Talk:Comitty Row Fire Station
Passed by on 10/2/2009. I found this firestation to be HB. According to the barricade plan it should be VSB. Please remedy ASAP.
Let us know what you need? The MFD are always here to help!! Satandisc 20:16, 26 April 2006 (BST)
A little girl walks into a Malton pet store; she's got curly blonde hair, shiny shoes, a frilly pink dress, and great big blue eyes. She says to the shop-keeper "Pleath, Mithter, do you have ickle bunny wabbiths?"
The shop-keeper is charmed, and crouches down to speak to the girl: "Well Mith, would you like a white bunny wabbit, or a shaggy brown bunny wabbit, or a shiny black bunny wabbit like thothe oneth over there?"
The little girl puts her hands on her knees and leans in and whispers "They all taste the thame, Mithter, I don't think my Thombie friendth are gonna give a thtuff!-Sassie User:Sassie