Lockettside Reavers

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Lockettside Reavers
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Abbreviation: LSR
Group Numbers: Approximately 13
Leadership: Someone Important
Goals: Make Lockettside and Surrounding Suburbs Dangerous Again.
Recruitment Policy: Bring a zombie down to Lockettside and kill survivors
Contact: We'll call you

The Lockettside Reavers are a group of feral zombies who wreak havoc on Lockettside and the surrounding suburbs.

Group History

The Lockettside Reavers was founded by a group of friends sometime in 2020 with the goal of bringing some life back to Lockettside. They shortly lost interest in the daily grind, but as of 2024, are back in force. Join us by changing your group in-game and heading to Lockettside.


The groups goals are to:

  • Kill and Destroy


Current Operations

Hold Thompson Mall

Barricade Plan

The Reavers enforce a strict No Barricades policy in the suburb of Lockettside.