St. Elisabeth's Hospital (Lukinswood)

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Mall-under attack-small.jpg

St. Elisabeth's Hospital
No barricades, zombies in area, dark.
AndyMatthews (talk) 18:09, 21 February 2025 (UTC)
St. Elisabeth's Hospital

Lukinswood [28, 42]

Martindale Park a warehouse Withyman Street Police Department
Collinns Park St. Elisabeth's Hospital Lukins Auto Repair
Shadwick Walk Warburton Crescent Binney Lane

Basic Info:

  • Excellent place to find first aid kits. Zombies frequently check inside.
  • Portable Generators have a use other than powering the lights and increasing search probability in hospitals. Players with the Surgery Skill can heal for 15 HP if the Hospital has a fueled up Generator.
  • Hospitals can be barricaded normally.
  • Among the internal descriptions found in Hospitals:
    • "...its wards and corridors blackened with the soot of a recent fire"
    • "...its empty wards criss-crossed with snapped quarantine tape."
    • " of the city's psychiatric hospitals."
    • "...dark corridors leading through abandoned wards."
    • "...its emergency room in disarray."
    • "...its lobby covered with quarantine posters."
    • "...a children's hospital with bright murals across the walls. "
    • "The main lobby is riddled with bullet holes."
    • "It was one of the last to be evacuated, and seems to have been cleared out in a hurry."
    • "...a derelict hospital that was closed down years ago."
Malton Hospitals
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This hospital has been registered on the Malton Hospitals Group database, and can be guaranteed to have a doctor present.


There are four hospitals named "St. Elisabeth's Hospital". This article is about the one in Lukinswood. For other hospitals of the same name, please see St. Elisabeth's Hospital.

St. Elisabeth's Hospital is a fire-damaged red-brick building surrounded by a large paved plaza. This hospital was built in honor of Saint Elisabeth of Hungary (1207-1231). She is patron saint over widows, dying children, exiles, hospitals, nurses and the homeless. During her life Elisabeth was widowed while still young, relinquished her wealth to the poor, and built hospitals. Ever committed to those in need, she died of disease at 24. The hospital was built in the reflection of her charity.

In modern day Malton however, disease won't just kill you. Desperate and in need of assistance in the midst of the apocalyptic confusion of the zombie takeover, administration officials at the federal level flew in a team of foreign doctors who claimed to have the cure for the "virus" that plagued the city. Arriving by helicopter from the Capitol, Japan's most distinguished scientists unloaded their equipment on the roof of St. Elisabeth's Hospital in the district of Lukinswood.

The original team was delegated by Japanese scientists Batwings and Konekochan, but shortly after their arrival they imported the remainder of their team from Tokyo. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

Barricade Policy

According to the Lukinswood Optimal Defense Diagram, this building should be enterable (i.e., not higher than VS+2).

Please note too that the UBP provides that hospitals are classified as essential buildings and should therefore never be barricaded above VS+2 (10 constructions).

However, its foolish to think that zombies will never break in. If there is a large break in and heavy casualties, close the doors and DO NOT OVERBARRICADE! Hospital staff and visitors should take this order of protocal:

  • Note, due to recent game updates, the steps of killing or cading are debatable

1) Close the doors and barricade (only to Very Strongly Barricaded, your AP will only be wasted barricading futher, as someone else will have to waste their AP lowering the cades)

2) Heal those that have been infected or have HP lower than 40

3) If there are any bodies inside, dump them

4) Kill the remaining zombies inside the hospital, dump the bodies

5) If the numbers inside are overwhelming and outweigh the killing capacities of the remaining survivors (or if you are a low level, FAKless survivor), save AP to leave the hospital for a safehouse

6) Return to defend the hospital, repeat any nessesary steps

Current Status

VSB with generator but no fuel, no one inside, 2 zeds on the street (2/7/17)


News more than one month old can be found in the news archive.

June 5,2013 The hospital and surrounding area including the Auto Repair, and Police Department have been ruined by zombies. As of 2:44 PM, there are 6 zombies residing in the hospital.

Dec 14 th 2011

Breached poor souls to be stuck inside with no AP. --John Smith PhD 01:16, 15 December 2011 (UTC)

May 31 th 2010

Lit and active with radio broadcast capability, caded to VSB (May 31st 2010 15:45 GMT)

May 14th 2009

Lit and active, possibly caded to VSB. Sirs May 14 2009(EST) 12:57

Dwellers of the Hospital



Piirasen Jaska

umf1986 umf1986 said "if u want snacks attack the hospital as barracades are weak" (01-03 05:52 GMT)


Robbie Colwan


Shounen Bat

Tactical Resource Points

The nearest of each type of tactical resource point to St. Elisabeth's Hospital:

Note: Ackland Mall Security transmits on 27.50 MHz.
Note: DEM Academy HQ of the DEM

Safety Standards from the Malton Hospitals Group

  • Try to keep this hospital powered at all times.
  • Keep this hospital at VS+2. Those without Free Running need FAKs too. If the hospital is a key building in a battle, and it's a complete emergency, barricade to EHB. Don't try to say you didn't need FAKs at lvl 1.
  • Keep this hospital zombie-free. They're nothing but trouble.
  • Repair damage when possible. If you're alone against 9 zombies, don't even try, but if you can, just spend the darn 1 AP.
  • Keep at least one doctor at this hospital.
  • Nobody is low priority. Unless in serious conflict, nobody in your hospital is higher priority than another. We're all in this together, the level one you save today, could be the one to headshot the zombie chewing on your arm a few months down the road.
  • If you have some people to spare, set up an ambulance service to support survivors outside the hospital.
  • Keep a radio inside the building, and please transmit on the hospital frequency, 28.26 MHz.

Malton Department of Emergency Management Information

Lukinswood is in District Five of the Northwest Division of the Department of Emergency Management.

DoEM NW Division Five