Panzergruppe Arnheim
History: Malton And The PanzergruppeShortly after being founded in Arnhem, Germany, the Panzergruppe was sent to Malton in order to study the zombies. A few years back, there was a power struggle between the 41st Death Com and PGG, and it was much like the more recent battles in Crowbank between JRC and TSI. PGG became the victor over a several long months of battle, and claimed Crowbank. PGG was then called to Yagoton to assist in the oncoming RRF horde. The defense of Yagoton was a complete failure, and PGG returned to Crowbank where it found that it was taken over by JRC. PGG found that JRC was more worthy of protecting Crowbank than the 41st Death Com, and it became so. There were initial hostilities between JRC and PGG, but PGG knew better and let JRC have Crowbank. PGG then became the neutral company that it is today, assisting both sides during the JRC/TSI war. In an effort to revive the suburb, PGG successfully established a reform barricade plan called the Crowbank Restoration Program. PGG continued to provide healing services to the suburbs of Crowbank and its neighbors, even after long and hard years. Years later, Panzergruppe still in Crowbank, and nothing happened. Anja became depressed and left because it was lonely being the only member in the group, but did not want to recruit in fear of looking like the monkeys from New World Order. |