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– Marihuanatag –

Marihuanatag 2010

History of Marhuanatag

Marihuanatag is, like, 2 hours

What is Marihuanatag?

A victory celebration of the good power of weed over the evil power of beer stupid-juice. All Pot Zombies with a righteous case of the munchies should come on over, get even more wasted and eat some Beer Brains.

Crazy harmans are encouraged on this day to indulge in their darkest desires, if they have the manbagz to try. The celebrants in turn are encouraged to be receptive to harman advances. The harman that pleases the most zombies with the greatest skill will be named King or Queen of Marihuanatag for a year!


Celebration Location

On July 8th, celebrants and crazy harmans from across Malton are encouraged to travel to St. Arnold's Church of Rolt Heights.

St. Arnold's Church of Rolt Heights

Located in northeast Malton, the Rolt Heights church has been claimed by the Burchell Arms Regulars (aka, the BAR). One this one day management of the Church is taken over by the Angry Vaginas for more appropriate services.

Malton Green is carted in by the armload, potted marijuana plants are lined up along the walls, green filters are placed over the stained glass, pews are replaced with beanbags, bamboo round chairs, and Persian rugs.

Finally, The Holy Bong of Marijuanatag is placed reverently upon the altar.

