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Starting Occupation: Corpse
Group Membership:
Goals: Taking life and death as it comes and goes
Username: Fuzzytek
More details: Urban Dead profile

October 26

Days are full of color, fall is here, night grows cold and I don't feel it. The colors are faded, life has faded, I'm feeling jaded. Alone and wandering. I'd like some soup, something warm, like brains. But mmm, perhaps a bowl of beermat soup. I wonder if the smell is as strong as brains. I'm getting hungry - there have been no fresh brains around for days. Just wandering around streets filled with zombies.

Here's a memory that came back and seems to be rolling through my head a lot. I wish I could control my mouth better to sing it proud.


Nobody likes me
everybody hates me
I'm gonna go eat worms

Great big fat ones
itty bitty skinny ones
see how they wiggle and squirm?

Bite their heads off
suck their guts out
throw the skins away!

Nobody knows how good worms are
to eat three times a day

October 18

I have been wandering around dead for a while and got a bit hungry. All I seem to find is rotten zombie flesh on the street. It sure seems like the number of zombies has been on the rise, especially as I move north from Crowbank.

I've been trying to get doors to open and just not getting the hang of it. So I tried again today and I think I finally figured it out. Inside there was this guy sleeping and 2 zombies curled up against the wall sleeping too. It certainly is an interesting sight to behold. I'll go nap for a bit too.

September 16

It has been a few days since someone 'revived' me. That day I was so tired, but the stench had me looking for clothing. You know a night club is just the wrong place to find clothes. All I found was a bunch of dancer outfits. At least there was a shower. I cleaned up and rested.

Over the past couple days I've come to understand zombies. I need some sort of weapon and some skills. I suck at street fighting! I'm not military, or medic, or scientist or any of that. I'm just a guy on the street. So I picked around in a junkyard and found a lead pipe, better than nothing at the time.

I found the police station. If there's a weapon around it'll be in here. Place seems well guarded and barricaded, glad I could get inside. They were pretty leery about how messed up my clothes look. I guess I was a zombie for a while. Inside the station I searched quite a while and found a shotgun. This is cool! Now I just have to find shells...