Royal Kitty Court

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Royal Kitty Court
Abbreviation: RKC
Group Numbers: 3
Leadership: eli harlekine (Princess Regnant) and kate alivechihiro (Royal Bookkeeper)
Goals: Helping each other, being cute, learning about zombies
Recruitment Policy: Yes.
Contact: Kate's twitter I guess??????


Kate alivechihiro, suddenly remembering that this game existed, decided to get back into it by creating a whole new character and blathering about it on her boring tumblr blog. (Her old characters remain idled out and will probably be left alone to avoid accidental zerging.)

At some point she saw the stats page...

Groups with fewer than ten members aren't shown. Idle characters aren't counted.

"Only ten active members to get on the stats page? Is that a challenge, kevan urbandead dot com?" Kevan did not respond, almost as though Kate had merely shouted at her computer screen and not actually contacted him in any way.

And so it came to pass that she asked all the followers of her boring tumblr blog to join a group in a silly online game, for the prestige of appearing on a page that few people actually ever looked at. She did it. She climbed this whole nerd mountain.

Three years later she quit tumblr and updated her contact info accordingly. And still hadn't reached ten members at any point. Womp womp.

Group Rules

  1. Add other members as contacts.
  2. Heal and revive members when you can.
  3. Don't be a terrible person.
  4. If you wish to join and don't yet have a character, definitely make sure to contact Kate before you create one. I forget why I made this rule.
  5. Seriously, I don't know how to run a group, I'm winging this like I'm some kind of... winged catgirl.

Group Roster

  1. eli harlekine (Princess Regnant)
  2. kate alivechihiro (Royal Bookkeeper)
  3. Kira Heartilly (Royal Physician)


OH HEY THIS GAME STILL EXISTS maybe i'll make a discord server if i find anyone who cares lol --kate alivechihiro (talk) 02:53, 21 July 2017 (UTC)

Well. The group exists now. Yay. kate alivechihiro 07:15, 17 January 2014 (UTC)