Suggestion:20080804 Hunting Rifle

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Hunting (Not Sniper) Rifle

--Swizzler 22:45, 4 August 2008 (BST)User:Swizzler/sig 22:32, 15 March 2008 (UTC)


I've noticed rifle has been suggested so much that any new suggestions have been thrown aside without so much as a glance. please read this suggestion page before spamming it.

Suggestion type
Item, Balance, Weapon, Skill,

Suggestion scope
Most Rifles Suggested for urban dead are grossly unbalanced and are able to be fired at point blank range. With the Hunting Rifle it requires a tall building and is only able to fire at zombies on the ground with a VARYING amount of damage, not a guaranteed amount, making it more of a passive defense rather than a powerful one. I agree that Sniper or military grade rifles do not fit with this game but as suggested by multiple sources and zombie experts Rifles are the BEST WAY to take care of zombies so we MUST strive for a way to include them.

Suggestion description
The Rifle has been a long and repetitive suggestion in Urban Dead. and I realize not the most popular one. But those suggestions have all been military based Rifles. While most people do not have military grade rifles nor sell them at malls, Hunting Rifles are a search away with most (real) malls including Hunting or Sporting Goods stores. Hunting Rifles are often older, less powerful counterparts of Military Rifles, and most only have a single shot, bolt action fire ability. Thus making it less of an advantage having to shoot, then reload. With varying damage this also does not overpower the ability to fire off of roofs.

  • Weapon Suggestions- The Hunting Rifle would work much like Binoculars. It would only be usable from the top of a tall building (two stories or higher) And would hit outdoor zombies on the current or adjacent blocks.

It's Hit Rates would start at 5% without Firearms Training, Move to 15% with training and finally to 20% with Rifle Training.

Damage levels would be around 3-6 as determined by accuracy. this would vary since there is distance between you and the target, and the message would read something like "soandso Hits Zombie in the lower body for 3 damage" or "soandso hits zombie in the upper body for 5 damage" and the upper/lower amounts would be randomized, with misses also included.

The locations you would find the Hunting Rifle or Rifle rounds would be: A Sporting Goods Store in a Mall, An Auto Shop (auto theft prevention), or in a police station (many police stations stock hunting rifles) rates would sit at around 5% found for the rifle and 30% for the rifle rounds (under normal conditions).

ECT:The Hunting Rifle is bolt action and only holds one round in the barrel at a time, therefore it would actually take two AP to use (one to fire, one to reload) Also firing the rifle at level ground would be impossible as the accuracy would be so off it would never hit, so if attempted a message would appear "It is Insane to waste a round at this close range" or something of the like.

  • Item Suggestions- Hunting Rifle, Rifle Round
  • New Attack or Ability-

AP Use: Firing 1AP, Reload 1AP
Required items: Rifle, Rifle Round
Damage: 3-6
Accuracy: Base 5%, max 20%
New Ability: Rifle Training

  • Interface changes- Adds Rifle to Items, Takes up 4 Slots in inventory for rifle, rounds would all be piled into one slot (as with shotgun shells or pistol clips)
  • Final Thoughts- The benefit from this weapon is allowing survivors to scare off looming zombies by posting a rifleman on the roof shooting any zombies within range. Because of the distance required for the gun this isn't much of a disadvantage to the zombie except not being able to attack the rifleman, and trying to keep a distance from the building. Riflemen would be ineffective against multiple zombies attacking a building at once and completely useless once the zombies have entered the building thus not being overpowerful

Voting Section

Voting Rules
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
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Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user.

The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote.

Keep Votes

Kill Votes

  1. Kill - There is a reason why rifle suggestions are always shot down. Please look at the frequently suggested page where it says no weapons that would negate barricades. Simply stated, it is unfair to be able to attack someone without them having the ability to hit you back. If you had a zombie character you would understand why rifles will never be included in this game.--Srg Shawn 22:55, 4 August 2008 (BST) Vote after removal of suggestion struck. --Axe Hack Talk 22:58, 4 August 2008 (BST)

Spam/Dupe Votes