Mad Crasker/ News Archive
Mad Craskers/ News Archive
July 05 2009 Anybody who wants some zombie-fighting action can head up to Dowdney Mall, they have an infestation up there.-- Auguste RodinTalk/Mad Craskers/Heytown 02:27, 6 July 2009 (BST)
June 27 2009
Wow, it's quiet around the Craske Triangle. -- Auguste RodinTalk/Mad Craskers/Heytown 19:47, 27 June 2009 (BST)
June 21 2009
I go away for a year and nobody updates the status...What gives? -- Auguste RodinTalk/Mad Craskers/Heytown 04:39, 22 June 2009 (BST)
August 29 2008
There's not very much news to post other than good job on protecting the triangle Craskers. Thanks to the mass e-mail system we have instantaneous response to any trouble and have managed to hold off all attacks and to keep the triangle lit and well barricaded. We do need to finalize our vsb entry point decision though. Make sure to go to the forum and vote for what building/buildings you want to use.
August 18, 2008 First off, congrats on the retaking of Usher. With as little as three people we were able to power the building, get rid of the zed, and rebuild the place. We even managed to revive a few Craskers with brain rot as well. With a little help from our allies by the next day most of the Craskers that had fallen in the siege were poked and back inside helping hold down the NT fort. With survivors now able to maintain the barricades and to meatshield retaking buildings should be as simple of a matter as getting people to cooperate and reclaim the rest of the triangle.
I do have something to address though. We need to have more cooperation than what we currently have. If three people can be as effective as to get most of the town up and running in one night then imagine what we could do if we all worked together. A thread was posted on the forum trying to coordinate a group assault and hardly no one offered any help. Even a mass e-mail asking for help (which i admit wasn't that effective due to my dumbass forgetting to tell what IRC we were using) was largely ignored by almost everyone but maybe two Craskers. There was no excuse in not offering to help our neighborhood in it's time of need. I understand that a lot of you were dead at the time but A LOT of you weren't but simply refused to participate in any group efforts we try to do. With an active forum, a built in chat room, and multiple IRC channels there's no excuse in it.
Another point i would like to address is location of our members. For there being so many active Craskers there's not that many in or around Heytown. If we're lucky there might be around 15 in the neighborhood at any given time. Wandering around during slow times is perfectly acceptable but for the last two months things have been rough in Heytown and your help could have really been used. Getting pushed around by a group of ferals and having to beg from help from allies is embarrassing. Now there's no way for me to say this without sounding like an asshole but if you plan on spending most of your time in far away neighborhoods then maybe you should consider going freelance or joining another group.
The forum is another thing i've been meaning to address for some time. What do you expect and want out of this place to make you use it more often? I've tried adding new options for us to play with and many different ways to customize the look to suit your tastes. A wide variety of topics have been added as well and a chat room only open to forum members is here for us to play with. Give me your suggestions to fix up this place or ways to change it around so that you would be as active here as we were back in the jconserv days. If no one is going to use this forum i'll move us over to beerhah or we will go to strictly IRC communications. Also, the forum is now set to erase profiles that have been inactive for over 120 days. (you can recreate your profile and it will be relinked to your old one if it gets erased)
We need more active members. As soon as most of the neighborhood is safe again i plan on starting a massive recruitment drive. I encourage all of you to invite all unaffiliated and new players to drop by the forum and to join The Mad Craskers. If we can get our numbers back to where they should be then we won't be pushed around as easily as we have been lately.
Special assignments. In order to make things run more smoothly special assignments are going to be posted that you can partake in if you choose. They will be simple jobs like raising the barricades in certain buildings to EXB, healing every survivor indoors to max HP, keeping the triangle powered, and doing revives. Another job is going to be keeping a record of the zed in Heytown. A thread is going to be started (which all admin can edit) where we will scan and post (alphabetically) any zed we find in the triangle. This will make clearing buildings a lot easier since we will have their profiles and can gang up on one at a time and save ammo.
We need to update and maintain our wiki too.The members list is out of date and the news hasn't been updated in forever. If anyone would like to redesign it feel free to do so (just save the old template first). If you don't know how to or don't want to do it yourself post your suggestions here and someone will do it.
Our revive point and barricade plan needs some updating too. Due to the update of making you fall outside when entering a ruined building i don't think it's wise to use Club Swabey as an indoor revive point anymore. The whole reason for doing it was to save AP from having to go outside but now when you fall outdoors you waste just as much AP as if you had just stepped outdoors to begin with. Plus it seems it's just become a haven for rotters and gives any invading horde a place to set up shop and hide and sneak up on us. I say we keep it as a vsb entry point for low level survivors and just use Mester as or revive point. Start telling people in game and give them a week before we change anything and then throw a genny in there and build the cades.
I can't think of anything else that needs addressing at the moment but if you can please say so. Good luck, happy zed killing and party hard!! Long live the Mad Craskers!!!
July 31, 2008
All is well in the triangle. We're slowly rebuilding and reviving from the last horde that came through Heytown and should have things back to normal in no time. All Craskers who are still dead need to make sure to stand up so you can be poked. Be one the look out for allies in Heytown who need revived as well (HOP, Beavers, Those Dudes, etc).
March 25, 2008 The triangle has been overrun. All Craskers should concentrate on reviving fallen comrades, we'll worry about the buildings later. Stock up on revive needles and first aid kits. All Craskers (or allies) who need poked make sure to let us know where you are swaying at, it's too dangerous to be going outside randomly looking for people who need poked. Remember that it takes 10 AP to revive someone so plan accordingly before you head outside.
December 22, 2007 In light of the total absence of zombies in SE Heytown and the surrounding areas, the Raving Craskers - a special branch of the Craskers set aside in order to do outrageous things with the living and the dead while under the influence of something nasty, cause loud, obnoxious parties to be held, and shoot zombies who are inside places they oughtn't be all across Malton - have been called to duty. Applications are Voluntary. Volunteering is Mandatory. Join this travelling booze bottle right here. Or you may wake up next to Tsalagi without any clothes on, reeking of cocktail sauce and wearing a novelty jockstrap on your head.}}
September 03, 2007 A motion to turn Club Swabey from an infamous night club into an infamous night club and REVIVE POINT has been approved unanimously. Club Swabey is still one of SE Heytown's best places to grab a pint of stout, ale, or *shudder* lager from the tap, however the house specials list now includes revivification syringes for the zombie population that desires it. Brain rotting zombies are tolerated so long as they don't force everyone else in the club to dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller". For up-to-date status on the Mad Craskers and SE Heytown in general, point your web browser to The Crasker Forum.
August 9th, 2007 It feels good to be home. After a couple weeks of participation in the Battle of SantLUEville, the majority of the Mad Craskers are starting to slowly trickle home with their well-won battle ribbon as the tip of the meatshielding spear in the The Hall Building and The Dewes Building. I just hope none of the new kids drink all the beer before I get home.-- Auguste RodinTalk/Mad Craskers/Heytown 01:33, 9 August 2007 (BST)
July 30th, 2007 LT Gunn is back. Reports of his demise are entirely exaggerated by PK'ers and zeds who are tired of having extra breathing holes opened up in them. $Diety knows we need all the help we can get to clear out The Usher Building.-- Auguste RodinTalk/Mad Craskers/Heytown 11:59, 30 July 2007 (BST)
July 15th, 2007
The Mad Craskers have been steadily growing in size and typically have a member in every building throughout SE Heytown. More are always welcome. Crasker Radio is now up and operational on 26.07 MHz with a goal of transmitting news, commentary, and some "light listening" every evening.-- Auguste RodinTalk/Mad Craskers/Heytown 22:54, 15 July 2007 (BST)
July 10th, 2007
The Craske Museum has been visited by the Night Ravers. The Craskers got a chance to "let their hair down" and show their true freaky, funky selves.-- Auguste RodinTalk/Mad Craskers/Heytown 18:50, 10 July 2007 (BST)
![]() |
Night Ravers |
{{{name}}} is dedicated to Raving in the clubs of Malton |
May 14th, 2007
Usher is back in survivor hands and powered, but the zeds have been beating on the cades all day. The Heytown wiki shows a break in at Goldney PD. . I still can’t Confirm it but we maybe getting hit by the MotA.--P Jack 20:51, 14 May 2007 (BST)
May 12th, 2007
Break-in at Usher, 13 zeds inside and the cades are gone. Mindcircus was inside, I healed him up but I don’t know if he made it out alive, watch for him at Mester.
Beginning of May, 2007
Thanks to the Building International Playboys, the Malhallans, Malton Rabbi and Gomorrah for a fun filled beginning to the month of May. There’s nothing like using 50 AP a day in dueling sermons, Craske Bombs, mud wrestling, a shaved cat, a trained monkey and G!N. (You probably wont understand unless you were there.) Thanks again.
Apr. 19th, 2007
The Triangle is looking all neat and tidy. Plenty of zeds outside Usher, but that's to be expected. Cornelius and Goldney are taking a bit of flak, but it's mostly uncoordinated ferals attacking. The pub to the north is open too, so no fear. I'm more concerned about that Auto-Repair shop myself...Mmmm, old radiator fluid... -- etimS
Apr. 5th, 2007
The triangle is Ripe for the Retaking! I have not checked Usher, but the Museum is re-caded, though weakly defended, and Goldney is retaken, with slightly stronger resistance, though it won't last long if the zeds make a push.EtimS 00:39, 6 April 2007 (BST)
Mar. 28th,2007 Thing are still quiet around the triangle, which is strange. Heytown is only one of nine suburbs to have green status on the wiki. Maybe most of the ferals were drawn to Tynte Mall in Pimbank by the Mall Tour. Expect the zombie presence to increase by weeks end as some ferals find their way back.
Mar. 25th, 2007
All quiet on the Triangle Front. It's too quiet, actually. There are 16 bodies lying outside Cornelius, and ten outside Usher. With the number of red Suburbs these days, I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly stand up in unison, and ransack everything.
Mar. 7th, 2007
Please act in accord with the peace agreement between AoM and us.
Mar. 6th, 2007
Well, gentlemen and ladies, it looks like those terribly touchy Angels of Mercy have declared some sort of war on us. It appears they do not know the concept of "an eye for an eye". Ah well, I suppose there's a time to talk and time to kill, so pick up those sharp objects and those sticks that go boom and get killing. Unless, of course, there is still time to talk. - etimS
Feb. 24th, 2007
Break-ins have become more frequent within the Craske triangle, with several zombies managing to enter The Usher Building, The Craske Museum, and even ransack Cornelius Hospital. Watch Mester Square, as it is likely to experience more traffic in the coming weeks.
Feb. 11th, 2007
A group of feral zeds have been plaguing Cornelius hospital for the past two week with break-ins occurring daily. Over the past few days we have increased the cades to EHB and that has seemed to help Cornelius but the zeds now seem to be attacking the Usher building.
Jan. 21st, 2007
Things appear to have returned to normal after the latest Giddings Mall siege and the ‘Triangle’ has been quiet with most zeds moving on. Time to start heavily recruiting new members and preparing for the next hoard to shamble through.
Dec. 26th, 2006 I've liberated the Museum, it's been cleared, caded up, and decorated for the holiday season. I know I revived a couple of the rest of the Craskers, and they don't seem to have gained consciousness yet. So, I'm alone in the museum. Craskers come back! --Ericco Malatesta 22:00, 26 December 2006 (UTC)
Dec. 24th, 2006
Happy Holidays to you and yours. As a gift to all the Craskers I give you our new forum.
Dec. 21st, 2006
The Museum has been breached yet again with at least 16 zeds inside and out and to compound the situation Usher has also fallen. It appears (as a recent post to the discussion page indicates) that this is an assault by members of the MotA and they are not going away anytime soon. This is a well organized zombie horde and it will be very tough to drive them out. So much for a peaceful time stringing up Christmas lights….
Dec. 16th, 2006
The Museum is back in Crasker hands along with the Usher building. Goldney Place PD has been overrun and still large numbers of zeds roaming the area. Biggest Dave has been found and revived, but Queasor is now dead and MIA.
Update…Usher is breeched again.
Operation Queasor... With Queasor’s brain rot, it’s going to be tough to revive him. We’ll need to formulate a plan to get him into a powered NT building.
Dec. 14th, 2006 Alarm! Returned from Giddings mall to find the museum had been broken into. All Craskers are urged to return immediately to help defend. Currently Biggest Dave is a zombie and MIA, make it a priority to find and revive him.
Update... Usher has been breached, and reports of a large hoard running rampant in the triangle. Have fallen back to Bowles Museum(77,33) 4N, 2W of Craske.
Nov. 4th, 2006 Currently the Craskers are working to reclaim three key buildings, the Usher Building, Goldney Place PD and Cornelius General Hospital from an unwanted zed infestation.