Rooke Bank

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Rooke Bank
Ruined, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 23:19, 11 January 2025 (UTC)
Rooke Bank

Eastonwood [30, 29]

Bonville Drive
(Darvall Heights)
the Mart Motel the Strang Monument
North Library
(Darvall Heights)
Rooke Bank Garret Row
(East Becktown)
the Laimbeer Building
(Richmond Hills)
(Richmond Hills)

Basic Info:

  • All banks were emptied or looted prior to evacuation. Tagging a bank earns 1 XP.
  • Banks are Dark buildings.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Banks:
    • "The vault lies open, its contents either looted or transferred."
  • Banks can be barricaded normally.

Rooke Bank



Barricade Policy

Current Status

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