while to regroup, but mos... s... have establis...d a new O.C.P.
I feel it is my du... to inform the R.C... Morale is low ... present.
Priva... ...ton, Signing Off."
***transmission ends***
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Pvt Calton - Log 8?
"Hey, Looks like I've got a clean signal. Calton here, sorry, that's Private Calton Reporting. Time is 1341 hours on the 21/02/07, shit, has it really been 469 days?
It's been some time since my last report and things have changed. Some for the better, some for the worse. I haven't seen Liam for months now, he's either gone feral or has just disappeared, but Locke and Jane showed up again recently. M.O. Hanne Rhys has been doing a stirling work, and has made a valuable asset to the team. When, if, we ever get out of here, I'd like to recommend her for a commendation for her dedication and support to P.M.A.C and to Malton. We've been working alongside a loose federation of survivors in the Dartside area for some time now, they call themselves the "Regulators Alliance". Hard fighters, and good people, I'm glad we have made contact with them as per our S.O.Ps to work with local groups of authority.
There has been some more recent developments too. A small to medium sized group of Wakers has been targeting the area, interogation of revived specimins indicates that they refer to themselves as the "UndeadFers", whatever that means. We have designated them as a high profile target, due to the coordination they display. It is disturbing to find that even when revivified, they display no loyalty to humanity. I would suggest a possible link to Russian Crime Syndicates.
Also, a spate of attacks has been carried out on the "Regulators Alliance" and P.M.A.C personal by an individual who identifies herself as "Sindy Saint", target has been seen operating alongside a man known only as "Rich Uncle Skeleton" It is clear that the stress and trauma of the situation here has caused them to crack, and are targeting their anger and fear at those they perceive to be in positions of authority. We have instituated S.E.P to deal with the situation, and have had some success in limiting the damge they have been able to cause. Ironically here, the NT virus has helped us, personal taken down in the line of duty can be revivified. Again, I would like to draw attention to the work of Hanne Rhys here, without her dedication, things could've gotten very messy. Working alongside the NT trained members of the RA, sorry, "Regulators Alliance", we have been able to keep disruption to a minimum.
Lastly, one of the nearby Malls, Marven, has fallen to Waker hordes. We anticipate that we should be able to regain control within a few weeks at the longest. Luckily, it has only had a limited impact on our S.A.R.Ms due to the proximity of other Resource Buildings. The main concern is caused by Wakers spilling over into our area of control since the fall of Marven.
Morale is good currently, the RA sure know how to keep their spirits up, and have given us a warm welcome.
This is Private Calton, signing off
***transmission ends***
--Turner Calton 13:44, 21 February 2007 (UTC)