MMX Malton Murder Award Winner
The contributions of this user or group to the PKing industry earned them an award at the Malton Murder Awards MMX.
MMX Malton Murder Award Nominee
The contributions of this user or group to the PKing industry earned them a nomination at the Malton Murder Awards MMX.
Feb.2012 - CURRENTLY IN HIBERNATION...except for Dr. Summeroff who continues to spread the word of Blob to the masses
We are seafarers, trapped in the quarantine zone. However, the tributes must still be paid to those denizens of the deep...
Our Primary entity that we must appease above all others is, of course, the Chilean Blob of 2003. For he/she/it reigns over the Sea and all those within. That said, there are a great many creatures who lurk beneath the waves we must also give offerings to. At various times, we will set up temples throughout Malton to sacrifice unto the likes of The Kraken, The Sirens, The Newfoundland and St. Augustine Blobs, The Leviathan and of course, Mustakrakish. There are others as well that will be revealed in due time.
MITS, believe it or not, is all that stands between Malton and the End of Days. Some of you may have mistakenly believed that the zombie apocalypse was the real threat here. You would be wrong. For it is the deep blue sea that poses the greatest threat. For reasons only known to the Blob and those insidious deities of the deep, they have their sights set on Malton to begin the end times. Only through tireless sacrifice and devotion to whims and needs of the Sea can the Priests and Missionaries of MITS keep these monsters back. And so we march on in endless piety and servitude to save all of Malton's citizenry. It's a thankless duty but someone has to do it.
March Into the Sea
Group Numbers:
Currently: 1 Lone Priest
Dr. Summeroff
To appease those who lurk in the deep sea. They demand offerings. They demand sacrifices. We must provide these in a timely manner.
Recruitment Policy:
See Recruitment.
'Seafaring Song: Isobel Campbell'
I have travelled the world around
Wondered far from home
Sailed the ocean in foreign skies
Still further to go
Back into my babies arms
From this world of woe
That was such a long long time ago
Captain hollered the Cabin Boy
Stared into the sun
Shadows waltzing so close behind
Ever far I run
Back into my babies arms
Safe from this world of woe
That was such a long long time ago
Sirens capture my trembling heart
What's to be will be
Moon is hidden, the deal is done
Spread your wings for me
Back into my babies arms
Rising soft and low
That was such a long long time ago...
Not really recruiting as we're not really active at the moment. Just a lone Priest on an impossible mission to bring the will of Blob to Malton. Should the Blob have need once more for more priests, the following criteria must be met:
1. Willing to give your Malton Life over to the service of the Holy Chilean Blob of 2003 and the other creatures of sea.
2. Understand that we do not subscribe to the [Honor Among Thieves Policy HAT] and accept that fact. We sacrifice who the Blob tells us to without question or hesitation. That means, Survivor, Pker or Zed could find themselves on the Altar if it be his will.
3. Having read the preceding and you still wish to join us, go here Sign up