Red Shirt Army

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The Red-Shirt Army

The Red Shirt Army (RSA) is a great and powerful human group with the eventual goal of utter anarchy in the city of Malton. Our membership swells by the day, and there is no limit to our power.

Our Mission

The RSA has a vision, a vision that one day, in the destroyed city of Malton, human and zombie alike will join hands before the chaos, and die. And in the utter apocalyptic chaos draws to a crescendo, thousands will laugh at the utter hilarity, before dying themselves. To put it in simple words, we just think chaos is pretty !$@#ing funny! If membership swells to a considerable force, then mall attacks can be organized, mass suicides planned and executed (no pun intended) and eventually, we can add more fun to Urban Dead.


Becoming a member of the RSA can be easier than Paris Hilton after three cocktails. All you have to do is create a humancharacter with the name Redshirt with a number after it (Example: Redshirt22) Once you have your Redshirt character, you must cause as much carnage as you can, before dying yourself. In fact, dying is completely necessary to be indoctrinated into our cult. Do not worry, you can create (and destroy) as many Redshirt's as you wish (same as Star Trek) The point of the Redshirt is that they are expendable. The only real goal is to cause humorous chaos (example: Redshirt34 entered building-Redshirt34 struck you with a pool cue-and again-and again-and again-Redshirt34 said "I regret nothing!"-Redshirt34 jumped from window) By joining you must follow our rules (see structure) Any sympathizers of different names, and/or do not wish to die, may help in mass murders, and Mall Tours


The RSA is a first-come first-serve anarchistic democracy. Simply put, the lower number Redshirt, the more authority he/she has. Aside from this, any proposed mass strikes, or mall attacks can be suggested by any member, high or low ranking. Though members should cause small chaos, the best carnage lies in mass attacks on malls and other high concentrations of players. When planning for one, it is suggested that a Redshirt beef up it's stats, so as to cause more harm. These can be proposed by any player on a forum, or message board. There is no central leadership is the RSA, as the Redshirts 01-04 were merely tests, and were killed immediately. So, if you wish to cause chaos, join immediately, and help plan mass destruction. By August '07 there will hopefully be enough members for a Mall Tour, which can span most of Malton. Members and sympathizers may join in, so as you create large amounts of players, save one redshirt, and train him for this attack. Also, inform friends about membership. The more Redshirts we have, the better.

Final Words

If you love chaos and carnage, if you hate dull survivalism, or if you just want a good laugh, join our army, and help us level Malton with our mighty masses. Bow to our will, and watch as we exert our power over Urban Dead as a whole! Who says Red-Shirted characters can't be important?