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Church of Jeff Martin
File:Http:// 4.jpg
Abbreviation: COJM
Group Numbers: 3.14159265359
Leadership: Jeff Martin, Psyclos
Goals: To aid Malton in it's time of need.
Recruitment Policy: Find Psyclos or Psycopomp, usually in Foulkes Village.
Contact: E-mail

WE ARE followers of Jeff Martin. WE WILL fight to ensure human safety. WE CAN bring peace to a new world.

The Church of Jeff Martin

This religion is dedicated to a god on Earth: Jeff Martin. Jeff Martin was the lead guitar and head vocals for a popular Canadian band titled, "The Tea Party." The Tea Party's music was heavenly to say the least. But in around 2004, Jeff Martin decided that The Tea Party wasn't the right place for him, so he left and the band broke up... Jeff Martin's music career was not over, for he got together with old friends and made his first solo cd, "Exile And The Kingdom" It's music is what he wanted The Tea Party to be.


1. Give into the hypnotizing music of The Tea Party/Jeff Martin.

2. Change your group in your profile to 'Church of Jeff Martin : Martinism - Worshiper'. Only put worshiper if you are directed to by Psyclos or Psycopomp.

3. E-mail to complete registration into our religion.

This Religion O' Mine

This religion is more than just a way to become friends and make powerful allies; you can come and have a cold pint at our Fone Arms[8,81], located in Foulkes Village (Open always.) You can also come by the Frye Alley Police Dept[6,88].. for some ammo, and if one of our higher followers are there you can ask them for a special mission to earn a place of honor upon the altar, or earn medals and honorarys to be placed upon the page. If you are in need of a revive come on over to the Finlay Boulevard[2,82] for a free revive! Regardless of our peaceful program, we are willing to stick a shotgun to the back of a few heads. People who are disregarding other people, zombies who attack our legion on followers are decided to be enemies of our relgious sect. Just remember to come by Foulkes Village to join up, take a special quest that'll send you to different and exotic places, get ammo, get revivified, or just to make some close friends/allies!

History of the Church

The Church of Jeff Martin originated in the suburb of Foulkes Village. A young man named Psyclos idolized this man and decided to worship him as a god. The religion has spread since then, now owning members of different race, ethinicity groups, and cultures. With any success this religion could grow large enough to be called a mainstream religion. With Jeff Martin leading Psyclos' way, Psyclos now is the head priest and closest voice to Jeff Martin.

Church Ranks (The God and Head Priest are already occupied. Only the Head Priest can be attained if the current one reliefs his duties to a trusted Baptist.)

The God

Head Priest

Holy Knight





Alter Boy



To rank up within Martinism is to kill the designated amount of zombies for each class. Another way to rank up is to revive a certain number of people. Yes you do need to provide proof to

Designated kills/revives

The God - Impossible unless Jeff Martin relieves his name to another

Head Priest - Impossible unless you are a Holy Knight and you are trusted enough by the current Head Priest and he/her relieves his powers to you.

Holy Knight - 50 zombie kills/ 10 revives

Baptist - 40 zombie kills/ 7 revives

Bishop - 30 zombie kills/ 6 revives

Knight - 20 zombie kills/ 5 revives

Priest - 10 zombie kills/ 3 revives

Alter Boy - 5 zombie kills/ 2 revives

Worshiper - you can earn this title just by joining us in worship.

Church News

(All time is US Eastern)

March 20, 2007 - Church is recognized as a mainstream religion!


Allies: None yet... Hopefully soon will find us or we will find them.

Enemies: None yet... Hopefully none will find their way to this list.


Martinism led by our noble leader: Jeff Martin followed by:

Psyclos, Sniper Buddy, Adam11

(More will be created when more convert to The Church of Jeff Martin.)