Journal: Private Mark

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Private Mark
Starting Occupation: Medic
Group Membership: The Abandoned
Goals: (Attempt to) Restore Order in Malton
Username: Private Mark
More details: Urban Dead profile

April 15, 2007

What a day! I woke up to the sounds of barricades smashing, splintered wood flying in my direction. Only last night I had told Charlie Team that we may head out to re-secure our "hood" back in Yagoton, and that everyone should prepare for it. We were waiting for Hawkeye to return, after he contacted us via radio from somewhere up North East. And then... the shattering. A lone zombie lurched his way past the broken wood and cardboard boxes we had used to fill up the space. Oddly, he didn't begin to attack anyone nearby, instead saying a variety of strange zombie phrases. Filled with adrenaline, I murdered the zed via large amounts of gun fire and molotov cocktails.

Still.... what a strange zombie.... I finished the day by repairing what was left of our barricades.

April 13, 2007

It seems we have visitors. A man named John Andrew Barnes introduced himself to me after I did the usual Abandoned greeting, saying that he was leading a regiment of US ARMY INFANTRY troops into the region. He asked for a representative.... and what a fine time for McBlackjack to get dragged out by the zeds!

Behind him, more troops filtered in, helping other members who weren't as successful in their freerunning attempts as they had been. Behind me, Albert lurched... he fell back into a chair, as if in a coma. Odd.....

Paintcheck cursed, saying something about him being a "private contractor".... probably referring to his status as a mercenary in our group. Can't blame him....

And as for the ever-loved radio.... Bale Mall had been retaken. Temporarily. I've said for awhile now that the mall was a death trap. Actually, others have said so, and it's true. While Malls did have more stores, more equipment, and more places to hide, it was a big target, and it's four sides could not be adequately protected. The zombies breaking in spelled trouble for everyone.

I free ran into Retallick to find the remnants of a battle last night. A trail of blood to the second floor window showed where Dana and the others had dropped out yet more zombies. Patching up the barricades, I headed to the nearby Hotel to check on the place...

And there I met him. Necro..... in times before the massive zombie siege, he and his brothers were responsible for part of our Man-on-Man issues that had been keeping people on wits end. Total, they had killed about 20-30 innocent people, young and old, in the whole of Yagoton.

I warned my team and the others present about him, saying that should he try anything stupid, they were to kill him.

Unfortunately, it seems that for my part, this will be the first sleepless night in some time.

April 12, 2007

Woke up today finding that everyone was a buzz with survivor activity... drunken one's, it seemed. Paintcheck's hollering woke me up, yelling something about his spray paint can running out early.... Albert was speaking some strange, non-sensical, inhuman jabber... but otherwise, everything seemed ok at first. I should really lock those alcohol safes in the Club next door...

The radio was on the blitz again, literally jumping up and down on the table with the amount of blabber going through it, when Pendarrin's familiar voice filtered through. Apparently, one of our older nemesis "To Talk" had returned to the YRC for a bit of fun. No doubt at this very moment someone's taking care of him..



I just heard a crash. It seems to be coming from the west entrance of the warehouse.... I went over to check on our cardboard and 2x4 barricades to notice that parts of it were broken through. While they were still formidable, only a few more hits and the zombies could break through. I'll have to patch up those holes later on... first off, I think I'll reload at the PD next door...

/*The journal is dropped on the ground, one of it's edges falling on a dead survivor's hand. After a few minutes, it's picked up again*

Looks like my day just got worse. After doing my usual run into Retallick PD, I was greeted by shattered wooden chairs that served as barricades, a few dead bodies on the ground (I told those idiots NOT to sleep in here), and two VERY hungry zombies chewing on the last survivor. I drew my Glock 18's, blasting the crap out of the first zombie, and kicked him out the window. I aimed for the next one, pelted him a bit.... until I heard the faint, oddly familiar (in a bad way) sound of the clips emptying....

I cursed at the lucky zombie, hastily piling more garbage in front of the doors to remake the barricade until I could return. When I got back to the warehouse, however, I realized that the cades there were still low.... the faint scratching noise from outside could still be heard as the zombies sought to get inside and eat Abandoned flesh....


April 11, 2007

Not much has happened today.... *this is scratched out*

Ok, screw that. Much HAS happened today.

For starters, half-asleep I overheard McBlackjack talking with someone about a possible "Zombie Spy". The person in question was one by the name of Gonzo. Apparently, he had freerun into the Saint Building just last night. At the same time, the barricades went down temporarily and a zombie came in and mashed our generator. The situation probably seemed bizarre enough to my sleepy state that I thought it was all a dream...

But no. Upon waking up, the man in question was lying there, sitting next to a table where the building's radio was sputtering replies back and forth. He seemed to have a slightly smug look on his face.

And what do you know... I MG'ed his status on our online survivor database, and found...

This dude was a career zombie.

Speaking of zombies, it's funny, but when the plague struck, it was as if a new species of human had evolved. The zombies, while naturally thought to be ill-witted, pitiable, stupid creatures of sorts, had come to create their own language, their own communities, customs, among other things. Many had even managed to preserve their brains, so as to create complex plans for breaking into survivor rooms. Odd indeed.

A estranged few allow themselves to be "revived" so that they may help their brothers further in human form. The bastard.

I dragged him off to a nearby window in the building. It was about four stories tall, and would leave a beautiful *thump* as he hit the ground.

I raised my shotgun to his forehead, preparing to blow his brains out....

But something happened. For the first time in many weeks, I actually felt.... squeamish about shooting another human. I can't explain why.

But it had to be done. I turned my head around, and slowly pulled the trigger.....

/*there's some blood splattered here. It seems to have been hastily wiped off*

Man..... accidentally got my journal wet. Oh well....

The other thing about zombies; while they take greater damage when they're "headshotted", their skulls seem to have grown harder with the zombiefying process. Therefore, the bullets did not give the somewhat gratifying sound of brains exploding....


Brains. I think I'm beginning to sound like a zombie now.

At any rate, my work here's done. White brought us a new generator and fuel, so all work is done here for now. Guess I'll return to the HQ and catch some more rest....

April 10, 2007

I awoke last night in a cold sweat, having yet another nightmare pertaining to earlier times in my Maltonian history. Memories of that accident that got me stranded here still linger in my mind, seemingly wanting to eat away at my consciousness. But it was only a dream, and I'm still alive....

I looked outside the window of the warehouse I was sleeping in, with many others. I was nearly blinded by the light that came from a building not two blocks away...

Saint Building. It means....

A lot of things. It is well named, for one thing, for it serves as the NecroNet site for this part of town. And the only one in power too, other than...

"Friends of the YRC: Whatmore is in human hands!"

"Request any assistance in defense and revives."

"the revolution has arrived ot halp yagoton" )

"Heads up! Zombies have retaken Bale, here might be next!"

"yes, i killed my first rotter with headshot!"

My radio sputtered this rather quickly, and it was followed by muffled laughter from the other end. So it seems.... Whatmore, the spirit of the good suburb that most of the Abandoned call home, the building that ensures a steady supply of syringes.... it was back.

For the first time in a month, things really WERE looking up for us for once. Millen Hills itself had at least five powered buildings, and the zeds scratching on the walls were few and far between. It would be a good week for the survivors.

There was a tapping at the window.... someone was trying to get through. At first, my sleepy eyes thought that some random zombie had somehow found his way to the top floor shutters. Drawing a double-barreled shotgun I had found recently, I approached the window to give the zombie his well-deserved fate...

Only to find Altair, and NK banging on the windows from the outside. It seems they had finally woken from their zombie slumber....

I opened the window, only to realize that they continued the said slumber. They slumped all over me as I opened it.

It's a rare sight to see fellows who could sleep so soundly anymore...

April 06, 2007

No zombie activity recently. Good.

Dana and a few others were successful in killing those two annoying zeds outside, so it's all good. Problem is, now no one wants to sleep over at Club Groom. Can't blame them...

We just got word from command recently that they have ideas for a strike operation, but due to the splitting of the Abandoned, it seems like we'll have problems organizing ourselves to commit the strike. Nothing we can't handle, though. I just stocked up at the local Retallick, and as soon as I get my rest... (was up till one in the morning last night in a drunken haze) we might as well head over there and crash the zed's party. Rumor is that their "leader" is holding a speech there.....

April 05, 2007

Well. That was a mash up. Everyone (including me) died that night. I berated Kothos about it, but then forgave him after I realized that we had failed to spray-tag the building anyhow about keeping the lights out.

Paint was successful in bringing most of the things back in order, although most of Charlie Team is once again sitting outside, including Altair and the others. McBlack probably has some spare needles, so he can deal with them. Now, as to how we're going to deal with our current zed problem (because zed on zed is apparently not working) there's talk that we may try to take Bale yet again. But then again, it's only talk...

April 04, 2007

It's been... several days, if not weeks, since anyone in the Abandoned was able to find a stronghold in what used to be our territory. Perhaps it's luck. Perhaps it's fate. Perhaps the zombies just don't give a care...

But it would be ludacris to say that. After all, ever since the sewage seemed to "magically" increase the overall strenght of the zeds, their hunger seemed to just as "magically" increase. With devastating results.

Regardless, Club Groom is a nice place to live in, for the time being. The lovingly waxed dance floor still shines, and still manages to cause every other survivor to slip and fall, as well as the occasional zed that pasts herein. And that's where I bring us into the current situation in Malton....

For possibly the first time in the Abandoned's history, we left Yagoton.... left it, because for once we could not stem the tide that was t3h 3vil that is the "zambah". They came, they saw, and they chewed, as the late Julius might have said, given the circumstances. Oh well. It seems befitting for us. Did we not wish for our man-on-man issues to end? And what a drastic cure for that it has become!

Hold on, I think I hear someone banging on the door....



It seems that more members of Charlie Team survived than I thought. I rushed to pull up a chair for our tired and recently revived comrades, as well as looting the nearby bar for a drink of something for the newcomers. No alcohol. The last thing I need is a boozed out army during a zombie invasion.

As for the others, as far as I know Doubler and Lucien are nowhere to be seen. Albert has taken control of leadership for the time being, but with our scattered troops, no radio, and dead powerlines, it's become nearly impossible for anyone to communicate. The only option we had left was through MG'ing..... an internet connection via these strange armlinks that we found in an abandoned warehouse down at Yagoton a few months ago. We've been conserving use of these things due to their low power capabilities, but a time like this, they've become ever the more useful...

Good. It seems the warehouse below us has been cannibalized for use for what's left of the Abandoned. Now let's see if we can't survi----- (the writing stops here abruptly)

I apologize for interrupting, journal. It seems that Kothos has brought a generator with him. I warned him not to fuel it up, but it's too late. The lights are on. Now All we can hope is that.....

Shit. The zombies know that we're here now. I'll have to end this quick bef----------

(writing ends here)