This Hospital is actively maintained by individuals and groups in the local area
First Aid
Hospital staff are able to diagnose and cure injured patients
Entry Point
This building is barricaded to VSB+2. No free running? No problem.

This page is for the many of you members that wish to rate our HQ status how you feel it is best. Please make an accurate description of the status. The status ratings are shown please use them as an idea for rating. This page will be updated more soon.
See the Archive for old Red rev net news.
RRN Farmer Status: Secure
RRN Creedy Status: Secure
Secure |
For when the suburb is rated green and there are no bodies and zombies in or out of our HQ.
Safe |
When there are no significant breakins and no more than a few zombies and/or bodies in or out of the hospital.
Safe... for now |
Only used if zombie activity isn't high but there is imminent threat nearby. (e.g. active assault on an adjacent building).
Minor assults |
Used when we don't give crap about zombie activity, or when there is a small group of ferals outside.
Send more ammo |
For when the HQ is under attack. (15 - 30 standing zeds). Typically used when zombie numbers are escalating and we need more defenders.
Minor siege |
When the HQ is undergoing a small siege, (30 - 50 standing zeds) or when we're out of guards.
Slight trouble |
Used when Rrn leaders deem everyone "slightly in trouble" meaning frequent breakins with small groups in between barricade patch ups. (50 - 70 standing zeds)
Siege |
For when there is a huge number of zombies outside and a few inside. (70 - 100, 10+ in).
Major siege |
When a horrible death is likely, and/or with 100 zeds outside and more than 20 inside.
Ruined |
When the HQ ruined and devoid of life? Then this would be the proper rating.
Mrh? |
Used in the unlikely event that the majority of our staff and members are dead. (Roughly 75%).
Rebuilding |
If we recently retook HQ and are gaining members.
Unknown |
In case we have no idea what the HQ status is. This usually results from a plan that requires us to leave our home for long periods of time.
1. Never Attack a Fellow Red rev net member or member of an ally clan, unless they attack you or another ally. (Even if they are a zombie.)
2. Austeko3rs or zinkers word is FINAL-that means no questions asked, what he says goes. (This is NOT a democracy-if you want one, then go find one yourself.
3. No matter what, remember always that you are representing the Red rev net, and all survivors.
4.No Pking (except for proven Pkers, Zergers, spies, and Gkers.) No Gking, spying, or zerging.
Once we get enough members, we will have survivors stationed in each fort, as well as patrol groups. Below is the make-up of the groups. At this moment, everyone will be placed in Creedy Platoon until we gain enough members to fill up another group.
- creedy Platoon Defends Fort Creedy and is senior force.
- Knight Platoon Defends Fort Perryn
- Dog Squad Patrols Northeast Malton
- Zink Squad Patrols Northwest Malton
- Austin Squad Patrols Southwest Malton
- fox Squad Patrols Southeast Malton
- golf Platoon Reserve force
In each Platoon, there will be:
- 2 medics
- 5 soldiers
- 2 Necrotech Technician
- 2 other random classes
- Total survivors per platoon: 11
In each squad, there will be:
- 1 medic
- 2 soldiers
- 1 Necrotech Technician
- 1 other random class
- Total survivors per squad: 5
Everyone else is reserve.
We will increase squad and platoon size when we get more members
There will be 7 officers, each in charge of a squad or platoon.
The reserve players will switch out with the players on duty every week.
Reserve is called out in extreme situations, and when a fort comes under heavy attack.
Our headquarters is the Fort Creedy armory.
- Austeko3rs is commander of Creedy Platoon
- Zinker is commander of dog Squad.
- There are no other commanders at this time.
Our headquarters buildings, which we try to hold and keep secure are:
- The farmer building
- The marks building
To join, leave a message on the discussion page of the Red rev net. Check back in a few days, or hours, and there will be a message whether or not you have been accepted into the Red rev net. If so, add us to you group on your Urban Dead profile's page.
Allies (Chronological Order)