Kidner Park

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Kidner Park

Dentonside [96,53]

wasteland Lax Cinema Shadwick Place
Harman Square Kidner Park Hebditch Library
Colquhoun Avenue Spenser Road Simplicius General Hospital

Basic Info:

  • This is an empty block, and cannot be barricaded.
The Park before the Outbreak.


The park is just south of Lax Cinema. In the early days of the Outbreak the park was swamped with the corpses of zombies and animals, as an eyewitness recounted. Before the Outbreak, couples could be seen strolling though the park, especially if the cinema was playing a romantic movie. This part of Dentonside was seen as slightly more relaxed than the more rowdy areas. During the day parents would take their children there to play because it was considered relatively safe. When the zombie Outbreak occurred, they could be seen killing all the children playing there at the time. Nowadays the park is quiet; only rarely can zombies be seen shambling through the park.