Malton Propaganda Office
What is your group about?
The Malton Propaganda Office is in charge of distribution of Propaganda for survivor morale, and informative purposes.
In simple terms, we are responsible for spreading flyers, ads, posters, and spray-painting slogans either to advertise something, or just to boost morale among the populace. We are hoping to have a moderate sized staff of full/half time employees to create the necessary items for the job.
How are you going to achieve this?
We will divide up Malton suburbs in to 3x3 suburbs, and establish a propaganda headquarters sufficiently staffed to carry out day-to-day activities. The “grid” will be hopefully staffed with enough MPO members to be self-sufficient.
What kind of jobs are offered in MPO?
We offer many jobs, all requiring different skills, either in UD or real life. Some talented members may be admitted in to committees/subgroups to help keep MPO running smoothly.
The lists of jobs are bound to grow as the group grows.
- Malton Propaganda Officer: The Malton Propaganda Officers take many jobs ranging from spray-painting messages in/out of a building, or giving passionate speeches. They should also be ready for armed combat duty.
- MPAS: The Malton propaganda Armed Soldiers, or MPAS, are solely there for combat duty. They are organized in to Armed Response Teams.
Various committees/subgroups
- Board of Arts: Members of the Board of Arts are the people who come up and/or create posters or slogans.
- Board of Management: The propaganda managers are also included in the Board of management. They are to discuss security/social issues in various Grids, and come up with a solution.
- Armed response teams: ART for short, the ART are organized in to 11 members, with 1 in command. (Ideal strength.) The response team is a real “group” in a sense. They carry out armed operations across Malton, like every other survivor group.
Propaganda Gallery
More to come!