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This historical group is no longer active. However, its wiki page is preserved to reflect the group's significance in Urban Dead history.
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Renegade Army Bounty Hunters
Abbreviation: RABH
Group Numbers:
Leadership: Founders
Goals: Persecuting every PKer. Without mercy.
Recruitment Policy: We contact the people we are interested in.
Contact: Pm Denzel Washington on the boards.


Historical Significance Section

The RABH was a group of bounty hunters founded by a small crew of friends in late October. It soon recruited new members, and annoverated in his ranks many of the most prolific bounty hunters around at the time. It operated for about a month and a half, managing to execute more than 60 Pkers. As a reaction to Katthew taking over the Bounty list, a good portion of members decided to stop bounty hunting or even to become Pkers, since they didn't feel like the new list was going to be fair and equanime like the old one (ran by Blue Emu) was. Denzel Washington decided then to disband the group and start hunting on his own. The RABH was one of the first bounty hunting groups, and without shadow of doubts one of the (if not the) most prolific.