Maltonian Inquisition, The/Past Activity

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Maltonian Inquisition's Activity to January, 2007

The following are archived reports for the Maltonian Inquisition's activities to mid-January, 2007. This will no longer be updated.

Friday, January 12th, 2007

Having been ardent environmentalists since the 70s, the Inquisition decided to spread the Global Warming message to all those who would hear it. Climate Change killed 10 individuals, and to show that people are willing to back up the dangers of Climate Change by killing skeptics and naysayers, Cardinal Nachos disposed of one more.

  • Professor Mortis, The New Jesus, vsDamien Marley, The Ambassador, KosmoT, TRI'GUN, Thirtythree, MrPasty, HonestJon, TheHope, Kirk the Doc (311)
Monday, January 8th, 2007

After the rousing success of their Christmas Yuletide performance in Thompson Mall, the Inquisition were tipped off that some people were maxing out their credit cards in post-New Year sales. The Pope promotes frugal and selfless living, and the Cardinals went out of their way to enforce this.

  • teh OV3RL0RD, Stiglitz, Dr Adrian Tripod, US Army Ranger, Psata, Carloz Gabiria, The Happy Shopper (300)
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

The Inquisition turned its attention to two out-of-the-way NecroTech facilities, and started to get into the spirit of the holiday season by giving themselves a couple of empty buildings to sleep in.

  • Dr Marco, Clinon, pyroid, Elle O Bathory, Seth Gray, Yakubi, PFC Mikoyan, Blackhander, R E Sinn, L Rayon. (293)
Friday, December 1st, 2006

Cardinals Nachos, Ruin, Change, Stuge and Ingham made another appearance in Pole Mall. Their primary purpose was checking the qualifications of supposed 'doctors' and 'saints' in the area. A lack of papal license was lethal to some of these frauds.

  • Gorillas in the Mall, Major Thomas Bowie, Nabob, Queenofloathing, Dr Payne, jinjinkas, Saint Timothy, Dr Grant, veryunwarrented (283)
Friday, November 24th, 2006

The Inquisition visited Pole Mall, and were forced to 'spring clean' the abode of many fallen survivors.

  • Kurtt Baine, Alice Wonderbra, the one moose, Eighmee, Crysis, Dr Payne, Ranger DangerX, Fezzer42, Shiloh Jolie, Blacksen, Mitch Foreman, Grito, evlwee + 3 others (274).
Monday, November 13th, 2006

A slightly under-staffed Inquisition strike was a precursor of the cleansing which will be judiciously meted out in the coming days to heretics in the hallowed Blackmore Building. Some false idols were sent to face Judgement by Cardinals Fisu, Nachos, and Jackson.

  • Olivine, Icefox2K, Dark Lord of Mordor, Sauron9371, Wil Wheaton, Hank Williams Jr, Ron Burgundy. (258)
Friday, November 3rd, 2006

The Inquisition returned to a favourite stomping ground of Heathen activity, the Whatmore building. Cardinals Ruin, Nachos, Change, Stuge, Bait, Wcil, Fisu and Ingham combined forces to conduct some serious smiting.

  • ToddB, Bombur, nz god, Seloth Antri, Barbra Streisand, Firebug Benway, Lawn Mower, Morth Babid, Riser, ScroTom, tanenbaum, billythekyd, Capt Nungesser, johnjaccob, PHADE to black, Pendarrin, Dr Edgar. (251)
Tuesday, October 30th, 2006

With a heavy fog descending on the City, the stage was set for a fright night, and the Maltonian Inquisition did just that in Hinks Crescent PD. Cardinals Fisu, Ruin, Bait, Change and Ingham sent a number of heretics to wander blindly through the darkness outside.

  • Alex Hortin, Hengai, MarcusVoelker, Nephthys, The Dudeness, Cyanlurker, Snafubar (234)
Friday, October 27th, 2006

The Inquisition concluded their fortnight of Hospital Touring in Catherine General. Cardinal Nachos, Change, Ingham, Bait, Jackson and Ruin treated the occupants to a special display of emergency heretic management response tactics. Cardinal Nachos was struck down by Fred Dagg in the line of duty, and in true Inquisiton fashion, Cardinal Ruin revived him before the heretic could push his body out of the hospital. Cardinal Jackson then followed the unsavoury individual next door and introduced him to the Pope's shotgun.

  • Nicholas Risto, Jellybuttons, Phantom6, snoo, Gendou, Donata, Vash 08, Joey Hunter, Fred Dagg, Julia Basiat. (227)
Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Cardinal Change unveiled his brand new "Machine that shows you the last thing you'll ever see". Several unfortunate heretics were foolish enough to look into the machine, and the screen was indeed the last thing they ever saw.

  • ron potter20, trb3h6, James Santiago, The Ruler, Tingin. (217)
Friday, October 20th, 2006

Cardinals Jackson, Nachos, Ruin, Bait, Ingham and Fisu forcibly ejected the 11 survivors inside St. Jude's Hospital in East Boundwood, and held a Sunday School service. The fact that it was Friday did not bother them in the slightest. Cardinal Change then stepped next door to prepare drinks and nibbles in a warehouse, in the process sending the three occupants to meet their maker.

  • Hippokrates, ratslaf, Meowmixxx, thegoat, Axecident, Himthehim, Doc Tohma Neegee, Andy647, Aalthan, Beaker74, Captain Joe Jack, poxyluxe2, DarkNessX, ictatic. (212)
Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

The Inquisition kicked off its Hospital tour in fine form, with the new Cardinal Ruin raising many funds for the needy. Perhaps 'raising many funds' and 'needy' aren't quite right; 'axing to death sinners' and 'Pope' would fit better. A mere 3 cowering newbie survivors lived to tell the tale and spread the word from St. Matthew's Hospital in East Boundwood.

  • Erik Navkire, Doc Maboul, Aiden Fillpot, Miller19, fallen paladin, survivor5555, archanfell, chris12345, shoes are my friend, Rampage Starfire, Falco the brave, Jhor. (198)
Monday, October 9th, 2006

The Inquisition turned its attention to one of the most sinful nests in the Pitneybank area, the Morrish Building. Cardinals Nachos, Ingham, Jackson and Fisu cleansed some of the mess.

  • Devimus, Boba Fett, Zerath the Confused, ThunderHog, SM1FFY, Snark86, Harry Molloy, Synfyre, Dark Wingstalker, a happy scientist. (186)
Friday, October 6th, 2006

Cardinal Nachos kicked off the night under the tutelage of Cardinal Fisu, putting five heretics to the torch. Cardinal Ingham carried on the good work, and Cardinal Jackson rounded out the night.

  • Mammoth, Cedric Blake, TurkeyShapedTumor, Thl1, Billy Blue Eyes, FoulOleRon, Pelican, TheUncleBob, partrige, Kirk Douglas, Beastro, shop till u dropdead, Keiyo. (176)
Monday, October 2nd, 2006

Cardinal Ingham was given another opportunity to spread the Lord's light as the Inquisition turned its attention to Giddings Mall, putting paid to several celebrities. Cardinal Jackson moved in as Cardinal Ingham tired, putting the last three heathens to rest.

  • Jean Paul Sartre, Mr Smileyface, Richard Cheese, Just Izzy, Major Baine, Beastro, Jensen Ackles, Vincent Vicious, SM1FFY, eVipere, Justin Long, Ag3nt5, hrgrunt*, Deedra X*, Lynnan*. (163)
Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

Cardinal Stuge felt God's power infuse his every action on this day and slaughtered a great deal of heathens singlehandedly on "The Maltonian Inquisition Charity Tour". The tour consisted of almost completely emptying Ephrem General Hospital, Martha General Hospital and Ray Library in Havercroft. In addition to cleansing these nests of sin Cardinal Bait was on a missionary assignment and disposed of the latter two individuals.

  • booknar, Explosiv3s, Bull Morrison, Artman, Miyoru, EdgeHunter, Shaclakclack, Jinnear, Ghandhi, Bad Mutha Jackson, deathbunny, Marc Renata, stinkyJCS, Fenris MD, *Greenmario16, *PFC Conan. (148)
Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

Cardinal Ingham paid the Inquisition's first visit to Ackland Mall, torturing numerous heretics with comfy chairs, soft cushions and large amounts of terror.

  • The Modfather, vjc, Doccrazy, neo pyramid head, mkpm, Mike Hill, yhloke. (132)
Friday, September 15th, 2006

Cardinal Bait made a long-awaited return to the limelight, sending 9 to meet their maker in Marven.

  • Beelzabubba, Garis, ArchAngyl84, Tervuren, Pvt Crew, Blueballs, Sgt Derpa, Uptown Jimmy, Justice Wyndham. (125)
Tuesday, September 12th, 2006

Cardinal Nachos left a wake of gore through Marven Mall, claiming the lives of 10 hapless sinners in a frenzy of rightous gunshots.

  • High Templar, Feanay, Beelzabubba, irradiated noodle, neoid12, timbo28, Minagawa Hifumi, Rob O Cop, ShadowSide, Carole Lombard. (116)
Friday, September 8th, 2006

Cardinal Jackson prayed to the Pope for the strength to strike down the unfaithful. His fidelity was rewarded, being given the chance to strike down numerous survivors in Marven Mall. Cardinal Wcil, rising from the dead moments later, put paid to several more. Cardinal Nachos, having prayed for guidance while watching Cardinal Jackson's killing spree, purged a stupid heathen several hours after the main deed.

  • John Wing, Johnny Treebadger, Sir Pwnzalot, Knarian, Minagawa Hifumi, zombietacular, LuciferJones, die0928, Mandirigma, George W Bush XIII, ogden polk. (106)
Friday, September 1st, 2006

Cardinal Wcil, having tasted the blood of Whatmore earlier in the week, was infused with His will. A savage heretic interrupted the rain of death he unleashed by murdering the Cardinal, but undaunted, he rose from the floor to finish ph0. Cardinal Fisu, still living, completed the day's cleansing.

  • Lord Avatar, GrayAvatar, Cadusa, Nurgal, Kid Bastard, Klapaucius, vahalian, johnnyratbastard, ph0, Dr Edgar, Dhomo, Bobby Rae. (95)
Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

In a righteous fury, Cardinal Fisu channeled the wrath of God and the Pope to obliterate the denizens of the Whatmore Building. With other Cardinals watching in awe, Fisu accounted for 17 heathens, and his right hand man of the moment, Cardinal wcil, put paid to three who were trying to escape.

  • vanisthehun, Sledneck, Bull Schitt, Duke Avatar, ARandomKid, Doctor Avatar, apocalypse1020, lord avatar, Lukhan, Eric Eisenstein, Nurgal, Sgt Avatar, Beatrice, Klapaucius, Romero4000, Mazer Rackham, Damanoc Blackthorn, Guy Montag III, John McIntyre, Rogue M. (83)
Friday, August 25th, 2006

The Inquisition were tipped off to a den of iniquity and evil science in Yagoton, and moved to question survivors in the Whatmore Building. The vigorous methods of Cardinals Nachos, Ingham and Fisu resulted in righteous bloodshed, the three Inquisitors purging 11 heretics.

  • wwhrex, Vixie, Ahmik, Mossimo500, abaddon, Sistah, Hida, Chris Barker, Tonystarkakaironman, Lawn Mower, damanoc blackthorn. (63)
Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Freshly inducted Cardinal Ingham along with Cardinals Jackson and Nachos put some scientists in The Lambley Building to the ultimate test of faith: Whether the Pope would protect them from bullets. Unfortunately, they were not steadfast enough to survive the challenge.

  • Teddie House, R3vIv3 onlY t3n xp, numpty2005, xumi, bilder, gwddy, OK Run, PatP. (52)
Friday, August 18th, 2006

Cardinals Nachos and wcil took exception to drunken heretics at The Smith Arms in Lamport Hills, purging six of them. They brazenly left a known bounty hunter alive as a sign of respect to his misguided but righteous efforts at killing people, knowing that the Pope would protect them.

  • Private Dragonhelper, Captain Joe Jack, Chiani, Faulke, Werner Ogler and Senor Telby. (44)
Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

The Maltonian Inquisition turned its attention to the despicable tools of the NecroTech group, attacking The Sheppard Building in East Boundwood. Cardinals wcil, Jackson and Nachos claimed seven lives in the name of the Pope, including a so-called 'scientific miracle':

  • scientific miracle, Vdeman, SteveUrkel, f1r3b1rd, worldinsideme, Jay Bents and Mr Kennedy. (38)
Friday, August 11th, 2006

The Maltonian Inquisition, having carried out sporadic 'questionings' around Caiger Mall, moved to Bale Mall, where Cardinal Jackson, Cardinal Nachos and Cardinal Fisu did away with the demonic appliances and nine survivors, including one Cardinal Lee; an impure impostor:

  • Shooter MacGaven, Samwise of the Dead, Vimesy187, crocop, Cardinal Lee, sten keadman, Juantanamo, Gordon Fleeman, almostalive. (31)
Friday, July 21st, 2006

At approximately 0945 GMT on Friday morning, The Maltonian Inquisition picked their way through the human-choked interior of Caiger Mall, and began executing the first stage of their doctrine in the south-westerly corner of the complex. In the ensuing bloodbath, the following 22 'Chosen' were returned to the Undead--amusingly, Ghandi was selected as The Maltonian Inquisition's first ever target:

  • Ghandi, D Doom, i kill j00, HybridVigor, Lord Beef, Spoon777, ProfHawking, Constantinus, Micheal Lee, A Jesuit, Xintlaer, Thorgoth, Nick Can, R1p70r, Metanor, MrRevive, mlphg, SpankyMalone, Zoe London, Better Than Jesus, ZedMonkey, geni. (22)