Tactical Area Rescue/Database/Hell At Epherm
Operation "Hell At Empherm" was our third mission. it caused some damage all round but in the end was considered a success.
Official Mission Orders
Alright men, we have a situtation here. Epherm General Hospital is under serious attack. Intel last reports 7 zeds still inside. We need this building cleared and baracaded back up to VS+2 ASAP. Gather what equipment you need and meet me at Lewance Library [57, 93].
First Order of Business: The library needs to be baracaded back up to EHB. Someone take care of that, since I cannot as of yet.
Second Order of Business: Kill Zeds, lots of them. If it's standing and not human, get rid of it.
Third Order of Business: Joegle, you will be maning Knights Square as our main revive point for this operation. It is likely going to be out official revive point when we can establish ourselves a little better, but for now, use and abuse it, my friend.
That is all. And remember to bring your spoon.
Mission Aftermath
Hell At Epherm (Operation #3) Mission Start: Earlier Today Mission End: 11:19 PM EST on October 7th, 2006
Massive zombie attack on hospital four blocks east of Hitchens. Operation was considered a success, as Epherm is cleared and baracaded. Castanza's suspected zombie group still considered at large, and is untracked at this point in time. I'll try to get right on that Sir.
-General Meurow 1st Division Leader.