Journal:Ruinator 2

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May 15, 2008

The Search, Day 15:

I found an exposed section of the tracks in the streets outside the fabled Pitman Mansion. I crawled down to the neglected railway betneath the ground the followed them right into the mansion itself!

Once inside the building, I came upstairs to find the place completely deserted and yet strangely in well-kept condition. I took a quick stock of my supplies and when I came back I found the most distrubing events had taken place:

The Man in White has found me!

Here is his profile! Storm Shadow

I quickly fled in case he came back while I was unprepared to face him. Once I hit the street I saw his foot prints in the mud heading South/South-East. I will catch up with him and now I've got his name!

Oh yes, before leaving I decided to leave a present for the most hated man in Malton:


May 16, 2008

The Search, Day 16:

I followed Storm Shadow down through yagoton. I tried to enlist the support of the locals, but to no avail.

Which way did he go?

May 17, 2008

The Search, Day 17:

The locals at the warehouse in Yagoton, while unable to help me find my target, did have a bottle of whiskey to spare.

The rest of the night was blur and I woke up in the Bear Pit in the Matlon Zoo. Fortunately the only bears there were stuffed.

I thought this was the BEER Pit

I groggily got my self cleaned up in the little water feature that had been set up for the bears oh so long ago. That really would make a great cooler for beer if they ever decide to stop false advertising.

I continued on my South-East course. I found myself deep in RRF territory, but fortunately the horde proper must be on holiday yet. Well, either that they heard I was coming down and ran as fast as their shambling little legs could take them. Yeah – that must be it.

I found that the phone mast was already up and running so I used my portable generator and fuel in a hospital next door – I’m civic minded like that. I then used my cell phone to see if Jensonson could shed any light on my search for the vile Storm Shadow.

There a place I can plug this in?

Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em.

Can I has help?

You’ve got mail.

May 18, 2008

The Search, Day 18:

I found a room for rent in the Canning Motel in Preppardville.

Check out my room-mate!

While I took a nap, I set up the camera to watch for Storm Shadow. While I slumbered, the motion sensor I had set up caught this snapshot:

He’s right there!

I got him lined up in my sights and I was just about to squeeze the trigger when the cloud cover broke and a single beam of sunlight reflected off my scope and directly into his eyes. Perhaps from God herself, Storm Shadow received a second chance at life.

He broke into a run, heading North this time. I quickly gathered my things and set out after him.

May 19, 2008

The Search, Day 19:

I sprinted North into MPD/MFD territory in Huntley Heights. I figured I could see if they had any information available to help me.

Any ideas, bub?

Turns out they were very helpful – in fact they recently discovered a cache of materials from shortly before the outbreak. After listening to my long and varied tale, they produced this item for me:


The name “Pitman” is barely visible, having been scratched across the surface. I rummaged through the contents only to find shipping invoices and bills for payment past due to Lord Pitman, Pitman Mansion, Malton. All them supplied by a company called “Arbco, Inc.”

I grabbed an invoice to take with me even though it would doubtless prove to have no use. I left the rest of the material for the MPD/MFD to deal with and moved on.

I happened upon Rodges Stadium in Chancelwood. It reminded me of a story from my youth:

That’s not a flute!

May 20, 2008

The Search, Day 20:

Storm Shadow has proven to be quite the slippery foe – I’ve lost his trail yet again. Maybe I shouldn’t be drinking this much while trying to track someone. Looking for leads where ever I can, I stuck this random dude next to Hamerton Road in Dulston:

Just some dude.

After bringing him back to life, he was as helpful to me as when he was dead.

I jogged over to the Featherstone Library to look up Arbco, Inc and see if they have any information about the items detailed on the shipping invoice I picked up in Huntley Heights.

Nothing new

I was just about to leave the library when I noticed a book on land parcel ownership. I checked the index and indeed – there was Arbco, Inc listed! I looked at the entry and found that company owned just one building in Malton – the Greatorex Building down in Houldenbank. For the past decade it’s been rented out to the Necrotech company! This is the break I’ve been looking for. I must head down there and search for additional infromation.

May 21, 2008

The Search, Day 21:

The trek southward to Houldenbank was long and difficult. I made it to the zombie infested suburb, nearly exhausted. I will have to rest here for the night and pray that I’m not killed by the hordes of zombies all around me.

I was bolstered by this message received from my Cold Cell Brother, Amano Jaku:

Hip Flask Holding Strong

I found a suitably run-down building to spend my night in. Hopefully I won’t attract any zeds while I’m here:

Oh noes - it's dark in here!

May 22, 2008

The Search, Day 22:

The Journey has been long and difficult, but I feel that it may finally be drawing to a close.

I approached the Greatorex Building, crawling through wreckage and debris from the ruined suburbs. The zombies must have had a field day chomping through these ‘burbs. Not a building is left standing in good repair – most having nearly collapsed. I was counting dead bodies when I noticed one in particular among them:

All this way and he’s already dead?!?!

There, swaying gently in the breeze was my arch-nemesis, Storm Shadow. I looked into the eyes of my fallen nemesis. Hidden in there was a great pain at a preceived betrayal. I drew my knife, knowing that if I couldn’t save his mind at least I could prevent him living the life of a zombie. We fought too hard together to stop the spread of this unholy plague to let him spend the rest of time in this state. No, I would cut off his head and allow his tormented soul to rest.

Fate, maybe destiny, stayed my hand. I looked down, for some reason unable to kill the man that had haunted me all over Malton these past weeks, made my life hell, and worst of all stole all my damn whiskey!

There, by my foot, lay a broken bottle. I picked it up to see an Arbco, Inc logo. I looked around and noticed crates – all over – of the same materials I found in the underground transportation system beneath Krink’s Power Station. I walked around and noticed that Storm Shadow's backpack had a red “Cobra” sigil.

The pieces all came together.

Lord Pitman was receiving supplies – chemicals and man-sized metal containers – from Arbco. The Arbco logo and the Cobra logo were so similar. Storm Shadow was in Malton, serving as bodyguard to his boss – the leader of Cobra, when the outbreak hit. Arbco IS Cobra! Cobra was supplying illegal chemicals and material to Lord Pitman. All those invoices and payment past due notices – Lord Pitman must have betrayed Cobra Commander and somehow Storm Shadow thinks I did it!

I could not let this lie go any further. I pulled out my last remaining syringe of serum. I jabbed it deep into Storm Shadow’s neck and watched as he fell to the ground.

Nothing happened. His body just lay there, seemingly not reacting to the serum. I’ve heard stories of some people taking a long time to respond to the cure. I will wait for him to come around – I owe it to him to tell him the truth. I will keep vigil here in Houldenbank until I have the opportunity to set this right!

May 23, 2008

The Search, Day 23:

The first day of my vigil has been difficult. I can’t sleep without fear of zombies coming in at any moment. I have found a little cubby hole to hide myself in. There isn’t much safety anywhere in this ‘burb.

Unfortunately Storm Shadow’s body stay lay at the heap outside of the Greatorex Building. Hopefully soon he’ll recover and I can end this difficult quest!

May 24, 2008

The Search, Day 24:

Overnight on the second day of my vigil, while I slept a roamer broke in and took some chunks out of me. Fortunately I came out of my deep slumber and find that another survivor had beaten him off long enough for me to wake.

I assessed the situation and made my escape – the locals already knew enough to bug out. A friendly stranger slapped a bandage on my wounds and I had some antibiotics to take as well. Dangerously low on supplies and safety I press on – hoping that the serum will work and allow me the chance to set things right with Storm Shadow!

May 25, 2008

The Search, Day 25:

Loss of sleep and entering the fourth day of my vigil - sober! Starting to hallucinate.

I don't know how much longer I can go on. Praying for the mothership to beam me up.


May 26, 2008

The Search, Day 26:


Wha?!?1 Blue! Grab the waistcoat and tighten the flags! Hold that handle - HOLD IT!

Orange juice, with a side of bacon and saxophones, please.

I don't know the brakes just starting making this noise and then flowers burst out of the lower house.


May 27, 2008

The Search, Day 27:

I caught a nap that brought me back to my senses. I packed up my things to make my daily inspection of Storm Shadow's hopefully reviving corpse.

I got the Greatorex Building and found this:

He's GONE!

There's no telling what state he's in - whether still reeling from the trauma of being brain-washed or having regained he normal personality. He could even be some fractured mess not aware of who he is or what he's doing.

I must track him down - find him fast! I will sprint across the suburbs in the next few days until I can find him.

May 28, 2008

The Search, Day 28:

I sprinted across the ‘burbs of Malton – yelling his name, but getting no response. Well I did have a few things thrown at me from survivors and undead alike as their sleep was disturbed by the ruckus. I did get a nice pair of shoes out of the deal though.

I made my way to Vinetown and rested for just a few scarce hours. I then continued northeast to Roftwood and Pimbank. My phone beeped as I entered the range of the Roftwood Phone Mast. It was a text sent by Amano. It sparked an idea. In addition to searching on my own – I could call friends and ask them if they’ve spotted him. Two so far with no luck.

Soon, I know I will find him. I’ve come too far to stop now!

May 29, 2008

The Search, Day 29:

I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me – maybe something that didn’t agree with me ate me. Either way I wasn’t feeling too good. I continued search for Storm Shadow but at a much slower pace.

Stopping by the drugstore I loaded up on meds. Mmmm… NyQuil.

May 30, 2008

The Search, Day 30:

At last – the news that I’d been waiting for: contact from Storm Shadow!

You say, “Hello” while I say-

That’s it then - he’s gone.

Perhaps one day he will be able to join forces with me once again as we try to rid Malton of the Undead scrouge!

One thing that still troubles me though is where he put all my whiskey! My only clue is the set of coordinates that Storm Shadow sent after his last message. It’s only a half-day’s hike from here so I will venture there and report back what I find.

May 31, 2008

The Search, The Last Day:

I found the building described to me via my failing mobile phone. It had to be the place. Betsy™ and I made short work of the barricades keeping us out. There was no power in the old and ill-kept warehouse. I lit my torch and quickly scanned the place.

The front room was a non-descript lobby, something you’d find in a run-down printing warehouse. I walked into the back storage area and noticed a blinking red light on the wall next to me. It was the breaker switch. I flipped it on, flooding the room with light.

What I saw made me fall to my knees.

Tears filled my eyes, my mouth dropped open, and I realized that I was both screaming and laughing maniacally. Yes, before me lay the Promised Land, my Mecca, my Whole, my Everything.

Whiskey Warehouse.jpg

That, my friends, is wall to wall, front to back, floor to ceiling, WHISKEY.

I’m sorry to say that I will not divulge the location of this wealth – for it can not fall into the wrong hands. Rest assured however, that I will be supplying all Fortress parties with barrels of the wonderful spirit.

In the meantime, if you never see me again, know that I died happy, likely drowned in a pool of whiskey.

And thus concludes the sorrid tale of Ruinator and his misadventures across Malton. Thank you for coming by and being a part of:


June 18, 2008

I was selected for command of Excalibur by a Council vote of 4 of 5.

August 13, 2008

Excalibur ceases combat operations. My command of Excalibur lasted for 63 days. I was awarded status of Combat Veteran.

August 19, 2008

I was selected for command of Cold Cell by a Council vote of 4 of 5. (again)

August 21, 2008

Scored the second Pyro-assassination in Fortress history. [1]

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