St. Elisabeth's Hospital/News Archive

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Old news from Lukinswood's, St. Elisabeth's Hospital.


July 15th 2008

Ruined. Stay Away. ~ Sirs 20:28, July 15, 2008 (EST)

May 12 the 2008

Now that Malton is starting to shape up, we reverting back to Plan Siege in Lukinswood. Hey, be happy that nothing's ruined anymore. This means the Hospital is to barricaded EHB while the warehouse 1 north is a "n00b clinic" kept at VSB and visited regularly by medical staff. The Hospital will be brought back down to VSB once the area is secure (which, as of now, The Dead are still plaguing us.) We'll try and get a genny in for regular use ASAP. Thanks for your cooperation, and welcome back to Lukinswood. ~Sirs May 12, 2008 15:27 (EST)

May 6 th 2008

The building is in ruins and has been ransacked, zombies have been spotted in the facilities, proceed with extreme caution.

April 14th 2008

Like most everything in Malton for the past few weeks, the hospital is ruined. Anyone who can manage to keep themselves alive inside is welcome but don't expect a lot of reinforcements... or even local revives for that matter. Stay alive, and best of luck ~ Sirs 20:07 (EST) April 14, 2008

March 17th 2008

The hospital is back on its feet, but it is still unsafe to bring cades back down to VSB+2 or to light it with a genny. One step at a time, please. ~Sirs March 17, 08 22:11 (GMT)

January 12th 2008

The Hospital is up with a small & receding siege outside. VSB is quite adequate. We have power and communication, stop on by. Sirs Jan 12, 2008 13:52 (EST)


November 19th

The building has been heavily barricaded. I was going to try to get in but couldn't so I died. Jason Clemons 15:59, 19 November 2007 (UTC)

October 30th

Passed by just now: lights were on, and barricade was at VS++. One zed was outside, and three dead bodies.   --cuio (talk) (NW) 16:40, 30 October 2007 (UTC)

October 12th

Totally massacred yesterday, it was quite impressive actually. 4 to 40 some zeds in under a minute. The Sirs need a vacation, meaning the hospital is in whoever's loving hands that reach out and take it. I recommend that you barricade to EHB with a genny, but again it's free lance until we come back. Sirs 23:48 Oct. 12, 2007 (BCT)

September 22nd

It's about time! The hospital is now back to VSB, with gennies, radios and even a smattering of tastless art. Sirs 9:45 Sept. 22, 2007 (BCT)

September 16th

We got generators, we got radios, we got staff. The only thing we lack is sufficient interior decor. So come on in. Maybe well lower the cades soon. Sirs 22:10 Sept 16, 2007 (BCT)

September 9th

Well, after the LUE/Extiction pandemic, Lukinswood is getting back on its feet. There are still a considerable amount of ferals hanging around, and thus we will still keep the hospital at EHB and the warehouse 1 north as a noob clinic. You can stay in either buildings at your own risk. Currently, the Sirs staff isn't even staying inside the area. If you do choose to risk it (or have no choice) our staff will assist you. Please do not install any generator in the NE corner yet, we don't need that publicity. Sirs 22:41 September 9, 2007 (BCT)

August 19th

Hard Times are here again. As the infection spreds in the west of Malton, zeds are descending in overwhleming numbers on the hospital. We will be using our emergency procedures again. That is, the hospital will be maintained at EHB while the warehouse 1 block north will be used as a "noob clinic" which means it will be at VSB and we will have our staff come to those inside and heal them. The downside to this is that those of you without free running will not be able to get FAKs but will be able to be healed. If you are in that situation, I suggest you forget about getting FAKs within the suburb, but if you're gutsy enough to stay (please) then we will attend to your health. You should worry about killing the infection.

I'm sorry, but Lukinswood is now in shadow... 20:11 August 29, 2007 Sirs

August 17th

Hospital is now under siege by a hoard boardering on 20 strong. Almost half of them are very high level players and have been tagged as enemies of the hospital. Generators are being smashed everyother day, but surprisingly few fatalities have occurred during break-ins. For this reason, until I see that we are completely out done in numbers the hospital will remain VSB! There has yet to be any groaning and really only 4 zeds are ever left standing at a time, so the chances are few that over whelming numbers of ferals will come. If you're a high level player and you don't like VSB, then don't stay in the hospital. Come back and fight when you feel "safe" (cowards.) As for the hospital staff, we will continue to service all players of all levels. Sirs 18:44, August 17, 2007

August 1th

Since we're all armed to the teeth inside, barricade restrictions are (and honestly, have been) relaxed to Very Strongly Barricaded +2. End of summer and all is well, Lukinswood. Sirs

July 18th

Upon my return, I was informed and have now seen with my eyes that the north is extreamly insecure due to unorganized, feral activity. Because of this and mounting pressure among the Sirs community, I'm raising the barricade maximum to EHB. Call it martial law or what have you, but if you're without Free Running, go to the warehouse 1 block north of the hospital for medical aid.

Ah, and to all you Nosferatu people. Until I see two buildings maintained at VSB for every church you barricade over that, you will be refuted medical aid by any Sirs. Churches are left low for a reason, you don't need God in this game you need guns. Sirs July 18, 2007 21:26 (UTC)

June 10th

Since it's fairly safe no-a-days and we have noobs coming out the wazoo, I'm lowering the cades back down to the standard VSB+2 Sirs

June 7th

The Hospital was taken by zeds yesterday. I suspect the Knights of the Aocalypse but who knows, it may be bad luck. Strangley, upon waking up from death after the assault, I observed the remnents of this message outside the hospital...

The street, however, had been scortched. Beware of the hospital, the zeds know where to look now. The warehouse 1 north is still being maintained by a much smaller hospital staff. Sirs June 7, 2007 14:39 (UTC)

May 25th

The previous post still applies, just letting you know we're all still alive. Alive and with the luxury of radio! For now, tune into 26.78. Sirs May 25, 2007 23:11 UTC

April 25th

Sirs is still apparently the only one who cares for you poor maimed survivors out there. The unforgiving environment of Lukinswood, however, has extinguished some of my generosity and AP. I now condone barricading the hospital as far as you can. Go ahead, reinforce your heart out. Hostile zeds make the act of barricading risky enough so we can no longer afford VSB.

But you say, "What about those poor unfortunate souls without free running?" *SIGH* even though I remind y'all that you should not be in Lukinswood without free running, I have taken this into consideration as its oh-so-easy to get killed as a noob and say, "To hell with it, I'll be a zombie." So, a noob clinic 1 north of the hospital will be maintained at VSB. Need a heal? Wait and we'll come to you. Assuming we arrive before the zeds do. Sirs April 25, 2007 21:17 UTC

-See you at the St. Lizzie's Sirs... Best regards Piirasen Jaska

February 23th

The hospital is abandoned. You barricade at your own risk. The northeast corner of Lukinswood is extremely dangerous for survivors. Barricading will attract more than 10 zed's attention and you will be attacked inside the hospital. Recovery of Lukinswood's overall defense is in the works and the hospital is high on the list. Until organized relief arrives, nomad survivors should get what they need, shoot what they can and move on to a far away safe house.

Jaska......zombies just don't need medicare. Sirs

January 23th

The hospital has been abandoned due to the lack of fresh meat. Feel free to come back, the dead won't bite you. ---Piirasen Jaska---

The hospital is being left to its own devices. Sirs and friends have taken an indefinite leave of St. Liz's. But as Dickinson writes us, hope is a thing with feathers.

January 22th

The hospital has fallen to the rightful owners of the dead. Sirs and his fellow minions have been banished to the streets of Lukinswood. Also Whityman Street Police Dep. Has been reclaimed by the ever growing ranks of the dead. --Piirasen Jaska--

The rag tag band of rotters will be gone from the hospital soon. If you drop by, do us a favor and fill them with lead. From the ashes we will rise. --Sirs--

January 18th

The hospital is up and running. There are a few able body survivors who will tend to your wounds or infections within a day. Generators, though available, are discouraged. Most "doctors" that are near the hospital, are without the surgery skill. Also, the hospital's neighboring buildings (Whityman Street Police Dept.) are under heavy zombie siege so it would not take long for zeds to notice lights on inside St. Lizs' and attack.

Please, please, please! Keep the hospital at Very Strongly Barricaded. The outside hoards may seem intimidating, but they'll only get bigger if low level players can't cure their infections. --Sirs--

January 9th

All survivors are advised to avoid the hospital unless they have sufficient AP to get in, get health, and get out to a barricaded building. It is heavily infested and TACS sits idle. However, I'm working to bring the Malton Fire Department, a competent defense group, to Lukinswood. As the defense of the hospital and its patiences is top priority, the hospital's generator shipment will be delayed indefinitely.

Anyone looking to kill some rotters, take a swing at the ones inside the hospital. --Sirs--

January 7th

I am going to be in Lukins Auto Repair for some time. I need to kill zombies to gain the looting skills needed for an Ackland Mall field trip. I'll be making a trip over there for a generator and a radio as soon as I can. But while I'm getting experience, I don't want zombies picking up my scent trail to the hospital and attacking it.

I'll be checking in on St. Elisabeth's when I can, but its crucial that you keep it at VSB+2. Someone over barricaded today and there aren't even zombies outside. It not fair to over barricade for those without free running. If you are in need of healing, ask Freeman Four inside the hospital.

Also, I'm still waiting for the reinforcements promised by TACS. I have a feeling that a survivor inside the hospital by the name of Deaths Grip is a zombie spy. --Sirs--

January 6th

The Hospital will receive reinforcements shortly. The Order of Longinus, the TACS team, and IUSS are all working nearby to secure the area. Sadly, generators are in short supply. --Bartleson James

January 05, 2007 - The hospital seems abandon, so I have taken the liberty of reestablishing it as the situation in Lukinswood is increasingly unstable. What tactical moves have been made in Lukinswood since the last post, I couldn't tell you. I am pleading with any doctors in the area to please return to your natural habitat and heal those who need it at St. Elisabeths. Those civilians or soldiers who do not belong to any group and are looking for a fight with the undead will undoubtedly get that experience as soon as a generator goes up. PLEASE DEFEND THE HOSPITAL!

I am not a doctor so whomever shows to effectively lead the hospital will be given the job with much thanks.

So to recap, the hospital is at VSB+2, has no generator or radio, and no high level scientists. AKA, it needs help. Pretty please? --Sirs--


January 1st, 2006 - Jamie Stewart watched the rise and fall of Molebanks St. Elisabeths'! No contact with Batwings, but suspected alive in Molebank vicinity. Any members of R.A.W.K.-Hammer should arrive immediately and clean house.

January 5th, 2006 - Batwings has returned from a revivication syringe collection mission.

January 16th, 2006 - Jamie Stewart proposes the reinstatement of Dinmead Lane Revive Point, taking a Zero Tolerance stance on Brain Rot squatters. With the limited success of Collinns Park's revive point, Batwings accepts the mission and promotes it amongst the hospital staff.

January 24, 2006 - "there is a successful revive point operating in Woodthorpe Plaza, 27,46 - I can testify to that as I have just now been revived. I had been waiting 6 days in Lerwill Heights." Pancho Cole

January 30th, 2006 - "Hospital overrun by zombies, terrible slaughter, just got out alive after killing one Z." AdaIsDead

January 30th, 2006 - "There are currently 54 zombies in our hospital. Way too many for me or the rest of the team to revive. They are taking over the surrounding buildings as well. Most of our people are holed up in the police department NE of the hospital, but popular belief is our barricades won't last long there with the shear multitude of undead in the vecinity." Batwings

February 16th, 2006 - Batwings was revived at Dinmead Lane and has since gone back to St. Elisabeth's in Lukinswood to barricade and restore order. There was one person there when Batwings arrived.