Lyoko World Zombie Hunters

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--Lyoko Is great 14:12, 3 September 2007 (BST)

Lyoko World Zombie Hunters


Abbreviation: TertAll
Group Numbers: We have 3 members
Leadership: lyoko is great and cosmosilver7
Goals: to help as many people as we can
Recruitment Policy: Send a email to me at this email address you will get a email from me when we Have accepted your sign up

Group Forum

Our Main Website/Discusion Board can be found at

Main Base location

The Lyoko World Zombie Hunters Main Base is In Club Minchinton [75,43] Peppardville. Once we get more members we will get more bases in other suburbs.

Group Status

Status of Group members: 1 Active Status of Bases: 1 Base

How do I join

How do I sign up?

Simple. Send an email to with a completed Application Form and you will receive a fast reply.

Application Form

Application Form

   * Character name.
   * Character ID (This is your UD profile ID - For Example:
   * Class. (Military, Civilian, Scientist)
   * Level - we accept all levels.
   * Current location - The suburb will do.
   * Reason for wanting to join.
   * Country/Time zone.
   * What time you are most likely to check your player.

And can you answer these two simple anti-zombie spy questions

   * 1. When you see a lightly barricaded Necrotech Building do you want to...
         o Enforce the barricade.
         o Check another building.
         o Smash it to pieces. 
   * 2. When you see a human with less than 10hp on the street, do you want to...
         o Heal him or her than warn them to get safely inside.
         o Move on to slaughter a zombie.
         o PK that poor person.


We are looking for Allies if you wish to be Allies with us send a email to We welcome communication with anyone who wishes to help us.

Skills Policy

Members of The Lyoko World Zombie Hunters will need the Free Running skill to get inside of our bases when we get them.

Necrotech Building Policy

If any members find a Necrotech Building and have a generator or Fuel Can if you can give them the generator or Fuel Can so they can keep helping other people.

PKer Policy

Any one who is or as been a PKer are not allowed to join the Lyoko World Zombie Hunters. If you start PKing you will be banned and put on our do not revive list. If you Know the name of any Player Killers send a there name and a link to there profile to thank you.

Gker(generator killing)policy

No member is allowed to destroy generators any one found destroying a generator will be banned

Anti-Zerging Policy

We do not allow Zerging As defined on the Wiki, to zerg is to create multiple characters (also known as alts) and coordinate them as if they were a single player. In other words, zerging is the use of two or more characters used in tandem to assist each other.

Any one found breaking the rules will be spanked vigorously, and in the case of zerging, be reported and possibly thrown out of the group if the zerging continues.

Member list

1.Lyoko is great


3.The odd

Do Not Revive List

No member of the Lyoko World Zombie Hunters is allowed to revive any one on this list any one caught doing so will be banned. Here is the list
