Lexicon:Heavy Explosives

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Feb. 22, 2006

Hey, journal. I managed to pick up a bunch of dried goods for the folks I'm staying with. Makes me happy to know I'm finally helping others survive in this god-forsaken hell-hole of a city.

Anyways, I've have some interesting news to report. While digging for groceries, I saw what appeared to be some sort of elite teams or something. I stayed quiet, however; you never know if these guys are here not just to kill zombies, but to silence survivors as well. Anyways, these guys used C4 - yes, C freaking 4 - to blast a path through a huge mob of zombies.

Even if they were one of those embedded military teams stuck in the city to protect civilians, I wonder where they got that stuff? Thanks to those damn bureaucratic laws about guns, most of the city is taking on the army of the undead army with less than military grade weaponry. Sure, this isn't America, but you'd think you see at least one crazy civilian using an AK, M249, or a MP5.

Anyways, about these heavy explosives...rumor has it that each military man or woman who heads into the city is given at least a good 5 pounds of C4. What the hell for? And how much damn C4 are they planning on giving out? Rumor also has it they've been used all over the city as well. One person swears up and down they leveled a city block to trap thousands of zombies under piles of rubble.

(A quick side note: C4 is plastic explosive. It's pretty much explosive clay that can be shaped and molded into whatever you please. God, I could use some of this stuff.)

Other rumors about heavy explosives involves the Army armed with Rocket Propelled Grenades, Bazookas, Hand Grenades, and everything else in between. These rumors hold even less water than the C4 idea. Then again, if some military guy reads this, send something that goes boom so we can use it against the zombies, alright?

Agent Heroic 17:05, 25 February 2007 (UTC) (Sorry for the delay.)

References: Special Forces Teams, Firearms Registration Act, Ammunition Shortage