Talk:Creedy Guerrilla Raiders/The Best of the DEM & Friends

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- Their leader came on your talk page and grinned.

- An as yet un named DEM member offered to give you guys hugs.

- DEM leaders advocate the use of nuggies on the truly evil pkers.

- The DEM closes the pool due to aids.

- And this one time one of us forgot to tie our shoelaces and tripped and that was funny.

- The DEM makes lists on the wiki to annoy others.

- A DEM member one time took a lolly pop away from a pker back in 2005.

- The DEM wraps your cubicle in serran wrap.

- The real reason there's no cars in Malton is because the DEM shoved bannana's up all the tailpipes in the city.

- The MFD has never put out a fire.

- DEM members poo smells like roses.

- insert witty phrase here --Kristi of the Dead 04:12, 18 August 2007 (BST)


I think the fair freedom fighters will found this to be quite interesting (go to the end of the page), a good example of CGR "fair tactics". Obi + Talk!|TZH|MDK 18:35, 18 February 2008 (UTC)

oh Secruss a forged screen shot? I'm shocked SHOCKED. (not really I've always felt secruss was just as bad for the game as he sounds)--Kristi of the Dead 00:26, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

I giggled when I saw this page, however I feel I should point out the following-

  • An unknown DEMer in August of 2007 decided it would be a good idea to spam the CGR's chatbox and imitate our members. How amazingly heroic and daring of them!
  • Some Malton Marshals have claimed non-existent bounties.
    • New members who received no prior training making mistakes? MON DIEU! C'EST IMPOSSIBLE!
  • Some unknown DEMs have been puffing their chests out and acting tough by insulting the PKA openly on radio ways.
    • You do, of course, realise how easy it is to pretend to be somebody else on the radio, right?
  • The Rogues Gallery's creator, Alex DeWitt, maintains at least two alts within the DEM. This was a major problem with the CDF when we fought them, but the DEM takes it to a whole other level.
    • One MPD, one MFD. Both separate groups. Last time I checked he had them on opposite ends of the city, furthermore, he's retired.
Overall, not bad research. Usually I run into arguments a whole lot more flawed than this.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 03:34, 3 May 2008 (BST)