Project SIMPLE
Scenteral Intelligence Map: Plain Language Edition
The Scenteral Intelligence Map, or City Wide Scent Map, compiles images of zombies' (Scent Death thing) ... into a Malton-wide map...
The SIM is a fantastic resource -- for zombies and survivors alike -- but we fear it may seem intimidating to many. The colour codes can appear confusing to the uninitiated, and helping to update the map can seem like a truly daunting task.
We have created Project SIMPLE in order to make the SIM easy to use and accessible to all!
How to Use The SIM
(also insert link to SIM Grid w/ link back to SIM)
Colors and Spectrums
Green <---> Yellow <---> Red (insert image, possibly 2)
Zombies (and no bodies/lots of humans)<---> Zombies = Bodies <---> Lots of bodies/no humans(& no zombies)
Lots of Food = Green & Yellow Green
No Food = Orange & Red
Mnemonics (scrap?)
A few simple mnemonics can help you understand what the colour coding on the SIM means.
- Green or yellow kills a fellow - lots of zombies and odds are lots of killing going on. Could be a very active revive point, but this too points to a lot of killing.
- Red means stop! - not many zombies, but a lot of bodies, are in an area shaded red. This usually means one of two things: an active revive point, or a horde that is currently lying down.