Syndicate for Destabilization

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Syndicate for Destabilization

Syndicate for Destabilization
Abbreviation: CoSM
Group Numbers: 2
Leadership: Greysoupism, Master Wicket
Goals: Extend Malton conflict indefinitely
Recruitment Policy: [.cgi Forum]
Contact: In game or through the forum link above

Syndicate Mission

Goal: To prolong the conflict between human and zombie by preventing either side from overpowering the other, to disrupt the efforts of groups who would enforce a human or zombie bias on the city of Malton, and to prevent the rise of order at the cost of meaning.

To do this our forces will have several objectives:

1. To rebuild safehouses in ruined areas. Set up revive points and return as many zombies as possible to the ranks of the living.

2. To cripple safehouses in overly peaceful areas and increase zombie count. Destroy Necrotech facilities and prevent revival where possible.

3. Encourage pro-survivor organizations to help rebuild in ruined areas.

4. Discourage pro-survivor activity in zombie-free areas.

Greysoupism is temporary Syndicate head (by Master Wicket's will.)


Jan. 2 2010---Getting the group on its feet.